A gentleman's words are few and real, while a villain's words are many and empty. The learning of a gentleman is in the ear, in the heart, in the body, and the rule of a gentleman begins with invisibility and finally is out of reach. A gentleman cares about good fortune and worries about all kinds of disasters. A gentleman chooses people and takes them, not people. A gentleman is empty.
Gentleman's words are few and true, while villain's words are many and false. The learning of a gentleman is passed on to the ear, remembered in the heart, and started from yourself. The rule of a gentleman starts from some places that are not easy to see, and finally people can't catch up. A gentleman can't always think about happiness, but he thinks about misfortune a hundred times more than happiness. A gentleman should look at the object when receiving property, and not choose the person when giving property. A gentleman's wealth is empty, and nothing is nothing.
In the history of China's ethical aesthetics, Confucius was the first person to preach the beauty of personality realm. Subsequently, Mencius held high the banner of the beauty of personality realm. Under the influence of Confucius and Mencius, the Chinese nation has formed a humanistic tradition of advocating, yearning, appreciating and pursuing the beauty of personality realm. Confucius said, "The three armed forces can win the handsome, but ordinary men can't win the ambition" (1). This is the unshakable dignity of his personality, which he wholeheartedly admired. In his view, personality cultivation should be based on Taoism, morality, benevolence and art (2). Judging from the way of personality cultivation pointed out by him, combined with the "six arts" that he is good at and admired: ritual, music, shooting, imperial, calligraphy and mathematics, the personality realm that he admires and yearns for most is the perfect personality of sages such as Yao, Shun, Yu and so on. He also strongly affirmed and praised some excellent personalities, such as Guan Zhong's talent, great achievements, Yan Hui's persistence and happiness, Zi Gong's cleverness and sincerity, Lutz's bravery and simplicity, etc., all of which showed some connotations of benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faithfulness, so he also gave high evaluation and praise. His eternal famous phrase "Benevolence is benevolent, there is no harm to benevolence, and death is benevolence" (3), which regards benevolence as the highest standard of personality beauty and pushes personality beauty to the highest level. Confucius advocated "if you want others, you can achieve it" (4), "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you", demanded "the beauty of a gentleman as an adult, not the evil of an adult" (5), and emphasized "being kind to others". He also put forward the principles and norms of life, such as "Germany is not alone, there must be neighbors" (6). These are the principles of Confucius' kindness, kindness to others, gentleness and courtesy, diligence and thrift, and correct handling of interpersonal relationships. If everyone in the whole society can do this and have requirements, it will form a coordinated, harmonious and beautiful interpersonal relationship and gradually form a good social atmosphere.
If people live in the relationship with nature, society and civilization, they must know how to love and learn to love, which is the first meaning of life. 2 1 century, it is much easier to destroy human beings than to build them! So, don't let the human world be full of hatred. Humans should solve the contradictions and conflicts they face and gradually realize an ideal society of peace and harmony.
Qilu culture attaches importance to moral education and self-cultivation, and regards moral education and self-cultivation as the fundamental means to govern the country, make people tend to be kind and maintain social order. Specifically, it includes: introspection, self-esteem, self-improvement, self-reliance, honesty, comity, filial piety, frugality, simplicity and so on.
(1) Self-examination and self-improvement.
Qilu sages attached great importance to their own moral cultivation and paid attention to introspection. Confucius said in the Analects of Confucius: "When you see the sage Si Qi, you don't see the sage looking inward." This means that when you meet a virtuous person, you should learn from him and strive to become a saint; When you meet an immoral person, you should reflect on yourself and see if you have similar shortcomings with him. If there is one, it must be corrected; if not, it must be supplemented. He also said to his disciples, "I haven't seen anyone who can see it and sue himself in it." (7) That is to say, I haven't met anyone who can find his mistake and blame himself from the heart. "Introspection is innocent, what is the husband worried about?" (8) Self-reflection and a clear conscience can achieve the state of fearlessness. Confucius said that "introspection" and "private prosecution" are both principles and methods of self-reflection.
