8000 miles of clouds and the moon, battle of swords and lakes with wine line, has been the dream of the scholars. But nowadays the scholar is much more realistic, "development is the hard way", making money to support the family is the most important, the scholar is also busy "to the sea". So if anyone is still clinging to the dream of the Ranger, it will inevitably make life difficult, and I'm afraid that the loss of the pedantry.
But there are exceptions, Gu Long ancient warrior with life for us to interpret a qin heart sword gall of the jianghu dream.
It has been thought that the death of the ancient warrior, such as can not be heavier than Mount Taishan, at least not as light as a feather. The ancient warrior either hate in the sword rain fragrance of the rivers and lakes, or grapes and wine night light cups, drunken lying in the sand wrapped in a body, is always a sensational ending, not in vain "warrior" name. But the ancient warrior died in the wine and color, should be the words - peony flowers under the death, do ghosts also flow.
Ni Kuang said that the long-term illness has made Gu Long already look down on life. The ancient warrior was so bold and uninhibited that death might not be a big deal to him. However, "death and life are also great", the ancient warrior can really penetrate the life and death? It is said that the ancient warrior often drink to pass the day; it is said that the ancient warrior can not be a day without a woman ...... song of the peach blossom fan bottom wind, dance low willow building heart of the month, behind the bustle, and who knows the ancient warrior heart of sorrow and loneliness?
The ancient warrior's lifelong friend Ding love said, although the ancient warrior can not be a day without a woman, but he often will be for the sake of friends, and give up his beloved woman.
The ancient warrior can be said to be righteous to his friends, bold and dry clouds. But what about his friends? After the ancient warrior middle-aged, declining health, has been hospitalized several times critically ill, after the hospital is still indulging in alcohol, at this time the ancient warrior's friends why not persuade him? Do not have to take "ancient warrior is a man of nature ......" this kind of words to excuse, ancient warrior died young, his friends around the blame.
The ancient warrior a few storms and ups and downs, finally and Jin Yong, Liang Yusheng three worlds have one. Fame and success of the ancient warrior, poetry and wine, in and out of the sideburns between the clothes, to cope with the appropriate, "even if you give up women and heavy friends, women do not hate him", full of a love scene saint, the talent flow. "The book has its own golden house, the book has its own Yan Ruyu", all generations of scholars diligently seek the dream, the ancient warrior are realized. As a matter of fact, the ancient warrior should be happy at this moment, but the ancient warrior is still lonely. Know each other all over the world, how many people know each other? The ancient warrior's dream of the jianghu, who can understand?
The ancient warrior served in the U.S. Army Advisory Group in Taipei, and is considered to be a soldier, I do not know why he changed his profession to write books. The ancient warrior wandering the world, "a hundred useless is a scholar" this sentence than anyone knows, but he finally chose to write a book. Hero's career, the beauty of a smile, which between the wisdom of fools, success or failure, gain or loss, and who can distinguish? "Laughing Confucian crown, since more mistakes", character that fate, the ancient warrior today's ending, also in reason.
The ancient warrior this go, the jianghu suddenly lonely, "ancient school of martial arts" also become extinct. The ancient warrior died in style, but is it a good death?
Ruan Xiao-ji, like the beautiful jade and simple words, works in the Reader, Essay, Novel Monthly, Literature, Yanhe, Young Writers, etc.