Starting from tomorrow to lose weight, first eat this meal before, in the face of a table of food, we once again surrendered.
Every time I go to the mall, lingering in those beautiful clothes, I silently and silently vowed to lose weight and then lose a little more weight how good. I can then hold this beautiful clothes home.
Whenever summer comes, frankly speaking, that is a season that can't cover up the meat, no matter whether you are waisted or long legs and thin waist, immediately are in shape, at a glance. So weight loss has become a great cause to hang on to every day.
Every day reduce reduce reduce, the heart waved the flag shouted ten thousand times, but there is a mouth that loves to eat food, can not stop eating.
BBQ dessert ice cream, cassoulet prawns crystal elbow and that never eat enough fish and meat. The Chinese people say that China is a vast country, and that the ancestors of the food is also too diverse.
It is also true that even if you want to lose weight, you can only hope to eat.
But there are also strong people, thin after the beautiful people amazing.
My friend Yingchun, former school is not too fat, but also not thin, respectively, after many years of seeing her photos for the first time, the heart of a great admiration, really a big beauty, more and more beautiful, I asked the beauty secrets, one is to insist on maintaining a good heart, she worked sometimes also tired, but I feel that she is now full of heart positive. I also insisted on nutritional food for my own diet, and hobby sports.
Secondly, we should love ourselves and invest properly in our beauty. No one can never be old right, the maintenance of the latter is actually very important, every day do not fluffy face, to water tender, properly dressed themselves, although the age of the old still beautiful.
In fact, each of us has a heart of love for beauty, proper weight loss, the main thing is still healthy.
In fact, I also thin, in 2014 when a year lost 16 pounds, and then as long as I go out and meet the acquaintances and friends who have not seen for many days, they will say to me, how did you get sick? Why have you lost so much weight? You can imagine how fat I used to be. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world, and you'll be able to do it all in one place.
Later, my sister asked me, I said usually drink lemonade, the results of her teeth drink bad not much, and then has been complaining about me, it seems that there are ways to lose weight is indeed different from person to person.
I also have a friend she is also thin, she went to the mountain every morning for an hour, the evening in the fitness plaza square dancing for an hour, dinner only eat apple or cucumber.
I asked her can you insist on not eating dinner for the rest of your life? In fact, it can not, I heard that she recently gained weight, so I think there is no conflict between losing weight and eating at night, the key is the time to eat and what to eat for dinner.
People live a lifetime, the eat some eat, as long as the body is healthy on the line, I can not understand the vegan, I think the love of food is also a positive attitude towards life, of course, if like my colleague's slim waist, eat anything is not fat is the best.
On the weight loss to say a few personal ideas, gossip before I said the method varies from person to person, only for reference.
(a) must eat breakfast, beautiful premise is to be healthy, if often do not eat breakfast on the body's most harmful, so breakfast must eat well. Don't say you're busy just you're lazy, there are ten minutes what can be done. You can drink milk oatmeal porridge, both nutritious and effective to remove fat. With whole wheat bread to do a sandwich, and so on, but also can be more sumptuous, to the bowl of small wontons, do some steamed small meatballs can be. There is also get up first thing on an empty stomach drink a glass of light saline water, eliminate the body's garbage.
(b) lunch can eat a lot, but dinner must be a little earlier, eat more rough fiber foods and fruits, and coarse grains. For example, fungus, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, such as apple pineapple, such as millet porridge, corn porridge, barley red bean porridge.
Not one by one, the most important thing is that you can not sit on the couch after eating, a lot of people have this habit is not it? A day at work is too tired, go home and eat some greasy, after eating do not want to move, day after day you are so slowly getting fat, and dinner must eat eight full, can not eat to the stomach is very supportive, are a little difficult.
This day to drink more water, can be tea, but also other, it is best not to drink carbonated beverages, a lot of people love to drink, not as good as to change to drink yogurt.
And be sure to exercise, to consume your calories, they say, control your mouth and open your legs is actually very reasonable.
The most important thing is to have a happy mind, both healthy and beautiful is not the greatest happiness in life.
Weight loss is actually a sentence that is physical and mental must adhere to the constant.
Pro you said today to lose weight? It is while eating the food while saying it?