Ceng Zi carried forward the principles and methods of Confucius' self-examination and self-prosecution, and put forward the theory of "three provinces and one body" (9) from the aspects of "seeking for others", "making friends" and "passing on classics", which gradually became an important principle of people's moral cultivation. Daily self-reflection, check whether your words and deeds meet the requirements of virtue, persevere, and constantly improve moral cultivation.
Mencius developed the methods of introspection and private prosecution of Confucius and Ceng Zi in virtue cultivation, and put forward such methods as "intentional", "introspection" and "nourishing qi". "Meaning" means having a heart of benevolence and righteousness without losing it; "introspection" means introspection; "Nurturing the spirit" refers to cultivating the spirit of "supreme integrity" and "supreme value", which is a kind of self-examination and just masculinity and masculinity.
Mencius paid attention to moral cultivation and enlightenment from people's emotions and psychology, and advocated that people should establish the emotional and psychological basis of identifying with ethical norms through "continuous production", and then gradually transform people's natural temperament by advocating human relations. That is, "move with emotion, know with reason", educate people's psychology and emotion through moral rationalization, and "reason" lies in "emotion", so as to enhance people's moral concept and realize a "reason" life world. This way of moral education, which emphasizes "rationality", provides a valuable reference for our social moral construction today. One of the basic characteristics of Mencius' public moral education thought is to attach importance to the decisive role of "emotion and psychology" factors in human behavior. In Mencius' view, the key to achieving the goal of moral education lies in establishing people's "perseverance". Mencius' so-called "perseverance" is simply a state of psychological stability necessary to abide by basic ethical norms. With this "perseverance", the people can do "no evil" and "no punishment"; Otherwise, people's hearts will fluctuate, and the daily behavior may be "putting aside evil luxury and doing everything for yourself" (10). Therefore, people's moral education can be summed up as how to realize the transformation of their "perseverance" from scratch.
People's conscience originates from righteousness and begins with virtue. Mozi said, "All gods are more valuable than righteousness." (1 1) Don't be selfish. A person with more "righteousness" and more "virtue" will do good deeds and have a conscience. Therefore, if a person wants to have a conscience, he must strengthen his moral cultivation.
China's traditional culture attaches great importance to human dignity. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "a scholar can be killed but not humiliated". Self-esteem is a kind of beauty, priceless and the most precious and noble thing for people. To achieve real development, we can't do without self-esteem. Self-esteem is a sign of a person's psychological maturity. When a person grows to a certain age and develops self-awareness, he will be satisfied with his body, ability and performance. He will not bow and scrape to others, but will maintain his dignity and his own emotional experience. He can treat others independently. There are differences in economy, status and social division of labor between people, but there is no difference in personal dignity. But some people equate people's self-esteem with money, and convert and trade people's self-esteem with money. Therefore, in these people, without self-esteem, there is no personality and national dignity.
"The Book of Changes Gan" says: "Heaven is healthy, and gentlemen are constantly striving for self-improvement". Self-reliance, self-reliance, is to be ambitious and strive for progress. Is dissatisfied, dissatisfied, dissatisfied with the existing level of development and achievements. If people have this kind of enterprise, they will be full of vitality and positive; With this kind of enterprise, the society will be full of vitality and make great strides; With this kind of enterprise, the country will be full of vitality and prosperity.
Confucius said, "If you want it, you must ask for it. If you want it, you must ask for it. " Generally successful people always strive for perfection, strive for perfection and set high standards, always set high standards and strict requirements for themselves, and take many effective measures to achieve their goals step by step.
Self-reliance, self-improvement and strong self-confidence. The attitude of enterprising people is: "Since God has given talents, let them find jobs!" So they believe in their own strength and that they can make a difference and achieve their set goals; The way of thinking of confident people is just as Marx said: "I have everything that people have"; I want something that people don't have. That's why there is a fearless spirit.
Self-reliance, self-reliance, with a strong sense of social responsibility, family responsibility and personal responsibility, is a spirit of fighting for the country, society, people and career.
