Cartoon KAT-TUN, a title program hosted by the popular Japanese group KAT-TUN.
The first chapter is mainly a talk show that interviews guests. The first chapter is a talk show featuring interviews with the guests, and the program also includes fun and lighthearted segments such as dart throwing and live talent competitions with the guests. The second chapter is a series of scenarios and interviews with guests and the public on the theme of "what is love". KAT-TUN led a love-seeking trip for adults. There will also be a series of outings where the six members of KAT-TUN make fun of each other. The third chapter is the ongoing "Learning the Rules of Various Fields," in which the six KAT-TUN members go on a journey to discover the mysterious rules of the world that are unknown to them.
The program is very informative and the hosts are very funny!
Music Station
Japan's oldest music program and one of the most familiar TV music programs to Chinese viewers who love Japanese music. It is also one of the most familiar TV programs to Chinese audiences who love Japanese music. Big Japanese singers and even popular European and American singers often appear on this program.
J's Entertainment Program "Teen Club"
The program "Teen Club" is a variety show featuring Johnny's Jr, which combines singing and dancing performances, interviews and games.
Music/variety program "New Donben Brothers"
New Donben Brothers is a variety program hosted by Tsuyoshi Donben and Koichi Donben of Kinki Kids. Each week, the program invites a group of guests and features talks, fun segments, and live songs. The "Donmoto Q&A" section is very good.