The four fish, when they are combined in any form (each Pisces represents two fish swimming in opposite directions), can behave in several ways. They can be addicted to alcoholic merriment and not be able to stop themselves; they can be very creative in ****ing the same endeavor, from art to architecture; go on adventures to magical places; swim together, splash around, avoid seaweed, make friends with sharks, talk to dolphins, wave exuberantly to the seagulls flying overhead, and flutter on the tips of the waves to greet each other.
Pisces are naturally gentle and tranquil, which to varying degrees diminishes vitality and affects their actions. They are generally extremely sensitive or "psychotic", and although this quality is often proactive, Pisceans have to rely on their dreams, their instincts, their lack of magical motivation and power, they prefer to shine behind the scenes.
Both Pisces must be aware of some of the negative aspects that Neptune bestows on them: illusions, delusions, daydreams and self-righteousness, which can equally lead others astray. As for the personal destiny and the fate of the **** same, it depends on the Moon phases of these two Pisces people. If the exchange of the Sun and Moon houses at the time of their birth goes well, harmony is the order of the day, otherwise they should be more observant lest they block each other's motivation and ambitions.
Sometimes they can get into small arguments with each other and provoke each other by being rude and impolite. Usually, they do not face such dilemmas. Neptune-ruled people are not only good at understanding each other's privacy, but also instinctively sympathize with each other's hurt and pain. The chances of two Pisces people running into each other are so rare that they cannot immediately show this sympathy without considering the placement of the other planets in their birth charts. All 1-1 partners feel similarly, but no one (minus perhaps a pair of Scorpios) understands each other as quickly and y as Pisces and Pisces do when they are together.
Pisces people are usually very gentle, slow and compassionate. They are not perfect and have their moments of annoyance, but they are generally not namby-pamby and petty. They take trouble very lightly, but when they can't bear a burden that's too heavy to bear, they'll just turn around and walk away, rather than fight it in vain.
Let's illustrate the forgiving nature ingrained in Neptune's nature. Often Pisces people feel secure when they find themselves hiding among other solar house types, and they like it. Their friends have a hard time finding out where they are or how they get along with people, but they know where they are, and even if they are ignored by everyone, they don't lose their peace of mind because they remember: "The first is also the last, and the last is also the first."
Pisces people are always ignored by their friends, family, neighbors, and sometimes even the people they love forget about them. You don't have to be upset with them; in fact, they like to watch what's going on around them when they're not being noticed. They're never too proud to show up and shout "I'm coming". Unless their friend gets drunk and knocks over a goldfish bowl or a chair. Such embarrassment would make them blush and shy, not so much because of their hobbled and awkward gait, but because they drew attention to themselves, exposing them. A considerable number of them have occupations which bring them into public exposure, but they never appreciate this. Few Pisces complain that they have not been noticed. You must remember the symbol of this house - the fish of nature. Can you say trout, salmon or any other kind of fish jumps out of the water just to be noticed?
Humility is beautifully noble, but if all the qualities of the day-house type are enlarged and sometimes thrown out of balance, then the Pisces partner must be careful that this admirable character does not cause them to lose the excitement of active participation in bragging about it. Their creative and other qualities are needed in this chaotic world.
No matter what their astrological position was at birth, any two close Pisceans are never unaware of the amazing depths of the tunnel of super-sensory power between them.
It is important to note that the relationship between two Pisces ruled by Neptune is not always sweet and cozy, and if one of them has a resisting lunar aspect, like a Gemini house, then the differences between them can grow too large to quell. The discord of their luminaries can sometimes make them cranky or cold to each other, or deceitful or irritating to each other. But if one of them has the lunar house in the first house of the water factor or in the house of the earth factor, they will be especially harmonious and beautiful, as if they were psychic with each other.
Pisces people need to put up with annoyances - such as people's unjust attitudes. These people are eager to condemn Pisces for being spiteful and lying. This happens when the idealistic, altruistic thrust of the Pisces is extremely at odds with doing whatever it takes to achieve a long-desired goal. Many Pisceans are y guilty of avoiding the truth. The only explainable reason for this is that they want to avoid openly aggressive conflict that can cause unnecessary harm.