Zeng Guofan was a controversial figure in the Qing Dynasty, but his statement that "I have made progress in my life, I must grit my teeth and be inspirational, and I can't sell myself short" is worth thinking about. Self-reliance, self-reliance, is to be indomitable and have tenacious perseverance. An enterprising person can face up to the difficulties, setbacks, tribulations and failures encountered in the course of struggle, never waver, never be discouraged, fall down, get up, fall down again, get up again, despise it strategically, attach importance to it tactically, and earnestly learn from experience and lessons.
In a word, the spirit of self-reliance, self-improvement and enterprising spirit is a great driving force for the Chinese nation to live endlessly and never decline. Throughout ancient and modern times, no matter which country or nation can persist in survival and sustainable development, it has a strong sense of self-improvement and pioneering spirit. In modern history, China was passive, beaten and even reduced to a semi-colony. One of the reasons is that China has lost the consciousness of self-improvement, self-reliance and enterprising, and has become more and more backward. Today, China is thriving and its international status attracts worldwide attention. One of the reasons is that it awakens the consciousness of national self-reliance and self-reliance, stimulates the pioneering national spirit, restores the vitality and vigor of the nation, makes rapid progress in production and development, and greatly improves the comprehensive national strength. Self-reliance, self-improvement and pioneering spirit are the most precious spiritual wealth for human survival and development.
(2) Be open-minded and tolerant of others.
In China's traditional culture, the spirit of "respecting morality and carrying things" is to be open-minded, tolerant of others and report complaints directly; That is, "the prime minister can manage the ship in his stomach", which is intolerable to others, intolerable to others, and impossible to others.
The more desires a person has, the narrower his mind becomes; The less desire he has, the wider his mind becomes. "People are not magnanimous, but modest and untenable." Anyone who has achieved great things is always broad-minded and generous.
"The heart of a gentleman is small and covers a lifetime; The heart of a villain should not be won by its greatness, but determined to hold it. " Every villain is narrow-minded, extreme and jealous, and his feelings must be very poor; Such people are unsympathetic, blind, self-respecting, aggressive and vindictive. If they are slightly offended, they will fly into a rage and find fault with others, so they will not tolerate others.
"The wall stands a thousand miles, and if you have no desire, you will be just, and a hundred rivers will be big." "The bottom of my heart is selfless and broad." In the interest dispute, we should think more about others and less about ourselves, and change "wanting more" into "wanting less", "wanting less" or "having no desire" and "selfishness" into "selflessness". In this way, the mind will become beautiful and pure, and the mind will naturally be open and tolerant of others.
Confucius said, "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." People should put themselves in their shoes and look at each other's shoes. What will happen if they stand in each other's position? In addition, remind yourself at any time and place, don't get angry and lose your temper, don't fight for small profits, don't make small disputes and stay away from disputes. Hard resistance is not courage. One more enemy, one more wall, and tolerance if you can get along with others.
If you are poor in knowledge, you should study hard and increase your knowledge. "Cai Bo can nourish his spirit." A person with more knowledge and extensive knowledge can be "normal" and adopt a tolerant attitude towards various social phenomena and lifestyles, thus appearing magnanimous and influential in mentality and concept, and never easily criticizing new phenomena that he doesn't like or has never encountered; Only in this way can we find our weaknesses, improve our thinking methods and avoid the "one-hole view" that often makes people make mistakes, and our measurement will become increasingly grand.
If you are narrow-minded, you must restrain shallowness, anger and small grievances. "Flexion is everybody, waste is straight. Notes are profitable, we are new, with less gains and more confusion. " (12) means that mistakes can be redeemed, mistakes can be straightened, low-lying areas can be filled, old ones can be used to create new ones, less can be gained, and greed can be confused. For different opinions, we should remember people's goodness and merits, avoid nitpicking, forget people's mistakes, be not demanding, not demanding perfection, not show people's shrewdness with severity, and not be a gentleman with a villain's heart. If so, we can open our hearts and expand our abilities. If you have hatred and dissatisfaction, you can't forgive.
