Does anyone have a guide for Pokémon Emerald Edition? (Full)


My name is Angle, moved, now being driven to my new home inside the truck, so boring ah ...... do not know how long to go, the truck finally stopped, I jumped out of the car, my mother immediately ran out, give me a little introduction to our new home

There are two over-movement apes in the house in the help! Moving, it's really amazing, I don't have my own elf yet, at *** request, I went to my own room on the second floor, after setting the clock, I went downstairs and saw that there was an introduction to my dad on the TV, it's a pity that I was late, it's already played out ......

Next door lived my dad's friend, a Ph.D., and I decided to pay a visit to his house, when I went in, there was a child and an older woman in the room, the woman told me her daughter was on the second floor.

After going upstairs, I didn't see anyone, only an elf ball on the floor, I wanted to see this thing, just to take, came a girl, after a bunch of P words, she sat on a chair and played with the computer, alas, helpless ah!

The intention to go out to see the outside world, a girl guarding the entrance to the village told me that someone is shouting for help, I heard the sound of the front to go, and found that an uncle is being chased by a serpentine bear, he told me that there is an elf ball in his bag, ** close to look at it, there is really, but I don't know how to use it, casually took a red, and put it out, the serpentine bear is very weak, two to solve the problem, the bear was very weak, the bear was very weak, two to solve the problem, the bear was very weak, and the bear was very weak, and the bear was very weak. That uncle came over, without saying anything took me into his institute, it turned out that he is a doctor ...... is not bad, he gave me that pokemon, called the fire child chicken, or female it!

He told me that his daughter was on the 103 road, and he was bored all by himself, so he went to find her! I went all the way north, and after I passed a small town, I saw a nervous girl standing on a high spot. After walking over and chatting, she decided she wanted to compete with me, so what's to be afraid of! Go fire baby chicken!

I used fire, she used water naturally, after KOing her, she left at high speed, I went back to the doctor's institute, and saw her there, the doctor gave me a sign, and she gave me 5 genie balls, 5555555 moving

After leaving, I found my mom standing in the doorway, and gave me a pair of shoes, then I left, and pressed B to run. Through the 101 at the edge of that town to the left, you will see the challenger, then grass encounter enemies, the first is that Lalu Lass, yelling at me, I guess it does not know any other moves, kill! Fat Fat Gah, the tree fruit on the road can be picked.

See a wild lotus leaf child, just try the ball, a hit after throwing the ball, smooth capture, it is recommended that casually you catch only one, because a moment will encounter 2VS2 battle, only one is not work! Continue to go forward, to the town, go to the GYM to see the old man, I did not expect to come to a yellow-haired boy, noisy want me to go with him to catch Pokemon, agreed to be brought to the field, encountered LaLuLaSi, in my guidance, he successfully caught after, back to the old man's GYM, would like to compete with the old man, he did not agree to let me get to the 4 badges after the come back, I left the left, along the road, and walked. I was just about to leave town when I saw a BT guy with sunglasses, he left after a few words, why?

The way to see a no one hut, there is a boat outside, no matter, continue to go, along the road near the forest, you can see a look around the uncle, a few words after the water fleet of people came, without saying with me to fight, easy to KO after the uncle gave me a super ball on the run......

After walking out of the forest, I saw a child who kindly gave me TM09, and walked behind the house to find the hidden treasure! There's also Marilu there to catch oh! I can practice leveling, and my Fire Chicken evolved into a Power Chicken. After entering the house, I realized that it was a flower seller, and the two kind ladies gave me Tree Fruit and Water Sprayer.

After crossing the bridge and walking into the next big city, go into the Elf Center and take a break, and in the room next to it, you can get HM01 to cut down trees. Not far away from the Gym after entering the KO a child, there is a child in front of you want to fight with you, a mercurial uncle, had to intervene, so the 2VS2 began! These two guys have two small fist stones each, go ahead! Powerful chicken, lotus leaf child!

