Title: "Play My Beloved Tupa", Sung by Yu Junjian
Lyrics: Lu Mang, He Bin, Composed by Lv Qiming
The sun is setting in the west, and it's quiet on the Weishan Lake
Play my beloved Tupa, and sing that moving song
Climbing on a fast train, we are like mounting a running horse
The stations and railway lines are good battlefields for us to kill the enemy. The station and the railroad line are our battlefield
We're like steel knives plunging into the enemy's chest, killing the ghosts
The sun is setting in the west, and the ghosts are coming to their doom
Play my beloved lute and sing that lovely ballad
Hey? Hey! - Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey!
"Play My Beloved Clay Pipa" was composed in 1956 as an interlude to the movie "Railway Guerrillas".
Important performances
Sydney's "Chinese Star Shining Stage" 2019, the first installment, was staged in Sydney's Ashfield Town Hall Theatre on the evening of the 8th. That night, the stars shone with talent, from the first-line artists of Huaxing to the ordinary participants who love culture and art, all of them were enthusiastic to meet friends and learn from each other with their art. In the program accordion solo "play my beloved soil pipa", Yueju Opera excerpts "West Wing" and so on.