If you are willful, you must cheer up and learn the word "forbearance" so as not to care about temporary achievements. The ancients said: "endure for a while, calm down, take a step back and broaden the sky;" The blame is clear, and the blame is turned upside down. "Do everything calmly, learn to tolerate and forgive others, especially when frustrated.
A person has the consciousness of self-love, self-esteem, self-reliance and self-improvement. He should show it in action, be strong-willed, diligent, explore and discover, never give in to the evil around him, and make up his mind to destroy it. Perseverance and continuous strengthening of personal cultivation will definitely make you a strong and successful person.
An honest man is sincere to others and has a good popularity. Cheng Yi, a poet in the Song Dynasty, said, "Those who touch people with sincerity should respond with sincerity. Those who control people with technology, people also treat them with technology. " Open your heart to others, open yourself to others, and you will be more satisfied than closing yourself, and this good mood will infect each other. Sincere and upright people are honest, frank, as they seem, dare to tell the truth, not tactful, not hypocritical, treat others kindly, do not lose others, and do not cheat, so such people are easy to gain the friendship, trust and respect of others, and will also have a good relationship.
Be studious, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, lack of intimate friends, be ashamed to ask questions, be complacent, not proud, and be open-minded when you have achievements. As Shu Zheng, a Confucian proverb, said, "Who doesn't respect the rich?" Love with wealth, who doesn't respect! Xiang said, "A gentleman's words are few but real; The words of the villain are many and empty. "It means: the gentleman's words are few and solid, reliable and credible; The words of the villain are boastful, irresponsible, eloquent and empty. " A gentleman's lover is also virtuous, and a villain's lover is tolerant. "(13) A gentleman treats others with virtue, while a villain is immoral and unprincipled, and only talks about the word" profit ".
(3) Respect others and pay attention to comity.
Qilu has been a country of etiquette since ancient times, with special emphasis on "courtesy" and "reciprocity" in social interpersonal communication. It is required to treat others with respect and enthusiasm, know how to care for and respect others, be good at tolerance, "value harmony", "be kind to others", reciprocate with courtesy, repay kindness with kindness and complain with sincerity.
In terms of etiquette, special emphasis is placed on "letting". "Zuo Zhuan Xiang Gong Thirteen Years": "Let, the Lord of Rites." It means to be respectful, modest, polite and polite to others in order to maintain the harmony of interpersonal relationships.
As Confucius said, "He who doesn't know etiquette can't stand" (14). "Politeness and rudeness are tiring, caution and rudeness are embarrassing, courage and rudeness are chaotic, and integrity and rudeness are distorted." (15) means that if you don't know manners, you can't stand on the society; If you look respectful but rude, you will be disturbed. If you are cautious but don't know the etiquette, you will be timid and timid. If you are brave but rude, you will cause trouble. It's bitter to be straightforward but rude. It can be seen that etiquette plays an important role in dealing with contradictions and conflicts in interpersonal communication and cultivating a person's cultivation.
When the civilization of human society develops to a certain extent, etiquette and righteousness will inevitably appear. Politeness and comity are symbols of a country and social civilization. In real life, it has become a social problem that many people don't pay attention to courtesy and politeness.
People who don't pay attention to comity, etiquette and manners, for the sake of personal interests, are flushed and thick-necked, and human nature becomes naked, thus expanding and intensifying interpersonal contradictions and conflicts; No manners, no civilization, no morality. On the bus, the 70-and 80-year-old man stood beside the "special seat for the elderly, the weak and the sick", but the young man pretended not to see it and sat there with peace of mind; Some pretend to sleep, but they look helpless and disdainful.
No manners, no ways and means. As long as you have dissatisfaction, grievances and troubles in your heart, you should find every opportunity to vent them. If you don't pay attention to manners, you just don't want to be an upright, elegant, educated and law-abiding person. In short, people are not upright and do things honestly, but vulgar, vulgar, kitsch, vulgar, naked human desire, material desire and money desire, which is a kind of depravity of human nature.
