1, labor and leisure
Modern people are keen on urban life busy career, physical exercise time is less and less. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. Regular moderate-intensity exercise can enhance the function of the body's immune system, because physical exercise can ease emotions and reduce stress.
Aerobic exercise is also effective in boosting immunity. Middle-aged people can go out on excursions on weekends, and older people with chronic illnesses who want to avoid overburdening their hearts can choose to walk slowly in the morning or after a meal before gradually transitioning to brisk walking.
In addition to proper exercise, proper rest is also very important to the body. The normal operation of the human biological clock is a health guarantee, and the biological clock "wrong point" is the beginning of sub-health. After a person enters the sleep state, a variety of beneficial to enhance the role of the immune function of the process will then begin.
If you sleep less than 7 to 8 hours a day, your chances of getting sick may increase. This is because chronic sleep deprivation can cause damage to the body, including reduced thinking ability, decreased alertness and judgment, and low immune function.
2, stay optimistic
Stay optimistic, happy to face every day, encounter frustration and pressure, to be seen as an inseparable part of life, learn to moderate decompression, in order to ensure health, good state of mind. A person's immunity has a lot to do with emotions.
Research has found that hostility, grief, loss, sadness and other negative emotions can lead to a decline in human immunity, while a cheerful and lively personality, pleasant emotions will improve human immunity. Because the spirit of pleasant and sad distress can produce two different biochemical processes, sadness and sorrow will make the body hormone secretion changes, causing physiological disorders, weakening the body's immunity.
Maintaining an optimistic attitude can maintain the human body in an optimal state, especially in today's society, people are facing a lot of pressure, great psychological pressure will lead to the human immune system has an inhibitory effect on the increase in the hormone component, so easy to get a cold or other diseases.
3, the disease enters by the mouth, to learn to eat
The Chinese medicine believes that the disease enters by the mouth, three meals a day is to solve the dietary problems and enhance the immunity of the key, and dietary food types and food matching is the key to the key. For those who are particularly fond of food, you can eat more vegetarian dishes, such as mushrooms, garlic, cabbage, spinach, carrots and so on.
This is because it not only improves the body's immunity, but also improves cellular activity. If some people are particularly fond of meat, then animal liver, seafood is the best. It can not only replenish the body's trace elements, but also promote the production of antibodies in the body, for the immune system has been damaged, it can also be repaired, enhance the immune function.
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