Easily KO'd that chieftain big sis, she gave me my badge and TM39, and I can use HM01 this time too! As soon as I exit the GYM I see the Water Fleet guys, chase them down and check them out! Along the road, turn right out of the city and see the older man who gave you the superball in the forest, saying that something was taken by the water fleet, chase after them!

Walking forward and encountered two people clamping down on me ...... above the chopping tree past, there are still and combined attack you, be careful. In the cave entrance to see an old man, go in and found that the water fleet, and the old man's long-winged gulls, KO him to get the robbed things, the old man also with his elves satisfied with the departure!

Walking back, the uncle pulled me to his BOSS, said the BOSS must see me, it turns out that I am also a little bit of popularity ~! BOSS gave me a main menu, and said that there is a letter for me to hand over to his son, and also gave me the treatment of the elves, it is really a good man ~!

Out of this company a man chased me out and gave me a lecture on how to use the main menu, now I can leave!

Continuing back, out of town I met the daughter of that doctor who had to compete with me ...... Why bother? I do not know where she got a coal turtle, but still easy to KO her, continue to go

Walked to the hut with a boat, it turned out to be the old man's house, talk to him after he took me to the second badge of the town where the elf center next to the man gave me a fishing rod, go north into the cave that mountain man gave me HM05 flash, first do not want to go inside the cave, go! Gym Leader uses 3 Pokemon, one of which is a Super Power, so be careful if you use a Power Chicken! After KOing Gym Leader, he gave me a TM08, and now I can use HM05 Flash!

Go into the cave and use the flash to get to a hidden place, see the guy, give him the letter, he gives me TM47 and leaves. Then find the old man and take the boat, pick the second one to the next city. By the time I got here to fight, my Stinging Tail Worm evolved into a Shield Armor Cocoon, and the Lotus Leaf Kid evolved into a Lotus Hat Kid, thank goodness! Reply [3]:

Enter that house, after taking care of the 3 guys, that boss gives soda, interesting, and my Shield Armor Cocoon evolved into a Poison Powder Moth! Enter the city to find a bunch of Water Fleet people blocking the museum ...... same as outside the outside road is also blocked by them. Go down to a house next to a harbor with boats and talk to a guy, then go out and see the Water Fleet disappear, go into the museum! A man gave me a skill machine and went up to the second floor. After the big battle with the water fleet, that doctor gave me a healing sprite, awesome!

When I came out, I saw the nervous guy with the sunglasses again, so I ignored him, and now I can go out of the city! I saw that original Doctor, the house under the bridge can be challenged, 8 times each depending on the number of badges.

Walking under the bridge, I see the girl again, and she actually has the Lotus Hat Boy like me! Also the Water Leaping Fish has evolved into a Swamp Leaping Fish, and a Lava Worm. After she leaves go ahead and see two psychos running against each other, 2vs2 I think!

At the next town, you can pick up the bike at the bike store, also, at the hut next to the SHOP, I gave her a mail (buy it at the SHOP in the last town) she gave me a box so I can play games in the game room.The house to the right of the SHOP, Brother Eye gave me HM06 Crushed Stone.

The kid from before in front of the Gym shows up and he wants to fight me. Who's afraid of who? After easy KO, he just left before I could move, that nervous uncle with sunglasses came again ...... After a bunch of P words left, I decided to challenge GYM

Still have 2VS fight inside Gym, after KO the leader, I got the badge and TM34, then go left, the feeding house can raise elves, and went to the Next town, at the pageant center you see the nervous uncle with the sunglasses again, after entering the cave and breaking the stone the couple is together, the guy gave me the HM04 push stone, if you keep going you can go back to the town where the first GYM is, but right now I don't want to go back.

I went back to the electric GYM at the elf center and went north, I would see a cave entrance, a new building that I didn't want to go in just yet, to the left was a family of four, the four people in the family took turns challenging me! After defeating them, I decided to go inside and sit down, and that Gull Hassan gave me a competition undershirt, nice guy!