Pisceans stay away from stormy emotional upsets and long-standing personal vendettas. They would rather lie irresponsibly than hurt someone or be hurt. Admittedly, Pisceans are more open and honest with each other than other Day House types, and this is because they realize that lying to each other is useless. The result of this openness is that when the conversation is limited to the two of them, no matter how bad and unpleasant things may be, they will have no hidden agendas or lies, and they can trust each other without causing shouting matches and embarrassing scenes.
Because of their humility and patience, and their lack of selfishness, they will not be too inappropriate to express their awe and love for each other, and all understanding and sympathy will flow freely between them, out of sight and out of mind. Therefore they shall ponder with each other this cold-blooded nature which the other shows, and recognize it rather than themselves.
Two Pisces together can bring out their good qualities to mutual advantage and to the benefit of others. They have the rare poise of accepting opposing views and acquiescing to people and situations that turn one's stomach. They understand that the weaknesses of the other person (including others) are always nagging. Neptune's mild encouragement is enough for people to overcome evil. When a problem arises, they shrug with panache to show they won't make a fuss, make waves in the teapot, or chop down a beanstalk for no reason at all ...... What, there's a giant on that beanstalk? The giant had nothing on the four fish, just two by two, chanting incantations at the giant was enough to make the giant invite them to his fortress to hear him sing the song of the giants.
This is the formula for Piscean magic, fraternal and benevolent, with their witty self-deprecation often flashing in between. This is a rare talent, the greatest asset of these "least" and "last" people.
Pisces (female) - Pisces (male)
Floating gently on the still water, occasionally lapping up some waves, the Pisces girl is at her most comfortable and confident. Any Pisces girl who imitates the stars can charm her Pisces boy into falling in love without a single obstacle. Pisces women are elegant, witty and coquettish, and their well-crafted Neptunian delicacy makes them the ideal embodiment of the Pisces man's heart.
Virtually every Pisces girl has a satisfying character and intelligence, so it's no surprise why the Pisces man who falls in love with a Neptunian woman can manage to escape the aggressive women and enter into the cool love he's always been after, the kind of waterfall of tears he's always dreamed of. He wanted to see the colorful, crystalline look of the teardrops when the sunlight hit them. When he grew up, in a bright, miraculously changing morning sun, he suddenly found the answer to his confusion, and it turned out that love was just like a beam of light that could penetrate his speechless, sad tears and turn them into seven colors of red.
The Pisces girl's memories were the same as his. She also recalled her longing for the moment of beginning, when an ineffable dream swept gently over her heart like a mist, seemingly suggesting that tomorrow would be a floating, carefree Garden of Eden, and that if the dream was true, then her life would be as peaceful as the waters of autumn. Otherwise she would have only a moment's peace, waiting doggedly for the day to reappear. If she was truly disappointed, she would close her heart to it.
She wanted to look beneath his eyes, and there she saw her dream, just as a pool of still water in the forest awaited her, and she found herself in his eyes, just as he, too, saw himself in hers.
It would be nice if we could end the story of this eternally happy couple with a fabulous tale. But it seems impossible. One must travel through the Black Forest and fight all the stinging flying dragons, witches, ugly toads, and prison ships that loom in the lagoon to prevent the Pisces lovers from being captured and torn apart and thrown into the well of solitude.
Two ruled by the same planet must face the positive and negative aspects that are stronger when they are added together. The positive side is gentle, sensitive, imaginative and insightful as well as creative, passionate, intelligent and witty coupled with good manners.
The negative weeds they have to build on are too many unrealistic fantasies, laziness, confusion, disorganization, procrastination, timidity, all sorts of nervousness, harmless lies, and the pathetic look of resignation.
They were trembling as they passed through the dark forest, and they had to face a great number of flying dragons and tadpoles; fear not, they had all kinds of magic to subdue these monsters, and they were not afraid of even the most abominable and loathsome monsters.
If they get caught up in their feelings, their anxiety can only double in appearance (and since there are four fish between them, it can even quadruple). If one of them has another moon phase or astrological position in the earth factor, then he or she will be another strong haven. Without the mutual support of their respective luminaries and astrological positions at birth, they could get bogged down in endless arguments and fears, or possibly only last a relatively short time in love and marriage.
