Real Name: Jen Hui Chun
Horoscope: Aries April 09, 1979
Interests: Singing, Dancing, Playing Piano, Filming, Enjoying the world with family
Host: Bada - The King of Puzzles, Bada - Solo Leakage of 60, Bada - Destiny Battle Outside Host, The Great Land - Taiwan Legend, Hakka TV - popular high Hakka show
Drama: Hakka TV - old and young, Hakka TV - Hakka Wooden Goddess of Mercy, Sanli Taiwan Tornado,
Sanli Golden Ferris Wheel, love the earth's son of the movie: Super Citizen
Specialty: Master of the kill
Wish: To do a successful business to repay the people who have been so kind to me.
Name: Barbie
Real Name: Zhang Yajun
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius November 30, 1979
Interests: Singing, streetwalking
Hosts: Bada - The King of Puzzles
Drama: Mintel Friday Strong Bailiwick, CCTV - The Story of the Shadows, CCTV - Fengshenbang, Sanli Bird &
These are the most popular movies in the world.