Summary of solutions to common error codes in Watch Pioneer
BC- 10 1
The connection between PS4 and Xbox One timed out.
Restart the router
Set up the network connection manually.
BC- 124
Xbox One can't log in.
Check host-side updates
Restart the router and wait for one minute.
Cancel the association between Blizzard account and Xbox file, and then re-associate.
When connecting to the PS4 server, "Game under maintenance" will be displayed.
Cancel the association between Blizzard account and PS4 profile, and then re-associate.
Hydrogen fluoride -5
The update could not be applied.
Press Win+R
Enter %localappdata%
Open the Blizzard Entertainment folder.
Delete monitoring file
Use the client's repair game option to repair the file.
LC-20 1
Unable to log in.
Check the network connection
Restart the router
Liquid chromatography -202
Unable to log in to the PS4-side game.
Cancel the association between Blizzard account and PS4 profile, and then re-associate.
Restart the router
Missing rendering device.
Computer performance problems caused the game to crash.
If the computer overclocks, please restore the component frequency to the default value.
Check whether the computer is overheated when running the game.
Use the client's repair game option to repair the file.
Press Win+R _ to enter services.msc- find SuperFetch service options-set the service to start automatically, and then restart the computer.
Unable to log in to the game or modify the avatar.
General connection problem.
Open the related service settings of the anti-malware service executable file (Microsoft defender).
Set the startup type to disabled.
PS4 terminal connection problem.
Check the network connection
Check whether TCP ports 80, 443, 3478, 3479 and 3480 and UDP ports 3478 and 3479 are open in the router and firewall settings.
0xE00 10 160
Graphics card driver related issues
Open the settings file under the Overwatch folder and add a line "Window Mode =" 1".
Delete related configuration files.
Upgrade the graphics card driver
6-04 Unknown error
Can't save the eye-catching performance
Open the Settings_v0.ini file and add "C:Users username Desktop" after "VideoPath=" in the [MovieExport. 1] section, or create this entry directly.
Go to Windows Settings, search for malware protection options, and add game files to the exception list, or simply turn off the mechanism.