Ignorance, ignorance, Fiona Fang, there will be no civilization. Too selfish, thinking about your own interests all day, how can you be polite to others? People who lack compassion are indifferent to everything and can't be enthusiastic about others. Narrow-minded, vengeful, want to retaliate after eating a little loss, and it is impossible to "return good for evil." How can an arrogant person treat others with courtesy when he is neither humble nor supercilious? In a word, these people lack civilized moral cultivation and have no manners.
Politeness is easier said than done. Otherwise, pay attention to personal civilization and self-cultivation; In personal interests, don't haggle over every ounce, but emphasize humility; Social morality and perfect system should be used to ensure the implementation of comity; Form a good social atmosphere and public opinion pressure; We should also pay attention to training from an early age and gradually develop from small things. Everyone should start with me and start with the basics.
Third, respect the old and love the young, and stress filial piety.
Respecting the old and loving the young and stressing filial piety are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. According to Guanzi Entering China, Guan Zhong vigorously promoted the old-age care system in Qi State, set up a special old-age care institution, and entrusted officials with the responsibility. Provisions: soldiers over 70 years old are exempted, and the state gives meat for three months every year; For those over 80 years old, the second son is free of charge, and the state supplies wine and meat every day. The country of the dead has a coffin. Encourage the children of the elderly to cook well and ask about the requirements and hobbies of the elderly in order to fulfill their support obligations. It also stipulates that all cities in the capital should ask sick doctors to express their condolences to patients according to the king's will: those over 90 years old should consult every day; If you are over 80 years old, ask once every two days; People over 70 ask questions every three days. People who are seriously ill will report to their superiors, and the king will personally offer condolences.
Guan Zhong's system of respecting the elderly and caring for the young is also reflected in making laws, appointing talents and empowering people. In the "three-selection method" of selecting talents, "honoring parents and staying in the countryside for a long time" is listed as an important criterion for selecting talents; And "unfilial parents, not growing up in the village" (16), as the basis for punishing evil. "Guan Zi You Guan" said: "At the second gathering of governors, it was ordered:' We should help the elderly and the chronically ill and adopt orphans and widows.' "Guanzi Dakuang" said: "The princes are unfilial to their parents, do not love their brothers, and do not respect the old and respect the virtuous. None of them can be punished. "When the vassals joined the Union, respecting the old and loving the young and filial piety were listed as legal provisions that the vassals and their descendants must abide by. Guan Zi's concern, love and help for people in many aspects, such as respecting the old and loving the young, caring for orphans, helping the poor and extricating themselves from difficulties, fully embodies the humanistic spirit and life values.
Yan Ying, a sage of Qi State, inherited the traditional virtue of Guan Zhong, and advocated stopping corvee, controlling tax collection, opposing extravagance and waste, and advocating thrift, so as to "support the elderly and take care of the young, leaving widows with no room" (17). Wang Wei, Xuan Wang and other kings of Qi respected the old and loved the young, respected the virtuous and valued the scholars, and "pitied widows, supported the widowed and helped the poor" (18), which became a common practice and formed a good social atmosphere.
Confucius played an important role in the formation of this traditional virtue. Confucius said, "Today's filial piety means that it can be raised. As for dogs and horses, you can keep them. Disrespect, why not? " (19) Filial piety is first and foremost a natural emotion. Filial piety is not only "support", but more importantly, it is necessary to have a loving heart to comfort and be happy for the elderly. If you lack sincere love for your parents and the elderly and only support them materially, it is equivalent to animals. Confucius sublimated and enriched the connotation of filial piety from the perspective of human nature different from animals. Confucius also said: "In the year of parents, you should know that one is happy and the other is afraid." As children, we must remember the age of our parents. On the one hand, they are happy for their longevity, on the other hand, they are worried about their aging, emphasizing that children should sincerely love and care for their parents. Only in this way can we conform to the principle of consanguineous ethics, have a good character and get social recognition and praise. Someone asked Confucius, "Isn't Zi Xi a politician?" Confucius said: "The book says:' Filial piety is only a matter of filial piety, brotherhood and administration.' Is it also the government, and it is the government? (2 1) Confucius believes that filial piety will have a positive impact on politics. When this ethos permeates political affairs, it is equivalent to participating in the discussion of state affairs. Why do you have to be an official to be a politician? If his students give play to his ideas, they say, "They are also filial, but few people are good at making mistakes;" It is not easy to make mistakes, but people who are good at making trouble are not there. " (22) This combines filial piety with political affairs. This is the forerunner of the Confucian concept of "self-cultivation, keeping the family in order, governing the country and leveling the world". Confucius' filial piety, whether positive or negative, is not restricted by blood ethics or political ideas.
"Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence", "Filial piety is outside, and filial piety is inside". Human love and sympathy begin with parents and brothers. Respect and love are universal and lofty emotions of human beings. If we keep and develop this emotion, we will have a kind character and behavior. Mencius put forward that "when the old man is old, people are old;" The famous viewpoint of "young people, young people, young people" requires people to respect other people's old people as they respect their own old people; A child who loves others as his own is kind. Benevolence is the universal sympathy and concern of human beings, that is, the emotion of human beings.
The Implementation Outline of Citizen's Moral Construction points out that family virtue is the code of conduct that every citizen should follow in family life, covering the relationship between husband and wife, the relationship between young and old, and the relationship between neighbors. Family life is closely related to social life. Correctly treating and handling family problems is not only related to the happiness of each family, but also conducive to social stability and harmony. Vigorously advocate family virtues with respect for the elderly and love for the young, equality between men and women, harmony between husband and wife, diligence and family management, and neighborhood unity as the main contents, and encourage people to be good members in the family.
Family is the first place where people receive moral education. Noble morality must be cultivated from an early age, starting with dolls. It is necessary to carry out moral enlightenment education in a simple way when children are sensible; In the process of children's growth, we should guide them to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness. In family life, through each member's good words and deeds, they influence each other and improve together to form a good family style. By extension, it extends to schools and society, forming a good school spirit and social atmosphere.
Fourth, thrift, honesty and simplicity.
Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has advocated thrift, self-reliance and glorious labor, cherished the fruits of labor and opposed extravagance and waste. "Shangshu Yu Shu" said: "Diligent in the country, frugal at home." Zuo Zhuan said: "People's livelihood is diligent, but diligence is not lacking." In the state of Qi, Guan Zhong and Yan Ying's "forbidding extravagance and respecting frugality" is a much-told story. Mozi advocated frugality, and put forward: "Those who rely on strength are born, and those who don't lose strength are not born" (23). "Where saints are frugal, villains are also. Thrift is prosperous, and prostitution is dead "; "Husband and wife are in harmony with heaven and earth, wind and rain are in harmony with grains, and clothes are in harmony with skin." (24)
According to "Shuoyuan Rebellion", Qi Huangong said to Guan Zhong, "Our country is very small, and there are not many goods available. However, the clothes worn by ministers and the horses and chariots they ride are very luxurious. I want to ban them. Do you think it is feasible? " Guan zhong replied: "I heard that the king tasted it, and all ministers would eat and drink;" Kings like to dress and pay attention to clothes, and ministers will follow suit. Now you are eating sweet-scented osmanthus soup, wearing pure purple clothes and fox white fur, which is why ministers live in luxury. There is a poem that says,' Shu Ren doesn't believe it without bowing and kissing'. Since we want to ban this extravagant wind, why not start from ourselves? " Huan Gong said, "Good! "So I re-made pure cloth clothes and ordinary hats and wore them to the palace. A year later, the state of Qi rose and fell, thriving.
At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, princes and nobles from all walks of life competed for wealth and pursued luxurious life, which was all the rage, especially in Qi State. At that time, Qi Jinggong made great efforts to build a track bed, a long bed and a cypress bed. Seeing the beautiful scenery of Taixu Chi Yuan, he liked to wear gorgeous clothes. For example, Qi Jinggong's shoes are decorated with gold, silver, pearls and jewels. They are too heavy and can only be moved. Wear such shoes to court in winter (25).
