King of Fighters all characters introduced

1, Kyo Kusanagi

The protagonist of the King of Fighters series, one of the three artifacts of the family of sealing the Orochi clan, and the family artifact is the sword of Kusanagi. With the second step of the Hall of Red Pill and Daimon Goro on behalf of the Japanese team to participate in the KOF94 General Assembly. In KOF97, he fought with the two artifact families, Yagami and Kagura Chizuru, and succeeded in sealing Orochi. Utilizes the family's ancestral flame power to inflict horrific burn damage on a line of enemies.

2. Niseido Koumaru

Born into a wealthy family, he is a Japanese-American hybrid. Raised as a gentleman by his mother, he was very popular with women, and at the age of 15, he began competing in fighting tournaments, often winning championships. Red Maru specializes in manipulating lightning and paralyzing his targets.

3. Daimon Goro

Once an Olympic gold medalist in judo, Daimon Goro retired from the sport because he felt that judo was too much for him. Later participated in the All Japan Fae Fighting Championships then Daimon himself took third place. He participated in the Fighter's Championship with Kyo Kusanagi, who came in first place, and Red Maru, who came in second place, and often mediated between Kyo Kusanagi and Red Maru when they fought. He is a multi-purpose fighter with a combination of defense and the ability to stun enemies.

4, Hardilen

Mercenary commander in chief, because of the crusade against the Lukas, and finally not only the mission failed, along with their wives and children and subordinates were killed by the Lukas, Hardilen himself was taken away from the right eye, which survived the Hardilen swore to the Lukas to seek justice in the future. Until KOF95, Lukas took his own life because of the power of Orochi, and then he did not participate in the front line of the King of Fighters Conference, and from KOF96 onwards, his adopted daughter, Leona, took his place.

5, Ralph Jones

Team Fury one of the meta characters, rough and brash character, matching his fighting skills, before each fight to drink a bottle of wine in one go. He has been participating in fighting conventions with Colonel Haddilen since KOF94, and over the years they have helped eliminate the Lucar Group, as well as suppressing the Mad Bastard and investigating the NESTS organization. Years of life on the battlefield has made it extremely survivable, with a body as hard as steel.