The benefits and disadvantages of immigrating to the United Kingdom real feelings

The benefits and disadvantages of immigrating to the United Kingdom real feelings

The benefits and disadvantages of immigrating to the United Kingdom real feelings, immigration at a certain time is a very popular choice, many people in the country choose to immigrate to another country, but the process and the process is very complicated, the following share the benefits and disadvantages of immigrating to the United Kingdom real feelings.

The benefits and disadvantages of immigration to the United Kingdom real feelings 1

1, pragmatism

The people and systems of the local institutions in the United Kingdom are pragmatic and usually deal with problems in a realistic way. Administration is scientific, tax comes straight out of your paycheck, most things can be done online and the relevant websites are actually both clear and useful.

2. Job opportunities

In general, there are plenty of jobs, and young and talented people usually have the opportunity to use their talents and make a difference. And the pay rates for the vast majority of people are quite good.

3. Diversity

The UK is very open to diversity and new ideas, and it is possible to see tattooed police officers, and employees with blue hair, which could go some way to explaining their sense of style. Brits don't have to worry about being different, they drive on the left, use different units of measurement and power sockets are different from other countries.

4. Cars

Despite the traffic jams, the UK is still a great country to travel by car. Everywhere is so close and the highways are practically free. For example:

A two-hour drive can take you from London to the coastal city of Brighton;

A 90-minute drive can take you from Bristol to the stunning Devon countryside and even deeper into Wales;

Kendal, in the Lake District, is just two-and-a-half hours away from the gates of Scotland;

The Eurostar takes just 2 hours and 15 minutes from London to Paris or Brussels. Eurostar in just 2 hours and 15 minutes.

5. Safety

Crime and insecurity are rare, the city is safe, the police play a big role and people are very polite and respectful most of the time.

6. Pub culture

Very good tea and beer (local craft beers) at very reasonable prices (£3.50-4 where I stayed). The pub culture is second to none. They do some decent cheeses like Stilton blue and it's hard to beat a proper English breakfast. They also serve proper pints (0.56L) rather than European pints (0.5L).

Second, what are the bad and bad things about immigrating to the UK?

1. Food and drink

The UK is underdeveloped gastronomically, with the exception of beer and breakfast, which is mainly fish and chips, burgers and fries. Many people refer to British food and drink as the most painful thing in the world, especially for formal occasions, where not only is the process cumbersome, but the flavor may not be suitable for Chinese people.

2. Smaller cities are too boring

Medium-sized cities are poorly planned, leading to traffic jams and potentially ugly architecture. Medium-sized urban centers usually include a pawn store, a bar, a grocery store, a moped store, and a McDonald's (Prince) next to a KFC.

3. Higher education is expensive

Although the quality of higher education in the UK is very good, it is also very expensive. Unless you can get a scholarship, it is a big burden for the average family.

4. Rent and house prices

The housing market is expensive and the small size of the housing stock does not compensate for this. It can also be very difficult for single people to buy a home, especially in London and the south of the country.

As you can see, while overall the UK is a very attractive country, there are downsides and downsides to immigrating to the past to live that require customer service, and it's best to balance the pros and cons before making a decision.

The rich and welfare-heavy UK

Although the UK no longer has the elegance of the Sunset Empire of the day, the UK's economy is still ranked at the top of the world.

As a major trading entity, economic power, and financial center, the UK is the world's fifth largest economy and one of the wealthiest, most economically developed, and highest standard of living countries in the world.

Presumably, the economy is developed and relatively wealthy. Britain's welfare is simply too good to be true, even in Europe, which is famous for its well-developed welfare system, Britain's welfare is enviable.

Free healthcare for all

British Education

Additionally, buying a home in the UK is not like buying a home at home:

There is a lot more to it than just buying a home in the UK.

First, there is no common area, are directly calculated the actual use of the area;

Second, the property rights are different, the United Kingdom is generally in the 250 to 999 years ranging;

Third, the tax is different, the United Kingdom is also involved in the ground rent, municipal taxes, etc., and if you add the TV fees, utilities (more expensive than the domestic), the cost of ownership than will be a bit higher than the domestic.

Finally, to add two price levels, my personal feeling, the cost of living in London can be benchmarked against Beijing and then slightly higher, the cost of living in Manchester can be benchmarked against Guangzhou and then slightly higher.

The price of various meats, eggs, western vegetables, and most daily necessities are not very different from the domestic ones, for example, beef is about 7 pounds per kilogram, which can be bought in ordinary supermarkets.

The benefits and disadvantages of immigrating to the UK

The UK is an English-speaking country, and for most young people or people with a little bit of English, the language barrier to immigrating to the UK is not that strong. Many people who are a little bit older, they will have some basic English.

And young people nowadays, who have a better foundation in English, can start to open their mouths and communicate when they come to the UK, so the language barrier to immigrating to the UK is not a problem.

Racism is not as strong in the UK. Although it is not a country of immigrants and does not have such a large immigrant population, relatively speaking racial discrimination in the UK is not so obvious, not as France or the United States there are some resistance to racial discrimination marches, the UK is relatively more inclusive.

