How do you convert KJ and calories?

1 kilojoule (kJ) = 238.9 calories (cal).

Kilojoule is the unit of heat, joule (abbreviated as joule, abbreviated as kJ, do not confuse with kg, kg is kilogram) is the international unit of heat and the unit of work, kilojoule refers to a thousand joules. Now commonly used kilojoules to measure the calories contained in food and some kind of exercise unit time consumption of calories, people generally through the control of food intake calories and exercise calories consumed to control body weight.

The calorie (abbreviated as cal), translated from Calorie, is defined as the amount of heat required to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius at 1 atmospheric pressure; the calorie is a unit of energy that is still widely used in nutritional measurements and fitness manuals.

Extended information

The international standard unit of energy is the joule. As the legal unit of food calories, the joule is commonly used in Europe and the calorie in the United States. Although the joule is the legal unit of measurement in China and Taiwan, the calorie is still widely used in China and Taiwan due to tradition.

In general, adults need at least 1,500 kilocalories of energy per day to maintain their body functions. This is because even when you are lying down, your body still needs energy to maintain body temperature, cardiorespiratory function and brain function. Basal metabolic expenditure varies according to height, weight, age and gender among individuals. Humans need energy to survive and get that energy from food.


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