1, thin belly yoga action
1. flat
Lying on the yoga mat, hands to the sides of the chest, toes on the ground, hard to support the body. Spread your strength evenly throughout your hands and tighten the muscles of your chest, back, abdomen and buttocks to make your body a straight line. Bring the top of your head forward and feel your neck extend infinitely from the spine forward. Look straight down naturally with your eyes. Relax your throat and eyes.
2. Single Leg Twist
Sit on the mat with your right hand on your left leg, your right foot straight ahead, your left foot bent and resting on the inside of your right knee, your right hand on your left knee, your left hand behind your hip, and your eyes looking forward.
Twist your body to the left and twist your upper body straight to the left rear, keep your eyes on the rear, make sure that both sides of your sit bones are sitting on the mat evenly, slowly raise your left hand towards the sky, stay for 3 to 5 breaths and then practice on the other side.
3. Plow Pose
Lie flat on your back with your legs together and your hands on the side of your body, palms down. Inhale as you straighten your feet forward, toes on the mat above your head, hands on your waist and knees against your forehead. To recover, bend at the knees and feel your spine unfurl your curled body section by section to the point where your hips are once again pressed back to the floor.
4. Cobra Pose
Lie prone with your hands under your shoulders and your legs together. Inhale, slowly straighten your arms and stretch your upper body upward, look upward, keep your pubic bone on the ground and stretch your feet backward. Hold this position for 6 to 8 normal breaths. Exhale and slowly bend your arms so that your waist, chest, and neck return to the ground in turn, resuming the prone position.
2, healthy weight loss methods
It is said that every fat person is a potential stock, and this has been confirmed once again. Recently, the 90-year-old girl on the front page of a local forum in Hangzhou, because she spent less than a year, adhering to the square dance successfully practiced the waistline, completed from the "fat girl" to the "goddess" of the perfect turn.
The original square dance is not only a sport for the elderly, but also a good way for young people to lose weight. Hangzhou First People's Hospital Nutrition Department Dr. Yang Renhua said that this way of losing weight is actually the proverbial "keep your mouth shut, open your legs".
When a person's intake for the day is less than the consumption, the weight will be reduced accordingly. Dietary breakfast and lunch are normal intake, only dinner accordingly reduce the intake of rice, no harm to human health. At the same time eat more fish, shrimp and vegetables, etc., less red meat, beneficial to human health. "Change the two-hour square dance to other sports, the same can achieve the effect of weight loss. Of course, persistence is most important."
But if you don't have that super-strong willpower to do it rain or shine and stick to the exercise, you'll get lazy if you're not careful. Don't be discouraged, we can still choose some easy to fill the stomach food, to "cheat" our stomach, to achieve the purpose of weight loss.
Australian researchers developed a satiety scale, called the "satiety index", the results found that dietary fiber, protein content is higher, larger, more water and low-fat food "satiety index" is high, it is easier to The results found that foods with higher dietary fiber and protein content, larger volume, more water and low fat "satiety index" is high, it is easier to "cheat" the stomach, so as to control the mouth, weight control is also favorable.
These foods include oats, millet, barley, buckwheat and other rough-tasting grains, soybeans, black beans, adzuki beans, kidney beans and other beans and soy products, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., this type of food is large in size, low-calorie, zero-fat, rich in dietary fiber, consumption can fill the entire stomach, so it is also a weight-loss crowd can be carried around an excellent choice of food.
Either control your mouth or open your legs, stick to it and you too can become a waistline goddess!