Pisceans are afraid of their own shadows (there are also those known as whales who fear neither man nor beast, at least they claim so themselves). It's important to remember that what a Pisces says isn't always what they want to say. Some Pisceans are even more afraid of their surroundings or people and will never be trailblazers, so all sorts of opportunities are lost.
Pisces' special empathy makes them overly sensitive to emotions and sometimes misdirected. If one of them has more earth-factor planets in the birth chart than the other, the one with more earth-factor planets will criticize the other for not being able to face the truth, and instead look at the world through a tinted glass, which adds a beautiful veil of psychedelia to a serious and dangerous situation. This is in fact the pathogen of all Neptune's fearful, cowardly behavior. Yet any Pisces in love is a master of "fantasy", which they believe to be more real than "seems", and often, quite surprisingly, prove to be right by persistently believing it. When "fantasies" turn out to be true, they are called miracles. So it's not surprising that so many saints are Pisces house people.
He or she can be a fish swimming in the wrong direction, as if life itself were a dream, and pretending to claim it for the sake of the other, or he or she can be a cetacean, mystical and mysterious, rejecting all spiritual and religious truths, shouting, nagging, and overbearing. This whale-type Pisces behaves contrary to his or her natural day-house qualities, which is a neurological symptom. A coy goat, an aggressive bull, the rampaging crab and the arrogant, irrational whale are the kind of unhappy people who act against their nature.
Whether it's the flighty whale or the touched and heartbroken fish, because they've seen through too much of the ugly side of life, and thus hide their broken hearts to find emotional breakthroughs and even promiscuity. At this time the other party has to use unremitting patience and great sympathy to save and treat this kind of unfortunate person who floats in the chaotic water for many hours and goes against the current.
The Pisces girl is submissive to the Pisces man who is not chauvinistic and does not overbearingly capture her easily, and whose instincts tell her that he does not want her to dig deep into his privacy. She is intelligent, even full of wisdom, but she is at the same time extremely vulnerable and needs strong protection from her man. She needs a tender and caring partner to watch over her ultra-sensitive feelings, and that person is the Pisces man.
Their physical union rarely gets out of hand with excessive passion. This is not to imply that their sex lives are lifeless. In fact, the sex life between Pisces men and women is quite intimate, and they are able to escape the chaotic, dreary, vulgar and boring world around them and hide in the world of their love, just like a fish in nature escapes from the noisy harbor to go to a cool turquoise ocean, glittering in the sunlight, and gently splashing waves under the moonlight to soothe the shore. The relationship between the sexes between Pisces is exactly like these fresh and free, always flowing with poetic romance. The love between medieval knights and their lovers is very similar to the love between Pisces people.
If she notices that he is sullen, depressed, silent and cold all day long, she prefers to listen to his lonely songs in silence, so that he feels an idyllic lyricism. He instinctively feel that he is a spirit, he has a soul, that longing for his soul, his secret dream is to cross the mountains, swim in the river, climbing trees, he wants to run in the night rain barefoot in the grass, not by the money, not for the hypocritical social restrictions. Inside the Pisces man is like a spiritual beggar thirsting for a lark without asking where it will take him. But the reality of modern society does not allow him to recognize and express his inner longing.
Unless he finds a way to reach his goal in a positive and aggressive way, he is easily frustrated and falls flat on his face. At times he may be so desperate that he indulges himself in aimless idleness, alcoholism and drug addiction. He needs a woman who understands him and doesn't try to bind his spirit.
As for the Pisces girl, with her changing moods and periodic tears, her long silences mean that she wants them just as much to get out of the confines of their confinement, to swim farther and freer, to perch quietly on the surface of a calm and harmonious lake, and to beckon frequently to that side of the horizon.
All she sought was a light touch on her palm, some gesture, a sure light in the eyes of her lover or husband. He did know that she longed so desperately for freedom. Then they were to leave together, whatever the prospect, and they instinctively told themselves it was time to follow their dreams.
When they were free to love each other, away from the world, they would play like dolphins, carefree and playful, thus making it difficult for unfeeling fishermen to find a chance to fish for them.
But if they fall into the mundane patterns of life, many opportunities will slip right out of sight, and they will disappoint each other by constantly retreating to their old haunts in order to avoid conflict. You know what this is? Laziness! It's the most unfortunate end to a love story.