Continuing north, I saw the desert, but the sand was too strong to open my eyes, so I didn't go in, and went left! Along the road up the mountain to see the Firestone Troupe people blocking the entrance to the gondola, go in the cave! After coming out, a small child by the tree gave me TM43, with this skill you can make a hole in the cave or tree to go in and make your own room, it's so nice. The granny in the hut next to me healed the elf.

Continuing on to the volcano area, there was volcanic ash everywhere, someone inside the house gave me a pocket to collect volcanic ash, which can be used to make a lot of things, and here my forceful chicken evolved into a flaming chicken! Also I caught the Armored Bird! Then when you get to the next town, go into the elf center and see a big sister by the computer, go over and talk to her and she leaves, then go to the house on road 114 and look for her, she works with computers. Then you enter the cave, you will see the fire rock group and water fleet people, return the way you came or go back from the exit of the cave below where there is a gondola, take the gondola and go up, you will see the water fleet and the fire rock group people fighting, after solving their boss, I went down the road to go down the mountain.

At the next city, the old lady next to the hot springs gave me an egg, I wonder what will be born? This is where the fire dojo is now, I got my badge along with TM50, went out and saw the psycho girl, she gave me something that said I could go in the desert. Now with 4 badges, I ran back to my dad's dojo at high speed and challenged him! After KOing him I got TM42 and the badge, then that yellow kid's dad took me away and he gave me HM03 Surf, great! Then I went back to Electric GYM's city. Caught the Onyx Jellyfish on the way, practiced a bit to evolve my favorite Stinger Jellyfish, haha! Then I surfed from the right side and went up to the Weather Institute and found that the right side of the road was blocked. I went into the Weather Institute and fought and killed the KO BOSS, and then Brother Eye gave me a Floating Bubble. Walk out of the Institute just across the bridge and met that nervous lady, poor ah, young and sick ......

KO her after she gave me HM02 Flying Sky (how she has so many things?). Just left that nervous uncle with sunglasses came again, a bunch of P words to get lost after that can move forward, then to the next city, the dojo was blocked by something can not enter.

So I continued to the right, when I crossed the bridge, I saw the son of the boss, appeared a hidden dragon, hit it or capture, he gave me a thing, this time I can go to challenge GYM! You can use TM02 to fly by the way.

Moving on to the next city, you can enter the hunting area on the way. This city is full of water fleet people, SHOP the door of that nervous girl again want to PK with me, KO after she flew away, this is why it is always lose to me, but also to play non-stop ......

SHOP the right side of the house inside the old man can help pets to forget the skills, to the right and found that the waterway is blocked! The entrance to the water fleet base is also blocked. Walk back to road 121 and surf under the hunting area to Sunset Hill, on the way that egg is born, it's a fruit baby, Sunset Hill is full of ghost pokemon, it's scary enough.

I went up the mountain, on the way I was attacked by the water fleet, I don't know what their boss took, and the old lady at the top of the mountain gave me something with the Fire Rock Cluster logo painted on it. (This old man and the old lady are good enough to be this high up without being afraid of the thin air...)

Then I rode the armored bird to the place to do the cable car, do the cable car up, and then from the mountain down, suddenly the earth shook, I do not know what, I searched and found a cave, went in, the original is the base of the fire rock group, the cave encounter rate is high, and are LV25 above the rock system, the fire system of the elf, in addition to the self-explosion of the rumble stone, level 30, the chance of appearing is also high. There are also Rumble Stones that can explode themselves, level 30, which have a high chance of appearing, so it is recommended that you bring a Water-type Pokemon. The Fire Rock group is very large, basically use: coyote dog, big wolf dog, dumb fire camel, fire-breathing camel, supersonic bat, etc., you decide to bring what kind of Pokemon it is!