Although there are some Chinese people traveling to the UK in the process of some not very appropriate behavior, but most of the British people encountered on the Chinese people are still relatively friendly. For example, my friend's neighbors, an elderly couple who live across the street from my friend often help my friend to look at the house, and often help my friend to put the garbage cans back to their original place, which my friend is very grateful for.

Whenever my friend traveled back home, he would help my friend take care of her house and water the flowers. My friend didn't know them from before, it was my friend who helped her a lot after she moved here and was very friendly to my friend. Sometimes they would be very friendly and greet each other, so this made my friend feel quite good and not so strongly racist. My friend has also come into contact with a lot of British locals before and they are also very friendly. Although not all British people are very friendly, most of them are OK.

The UK is relatively safe, and although crime is a problem everywhere in the world, the UK is not at the point where you can't have any peace and quiet. A country is bound to have some law and order problems, and the UK is OK. The area where my friend lives is not a good area, but the whole security environment is okay. I'm not sure I can compare it to the rest of the world, but I think it's a good idea.

The pace of life in the UK is relatively slow, and it's not as crowded or as busy or as stressful as the rest of the world. You get used to life in the UK, your whole rhythm will slow down, or you will start to become a little lazy or burnout, so it's not so much the rhythm, the pressure of life. People have a slightly stronger sense of leisure and work, and he's not going to be desperate to go out and work, or he's going to have a greater sense of enjoying life.

Britain is a relatively free or respect for people`s `country, if you are in the country by parents, friends urged "you want to get married", "you want to have a daughter to have a boy", "you are not a sexual tendency problem?" In the UK, this is not a problem. No one cares if you are married or not, or if you are gay or not. In Britain, it is very respectful, even parents he will not necessarily urge you to be 30, 35 years old must be married, must have children.

And now I'm thinking that if one day my son says, "Mom, I don't want a son in the future," or "I don't want that," I'm okay with that. I think it's his life and I have no right to interfere. So in the UK it's relatively more respectful and more free, you can have whatever you want to say.

Primary school - high school (college) all free; college, graduate school state loans to you

Education in the United Kingdom from the first grade of elementary school, and then all the way to high school are free. Some will also get the enterprise's child growth browse gold, that is, every month you can get a part of the money, get the child 18 years old, so the British children in school is no pressure.

Furthermore, is that if you enter the university education, the university is able to borrow from the state. There are a lot of rich parents who don't give money to their children, and the children have to take out loans on their own. But how the state loan will be repaid in the future depends on your future income.

So reading college is not a problem for poor families in the UK, and for rich families, it's just a way for them to have more opportunities to improve themselves. So not being able to afford to study is not a problem in the UK, the state will provide some assistance and so on. As to how much money you can earn in the future and when you will pay back, that is a later story. All in all, the UK government is still supportive of college students, so UK education is not bad.

Also, comparing education in the UK and China, I think Chinese children, such as those who can't read, those who don't give gifts to their teachers, or those who don't like their teachers, will suffer a lot. Now in China in general there are a lot of suppression, or do not participate in the training, after-school remedial classes of this child will be ostracized, was arranged to seat the bad this phenomenon is still more, the child's body and mind will be greatly damaged.

But in the UK, you never want teachers to ostracize students, the students can sue you, so the British education for those who are not particularly good at learning is not particularly good protection for students, for those who are particularly good students is also favorable, then you will have more opportunities to apply to the UK's world TOP a few high-quality schools.

Britain's food safety this piece is to do a better job, such as British sheep and cattle, feeding, slaughtering, migration is a positioning tracking, so food safety issues must be done to protect. All the expired food is all discarded, will not tear the label and then paste it to sell.

In the UK you will never feel that you are in a strange country, why? Because there are so many Chinese supermarkets in the UK, 80% of cities have Chinese supermarkets, Chinese restaurants and Chinese takeaways, so you don't feel as if you have to drive three hours to buy chili sauce and Lao Gan Ma in the US, not in the UK. There are so many Chinese supermarkets in the UK, and they have everything from peppercorns and cinnamon, to milk and starch, and all the ingredients that we use in China for buns and dumplings are available in the UK, and I don't basically bring food-related cooking ingredients from China anymore, so it's very convenient.

There are also a lot of Chinese people in the UK, in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, so if you don't have good English and you want to find some friends, you can find them very quickly in the UK, and have a cup of tea and a chat, and go out for a walk together.

Britain's transportation is relatively convenient, you want to drive a car when you have a car, you do not know how to drive a car when there is a bus to travel, very convenient. Regardless of the big villages and small villages, some villages may be relatively fewer cars, but most of the Chinese will be recorded in the city of eating general popularity, so there will not be a problem of transportation.

If you are already used to living in the UK, you will quickly find your way to work, make money or raise a family. If you have a property in the UK, the cost of living in the UK is not high. So to support a family, or a few people to support a family and have a quality life, it is still quite easy in the UK.

