As a parent, how do you tap into your child's potential strengths and talents?

One, mom tells stories.

One of my classmates, when he was a kid, his mom would take time out every night to tell him a story. These stories were children's versions of the world's famous books, but also a variety of trivia. All in all it was very informative and covered a wide range of topics.

If you want to insist on telling your child a story every day, it requires uninterrupted persistence on the part of the mother, as well as the mother's regular reading of books and newspapers to be able to do so. It seems to be very simple and it doesn't seem to take long, but it takes a lot of effort on the part of the mother to stick to it day and night, year after year.

This student of mine has always been at the top of the class in language arts, and his understanding of the content of the language textbooks is very easy, and his writing skills are so strong that he is often read by the teacher as a model for the class. At a very young age, his articles were published in various journals, and by the time he went to college, he was able to meet his daily expenses just from his writing income.

Two, the father is responsible for playing with the child

When I was young, did I follow my father around? In fact, as a Chinese father, more on behalf of the stern, can and children mingle with the child, take the child to play the father genuinely not many.

A colleague, Xiao, is a very lucky and happy child. His father does carpentry, and in his spare time at work, he takes Xiao with him to make all kinds of stools and small tables. In the process, Xiao not only learned how to do carpentry, but also through carpentry, he was very interested in architecture. Now he is an architectural engineer, and this is all due to the influence of his father when he was a child.

Shaw found that his son was very interested in his computer, so he took the boy with him to dismantle it, assemble it and learn the basics of computers. At a young age, the child already knows how to assemble a computer and even what some of the English words on the computer mean. Even if the child is not engaged in computer-related work, it is a skill that will help him or her get a job and make a living.

If a father can bring his child along to play with him, he will be able to discover many of his child's strengths and specialties in the process of playing.

Based on the discovery of the child's strengths and specialties, the child can be inserted into the wings of flight!