Games don't discriminate age, as long as you like how many years old you can play.
League of Legends (LOL) is an online MOBA game developed by Riot Games and operated by Tencent Games in mainland China. The game has hundreds of personalized heroes, and has a ranking system, rune system and other characteristics of the development system.
League of Legends is committed to promoting the development of e-sports around the world. In addition to linking various regions to develop professional leagues and build an e-sports system, it also organizes the League of Legends Mid-Season Championships, League of Legends Global Finals and League of Legends All-Star Match every year. "The League of Legends All-Star Game is one of the three world-class tournaments held every year, forming its own unique e-sports culture.
Surrounded by treacherous seas, the allied provinces of Aeonia are organized into a vast archipelago known as the "Land of the Firstborn". The quest for balance has long been a part of the culture here, and as a result the boundaries between the physical and spiritual realms are thinly veiled, especially in the forests and mountains of the wilderness.
While the magic of the land may be fickle, and the creatures that inhabit it may be dangerous and magical, the inhabitants of Aeolian have lived in abundance for centuries. Monasteries of martial arts, militia regiments in the provinces, and even the land of Ionia itself have been more than enough to protect its inhabitants.