When I got to the inner most part, the boss of the Fire Rock group woke up Gulador, but he escaped, so the boss fought me, and the boss used the final evolutions: Wolfhound, Fire Breathing Camel, Forked Bat, and after KO'ing him, he escaped, and I went through the hole on his right.

Then I flew back to the seaside city with the submarine (the one with the museum and the harbor), and went to the northeast of the Elf Center, where I saw a reporter interviewing the director of the museum. After the reporter left, I suddenly heard the people from the water fleet talking, and went inside to find out that the submarine had been snatched away, so I chased after it!

Reply [4]:

I flew back to that big city by the sea, surfed to the right to the Water Fleet's base, and found 4 balls inside, two of them were Naughty Bombs, and the other two were Master Balls and Golden Beads (made of pure gold, and can be sold for a high price!). When you get to the innermost part, you are stopped by a man, and after the battle the submarine drives away, residual thoughts, get out!

This time I found that the person who blocked the way of the sea is no longer, so surfing forward to the next city, where you can still see the sunglasses uncle, in the Rocket Center you can see the person who gives you a spray to drive away the hidden dragon, there is a GYM here so I sorted out a little bit of the challenge went. Inside are 2vs2 fights, and all use the super power system, the beginning of the choice of fire chicken friends pay attention to, here the Leaders are two people, 2vs2 fights, after KO them to get the badge and TM04 can move forward.

Go to the Rocket Center and find the Fire Rock Crew, go in and fight, when you get to the 2nd floor you'll see the big brother who gave me the Spray to find out about the Cryptosaurus, he'll fight with me, I chose 3 of my Pokemon and he used 3, after the fight they all left, I went to the house in the upper left corner of the city (the boy's house) he gave me HM08 Dive, give it to the Aqua system! Pokemon, and dived for the 127th sea route.

Entered at a cave, fought my way to the innermost part of the cave, and found Gaioca, then the Water Fleet Boss came again, he used Great Wolfhound, Forked Bat, and Sharptooth Shark, and after I KO'd him, he woke up Gaioca, who suddenly disappeared, and then the Fire Rock Troupe came, and then they took me to the sea, and sometimes the sun shone brightly, and sometimes the electricity flashed and thundered outside, and after they After they left, the boy came too, and that's when I decided to go to the next city. Dived in 126 where there was aquatic grass and entered the next city at a hole. Just after surfacing I found Gaioca and Gulador in a big battle.

Everyone was watching them fight and the boy took me to the Temple of Awakening, I went inside and saw a man at the far end, after a bunch of P-talk he left and I then went out. I then surfed left down road 129 to the city on the sea, after a break at the elf center, I swam to the right and went along the top, found a gap to go in and saw the pillars of the sky (make sure you go to the elf center first! Otherwise you won't find the entrance!) You'll see the Pillar of Heaven (make sure you go to the Elf Center first! That's when the man you met at the Temple of Awakening arrived, and the earth shook a bit.

Sunshine, thunderstorms then began to intermingle, to the top of the pillar of heaven, I saw a green creature, Liekong sit, it woke up, will not eat me, right?5555 Luckily it flew away. I also flew back to the city where Gaioca and Gulador fought, and saw that they were still fighting, it was awesome, at this time, the dark clouds in the sky broke out of a gap, a green light shone down, and the Liekong Sitting appeared, and came even later than I did ...... It flew away after it calmed down the fight between the two divine beasts, and the weather returned to normal.

I'm so tired ...... I whispered to the water fleet boss and then he left, the man blocking the door to the GYM gave me HM07 Climbing Waterfalls and then obediently walked away to challenge the dojo!

