Love, in fact, has not yet formed
Very often, males pursue the opposite sex out of sexual needs! When they see fresh prey, they are colorful and powerful, daring to do anything and promise anything. That, my dear friends, is when you fall for it, thinking that the other person really can't live without you. It is the only one, the soul mate, who lives for you in this life, willing to be broken for you, liver and brain. So you take it seriously, and when you realize that they are not as attentive as you thought they were you start to feel uncomfortable, asking for more attention, asking for more sweet words. But for men, the novelty has worn off and they've calmed down to consider whether you're the woman he wants!
After a woman's body and mind are completely conquered by a man, the honeymoon period is really only a few, so what happens to the down time? In fact, now, it is women to win to the opposite sex "love" the key moment! "Tolerance", "care", "gentle", this is the reason why women for women's fundamental, if you are not more than the appearance of the full Zhixian, talent than Lin Huiyin, then less tantrums, less to make a little sex. Who wants to work hard every day, go home and still be scolded by his wife ah!
Put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to get together with your girlfriends for a party or a movie. Appropriate to give each other a little care, rather than just asking for it, this is what you can do for love efforts. Long night is lonely, I understand, just pretend you don't have this boyfriend!
You, really did not imagine that love himMany girls in order to demonstrate to the lover, to keep him, can go to hurt others can also hurt themselves. You think this is love? Do you really love him so much that you can even give up your own life? No. Mostly it's a strong possessiveness and an unwillingness to deal with the fact that you've been abandoned. But you try so hard, you "love" that he will be touched?
Love yourself more, don't do such a stupid thing, except for the disgusted look you may not win anything back. He gave up on you so what? If you are excellent, then do not worry about no other opposite sex is attracted to you, give up you are his regrets; if you do not do a good job to cause him to leave, you as the experiment failed, change one and try again! Youth is actually very long, there are plenty of opportunities! Next time will definitely succeed!
Happy, sometimes can only rely on their own
Spring is here, we must see the square groups of older women in the square dance it! Why are there so few walking hand in hand and couples playing badminton? This is the nature of marriage, men and women's hobbies, personalities, rhythms are not the same. Two people live a long time, that is, each play their own, can you dance your square dance, I practice my tai chi. The first thing you need to do is to get together and watch TV together, or talk to your parents, which is so much more than a piano, and you'll be able to get a lot more than just a piano!
To be happy, more for each other to envision, so that they have more measurements, less suspicion. Finally, I sincerely wish you all happiness! To be able to detoxify, you can only fight poison with poison! WeChat public number trend detoxification ID:para_fashion