Lyrics to the song "Cinderella"?

Title Cinderella

Sung by Zheng Jun

Released on 1994-06-01

Album Naked


How did I get hooked on you

I'm asking myself

I'm willing to give up everything

I can't believe it's hard to leave today

You're not beautiful.

But you're so cute

Oh Cinderella

My Cinderella

I'm always breaking your heart

I'm always being cruel

I'm telling you not to take it seriously

Because I can't believe

You're so beautiful

And you're so cute

Oh Cinderella

My Cinderella

Maybe you didn't think my heart would ache

If this is a dream

I'd like to be drunk for a long time and not wake up

I used to be patient

I waited so long

Maybe waiting for you to come

Maybe waiting for you to come

How did I get hooked on you

I I'm asking myself

I'd give up anything

I can't believe it's so hard to leave today

You're not beautiful

But you're cute as a button

Oh, Cinderella

My Cinderella

I've always broken your heart

I've always been cruel

I've told you not to take it seriously

Because I can't believe it Because I can't believe it

You're so beautiful

And you're so cute

Oh Cinderella

My Cinderella

I used to be patient

I waited so long

Maybe waiting for you to come

Maybe waiting for you to come

Maybe waiting for you to come