What are the lyrics of the song "How many tears have been shed"?


Singer:Zhang Xinzhe




The road we've traveled

It's one step at a time

I don't know which way to go

People say that dreams fly by in the wind

Darkness is more prevalent nowadays

How can we learn to fly as high as we can in the sky

The road ahead

It's getting clearer and clearer

The future's right in front

The road is clearer and clearer, the future's right in front of us.

People say that hope should be grasped

No matter what the storm says

I want you to know how to love me tomorrow

No matter how tired I'll be in the future

No matter how many tears I've shed

Believe in me that the rainbow will have an endless beauty after the rainy day

No matter what I'll do in the future

No matter what I've done in the past

Holding your hand and wiping away the tears

Walking my own way

Won't let you regret it