After I went in, I realized that the Gym Leader's appearance ...... what? ...... was simply the two men outside the door and the body ...... Khan, I used a little measure! After KOing his first 4, I couldn't imagine that his ace in the hole was a Stinging Dragon King (which I seem to be going for! Can I trade my Spiny Tailed Worm for your Spiny Dragon King?) His Spiny Dragon King will sleep and carry the Sleeping Fruit, but it's still a piece of cake, after the KO, the BOSS obediently gave me the badge and TM03.

I have 8 badges, I decided to challenge the four heavenly kings, from the 129th road to the right, I saw the waterfall, so I used the waterfall to climb up to the center of the elves to see the sunglasses uncle...

It is a good thing that you can see the sunglasses uncle...

A few words later he was in the center of the elves. ......... After a few words he left again, uncle, are you sick ah?

No matter what he did, I went in the Champion's Way, (please bring the tool elf, flash, push the stone, crushed stone, climbing waterfalls and so on will be used. Otherwise, you'll have to come out if you can't move forward. Come out, don't blame me for not telling you ......) The malnourished kid who asked me to teach him how to catch pokemon came and decided to have a match with me, and after that was done, I moved on. After the cave, you're in the lair of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Get your pokemon ready and move on! Pokemon used by the Four Heavenly Kings:

Evil: Great Wolfhound, Cunning Tengu, Absolu, Iron Cheetah Lobster, Mungo Naija (Fighting recommended)

Ghost: Night Giant, Cursed Doll, Night Giant, Cursed Doll, Hooked Eyes (either Evil or Ghost recommended)

Ice: Sea Devil Lion, Emperor Tooth Sea Lion, Ice Demon Guard, Sea Devil Lion, Ice Demon Guard (Fighting recommended)

Ice: Sea Devil Lion, Emperor Tooth Sea Lion, Ice Demon Guard, Sea Devil Lion, Ice Demon Guard (Fighting recommended) (Fighting type)

Dragon type: Armored Dragon, Desert Dragonfly, Tanabata Bluebird, Stinging Dragon King, Tyrannosaurus Rex (Dragon type is recommended)

Final Champion: Howling Whale King, Toxic Sting Jellyfish, Lotus River Boy, Catfish King, Menace, Tyrannosaurus Rex.

After defeating him, the psycho girl came, followed by his dad, and after a bunch of crap, I went into the champions room inside and I became the new champion!

3 Pillars of God:

That's 193, 194, and 195 The three robots to catch:

(1). First, go to the waterway between 124 and 126, find a place where you can dive, and then meet your enemy in the water plants ~ you will come across the fish of 179 ~ catch it ~~~~

(2). The same place (don't dive), fishing on the surface of the water ~ you can catch fish #99 ~ catch it and then train it to level 40 to evolve into a whale

(3). Go to waterway #132~ then slide down the wave to the left to waterway #134 (location is more to the south), there is a hole that you can dive down~, dive in and then walk into the depths to find the strange code, surface where the code is, then walk to the top code and use Digging Hole (Skill #28) on the wall one square directly above and to the right, then put the fish #179 in the out of battle position and put the evolved whale #99 Place it at the end, then enter and investigate in the middle of the topmost slab of rock, an event will occur, and you can next go to the rocks surrounded by six rocks in various parts of the world to catch #193, #194, and #195.

193: In the south of the desert, if the above event occurs, you will find a hole in the middle of the rock, after entering, in front of the slab directly above, go to the right for 2 squares, then go down for 2 squares, then use the strange power skill, and then you will be able to enter the capture

194: In the waterway of No. 105 to the left of a few, the same as above, after entering, after investigating the slab directly above, and then stay still for 2 minutes or so, you will be able to enter the capture

194: In the waterway of No. 105, some left. After 2 minutes or so, you will be able to enter the capture

No. 195: In No. 120, a bit to the southwest, after entering, use the Flying Skill in the center of the cave, and then you will be able to enter the capture

The Divine Beast is a red and blue Water Dude, which is randomly encountered on the mainland

The Divine Beast is the Red and Blue Water Dude, which is randomly encountered on the mainland