The above are the good aspects of immigration to the UK, let's talk about the bad aspects, and say what is not suitable for people to immigrate to the UK,

The disadvantages of living in the UK

The first is the weather in the UK, if you are used to living in the south of China, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and these places are used to living in the people, you come to the UK, you will find that it's particularly cool in the summer. The weather in summer is very cool, it's just over 20 degrees, at most 30 degrees, and 30 degrees is particularly rare, and there are no mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats or snakes. Relatively speaking, summer is a particularly nice climate with long days.

But in the winter, you get the impression that the days are particularly short and the nights are particularly long in the UK. The weather is relatively cold, not colder than Beijing, but still unsuitable for southerners. If you like the heat, then Britain is not necessarily for you, it is only suitable for vacation.

Life is boring: people who can't stand loneliness should not come to Britain. Because in the domestic life, we can night and day, KTV, or square dance, about three or five friends together to touch two, you can get high. Or make a phone call can ask three or five people to go to the restaurant to rub a meal, hot pot, crayfish. You can also sit in the doorway to chat with a few people, Kanye bragging, or even go out to the river or the park for a walk, then these in the United Kingdom does not necessarily apply.

Because in the UK usually with friends are a week about once, or a week or two to meet a face, because others do not have so much time to accompany you high. And there's no square dancing in the UK, I'm not square dancing right now, and there's no poker, so you have to be tolerant of loneliness in the UK.

Supermarkets, in small towns and villages, are usually closed at five o'clock or so, and if they are in big cities, they are open until seven or eight o'clock at the most. Not like the domestic to eleven o'clock, you go out there are so many. You know in the UK if you have to be in the evening to find something good, after ten o'clock is sometimes quite embarrassing, so a lot of times also have to learn to enjoy life at home.

The third aspect is that the time limit for seeing a doctor in the UK is slow. If it's an emergency, it's a broken leg, broken arm, or a bleeding heart, a heart that needs to be bypassed right away, and so on, it's very quick to see a doctor. However, if you have a headache, headache, toothache, chronic diseases, an appointment, two wait three toss, very difficult. So it's best not to get sick in the UK, the UK is free healthcare, but you have to pay for your own medicine.

And a lot of times if you have a headache, the doctor said to go home and drink more water and rest, so it is not necessarily suitable for us Chinese people who are sick and want to take medication for that kind of mental state. Or if you want to queue up and get an IV and get it done today, you won't necessarily get an IV in the UK! The first thing I'd like to do is to get a doctor's appointment, which is a very different thing from the one in China.

The fourth aspect is the British food. In the previous said, in the UK what to eat are good to buy, British food can be bought, Chinese food is not a problem. But you can't eat Chinese food as authentic as at home. Although there are a lot of restaurants, but those are second hand cooking, or already British localized, westernized Chinese food, according to the taste of Westerners to do some dishes.

Ingredients in the UK may not be as authentic in every way as they are at home, so the flavor is that much worse. So to eat authentic in the UK, you have to do it yourself, and make it yourself.

The fifth aspect, the United Kingdom relatively speaking, money is not necessarily like the domestic so fast, is that you have a lot of money is not necessarily able to put the bank to go, so this is not the same as the domestic. For example, in the domestic have relationship resources, have some cooperation, that you can quickly earn money. Each person depends on the ability of each person, for example, I previously recognized in the United Kingdom to earn more than six million a year net profit, so there is no ability to earn money, depending on your ability. Of course, relatively speaking, China after all, the population base is large, you speak Chinese will be less difficult, in the United Kingdom will be more difficult.

The sixth aspect, in the UK, is that the UK's pornography is sometimes not necessarily conducive to the growth of children. For example, it is not illegal to be a sex worker in the UK.

Gambling is also allowed, as long as you have a license after entering a regular gambling casino, you can start to experience.

What about poison, that is, you take drugs or marijuana , it is OK to take so many or a small amount, or even you plant so many is not illegal, but can not be traded. This leads to some students, schools may also have, so children are easily affected. This aspect is relatively considered a risk.

Any country's immigration depends on your personal needs, for example, you can have a certain reason to feel that you want to immigrate, or you feel that you live in the country is too much pressure, or from the family, career, or even you have completed the financial freedom of the country, you want to change the place to enjoy the life then you can consider. Regardless of whether the immigrant or not, as long as you if you immigrate to overseas, you first of all is to be very courageous, because certainly out of the domestic so comfortable.

Secondly, you must have the stamina to withstand loneliness at the beginning, and the ability to get your hands dirty. The third aspect is that you also have to continue to learn, in the process of learning, and constantly to discover your own ability, hands-on ability in all aspects. If it is a rich person, where to live is good, because money can solve the problem. But for those who don't have a lot of money and are looking for a direction to go, then you might want to consider emigrating to the UK.

My point is: now the country is so developed, occasionally go abroad is possible, but long-term living there is not necessarily the best choice, from the map of China's territory in the gradual increase in the finger not one day Asia and Europe plate can be unimpeded, do not forget that Asia and Europe is a continent in the middle of the sea.