Terms and Definitions of Tourism Resource Classification

The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. It is divided into 3 levels: main category, subcategory and basic type. The types of tourism resources at each level have corresponding Hanyu Pinyin codes, as shown in Table 1.

Primary Classes Subclasses Basic Types

A Landscapes AA Comprehensive Natural Tourist Landscapes AAA Hilly Tourist Landscapes AAB Valley Tourist Landscapes AAC Gravelly Tourist Landscapes AAD Beachland Tourist Landscapes AAE Strange Natural Phenomena AAF Natural Markers AAG Vertical Natural Zones

Sedimentation and Tectonics ABA Faults ABB Faults ABB Faults AAG Vertical Natural Zones

AB Sedimentary and Tectonic ABA Faulted Landscape ABB Folded Landscape ABC Nodal Landscape ABD Stratigraphic Section ABE Calcium and Spring ABF Mineral Points, Veins, and Ore Accumulations ABG Biofossil Points

AC Geomorphological Processes ACA Bumps ACB Solitary Peaks ACC Peak Thicknesses ACD Rocky Forests ACE Odd and Picturesque Peaks and Stones ACF Walls and Crevasses ACG Canyons ACH Gully ACI Trench ACJ Yadan ACK Rock Cave ACL Rock Cave and Cairn ACM Sand Dune ACN Shoreland

AD Remnants of Natural Alteration ADA Gravity Accumulation ADB Debris Flow Accumulation ADC Earthquake Remnants ADD Subsidence ADE Volcano and Lava ADF Glacial Accumulation ADG Glacial Erosion Remnants

AE Reefs AEA Island Areas AEB Rocky reefs

B Water features BA River sections BAA Sightseeing and recreational river sections BAB Culverted river sections BAC Ancient river sections

BB Natural lakes and ponds BBA Sightseeing and recreational lakes BBB Swamps and wetlands BBC Pools and ponds

BC Waterfalls BCA Suspended waterfalls BCB Waterfalls

BD Springs BDA Cold springs BDB Geothermal and hot springs

BE Estuaries and spas CCA Meadow Flowering Grounds CCB Forest Flowering Grounds

CD Wildlife Habitat CDA Aquatic Habitat CDB Terrestrial Animal Habitat CDC Bird Habitat CDE Butterfly Habitat

D Celestial and Climatological Landscapes DA Light Phenomena DAA Sun, Moon, and Stars Observatory Sites DAB Halo Phenomenon Observatory Sites DAC Mirage Phenomenon Sites

DB Weather and Climatic Phenomena DBA Cloudy and Foggy Areas DBB Climatic Shelters from Heat DBC Climatic Shelters from Cold DBD Climatic Extremes and Special Climatic Displays DBE Climatic Landscapes

E Sites and Remains EA Prehistoric Human Activity Places EAA Sites of Human Activity EAB Cultural Layers EAC Cultural Artifacts Dispersal Sites EAD Primitive Settlements

EB Sites and Remains of Socio-Economic and Cultural Activity EBA Historic EBB Military sites and ancient battlefields EBC Abandoned temples EBD Abandoned production sites EBE Transportation remains EBF Abandoned towns and settlements EBG Remains of the Great Wall EBH Beacons

F Buildings and facilities FA Comprehensive humanities tourism sites FAA Teaching and research experimental sites FAB Recreation and leisure resorts FAC Religion and ceremonial sites FAD Gardens and open spaces FAE Cultural Activities FAF Construction and Production Sites FAG Social and Commercial Activities FAH Animal and Plant Displays FAI Military Sightseeing Sites FAJ Border Crossings FAK Scenic Viewpoints

FB Single Activity Venues FBA Gathering and Reception Halls (Rooms) FBB Worship Halls FBC Exhibition and Demonstration Halls FBD Sports and Fitness Venues FBE Dance and Dance Venues

FC Landscape Architecture and Accessory Types of Buildings and Facilities

FFC Landscape Architecture and Ancillary Buildings FCA Buddhist Pagodas FCB Pagoda-shaped Buildings FCC Pavilions FCD Grottoes FCE Great Wall Sections FCF Cities (Fortresses) FCG Cliff Paintings FCH Monuments (Forests) FCI Plazas FCJ Artificial Caves FCK Architectural Vignettes

FD Residential Habitats and Communities FDA Traditional and Vernacular Buildings FDB Special Streets and Alleys FDC Special Neighborhoods FDD Celebrities' Residences and Historical Memorial Buildings FDE Academies FDE Academies FDF Halls FDG Shops FDH Markets

FE Burial Places FEA Mausoleums FEB Tomb Groups FEC Suspended Coffins

FF Transportation Buildings FFA Bridges FFB Stations FFC Ports, Ferry Terminals and Wharves FFD Aviation Harbors FFE Trestles

FG Hydro-engineering Buildings FGA Reservoirs Tourism and Recreation Sections FGB Wells FGC Canal and Channel Sections FGD Levee Sections FGE Irrigation Districts FGF Water-Raising Facilities

G Tourism Goods GA Local Tourism Goods GAA Food and Drink GAB Agricultural, Forestry and Livestock Products GAC Aquatic Products and Products GAD Herbs and Products GAE Traditional Handicrafts and Artisanal Goods GAF Daily Industrial Goods GAG Other Items

H Humanities Activities HA Personnel Records HAA People HAB Events

HB Art HBA Literary and Artistic Groups HBB Literary and Artistic Works

HC Folk Customs HCA Local Customs and Folk Etiquette HCB Folk Festivals HCC Folk Performances HCD Folk Fitness Activities and Events HCE Religious Activities HCF Temples and Folk Festivals HCG Food and Dietary Practices HGH Special Costumes

HD Modern Festivals HDA Tourism Festivals HDB Cultural Festivals HDC Commercial and Agricultural Festivals HDD Sports Festivals

Number of Counts

8 Main Classes 31 Subclasses 155 Basic Types

[Note] Users are free to add basic types that are not included in this classification. The added basic types can be categorized into the corresponding subcategories and placed at the end, up to a maximum of 2. The numbering system is as follows: when adding the first basic type, 2 Hanyu Pinyin letters + Z for the subcategory, and when adding the second basic type, 2 Hanyu Pinyin letters + Y for the subcategory.