Up and down. The dignitaries of the State of Qi are addicted to high-platform gardens, listening to songs and watching dances, eating, drinking and having fun. Yan Ying was deeply worried about this, so he clearly put forward: "Honest people are the foundation of politics" (26), and started from his own food, clothing, housing and transportation, eating coarse grains, living in humble houses, driving horses and chariots, repeatedly bidding farewell to the clothes, horses and chariots, fiefs and new houses given by the king, "frugality is more important than qi" (27) Yan Ying wore "rags and elk hair"; They eat "no millet food, three benefits of roasting, five hairs and moss", and their family also "does not eat meat, and my concubine does not wear brocade"; Living near a bustling city with poor conditions, high humidity and high noise; When traveling, "stack cars and drive horses."
The residence recorded in Zuo Gong's Three Years and Chunqiu Zazhang is "near the city, crowded and uninhabitable". Qi Jinggong wanted to build another mansion for him on high, and Yan Zi took "the first minister of the monarch" as an example. I am not enough to inherit, I am extravagant. "Later, Qi Jinggong took advantage of this promotion opportunity to build a luxurious residence for him at the original site and drove away the people around him. After Yan Zi returned to China, she refused to move in. Finally, we had to restore the former residence to its original appearance, invite the people back, and still live next door to them. Yan Zi "took our car and drove a horse" to North Korea. Qi Jinggong wanted to give him "rides and horses", but he refused. Qi Jinggong wanted to give it a fief and a "daughter and city rent" many times, but it was rejected by Yan Zi many times, and it was never accepted. Yan Zi said that the king put me in charge of court officials, and I controlled my clothes and diet because I thought about the country and the people. Even so, I am worried about the extravagance and waste of ministers and their behavior.
Starting from daily life, Yan Ying embarks on shame, greed and extravagance, forbids extravagance and frugality, is honest and self-controlled, and sets an example for the Chinese people by taking his own actions as an example, thus correcting the extravagant wind that has swept the country for a long time. Therefore, whenever Qi Jinggong gives something, Yan Ying always refuses again and again, and restrains himself by being a gentleman. He believes that "the festival is subject to the world, and the pet is longer than the gentleman; Austerity is widely known "(28). Yan Ying knew that although wealth is what people want, excessive pursuit will lead to the opposite, and self-discipline should be controlled by virtue, diligence and thrift. As the saying goes, governing by virtue, the country is prosperous and the people are safe; Greedy politics, die without a fight. In The Spring and Autumn Annals of Yan Zi, Qi Jinggong once asked Yan Zi: "What is honesty for a long time?" Yan Zi replied, "It can swim in the water. The beauty of water is clear, its turbidity is all the way, and its clarity is overflowing. This is a long time. " According to Yan Ying, clear water is beautiful. When it is turbid, there is pollution everywhere; When it is clean, there is washing everywhere, so it keeps flowing. If people can be as clean, diligent, incorruptible and upright as clear water, then their reputation will last forever.
English translation/ translator/ interpreter
A gentleman's words are few and real, while a villain's words are many and empty.
An honest man seldom speaks, but when he speaks, he is serious. A slave is always running around, but he never keeps his word.
The learning of a gentleman is also in the ear, hidden in the heart, and set an example.
When an honorable person studies, he listens with his ears, remembers with his heart, and does it in his daily life.
The rule of a gentleman begins with ignorance and is finally beyond the reach.
A gentleman manages his own affairs, starting from trivial matters and ending up with a goal that no one can match.
A gentleman cares about good fortune and worries about all kinds of disasters.
A man with honor seldom thinks he has many advantages, but he thinks he has many shortcomings.
A gentleman chooses people, not others.
An honest man rarely asks for anything. When he asks for something, he will consider whether the other person can give it to him without affecting himself. However, when he distributes things, he is always generous, no matter who he gives them to.
A gentleman is empty.
A man with honor is always modest. He never thinks that his sincerity is enough, and his talent means nothing to him.