Can hypertensive patients exercise? How to exercise is best?

High blood pressure patients for whether or not exercise generally there are two misunderstandings, one that exercise will be risky, there is a possibility that in the movement of blood pressure abnormalities, resulting in cardiovascular and cerebral vascular accidents; is another understanding of it, is that it is necessary to exercise, and to a large number of exercise hypertensive people can exercise, and to encourage the exercise, but this is just to assist in lowering blood pressure, if the simple exercise exercise can lower blood pressure, then we will be No need to take antihypertensive drugs, everyone just need to exercise exercise every day.

Exercise for hypertensive patients should be based on aerobic exercise, depending on the condition, you can choose to walk, jogging, aerobics, tai chi, swimming, cycling, etc., and pay attention to cooperate with resistance training, such as lifting dumbbells, push-ups and so on. It is recommended to exercise 5 to 7 days a week, more than half an hour each time is appropriate for people with high blood pressure, it is recommended to see a doctor, listen to the doctor's advice. In my opinion, it is better to do more exercise, for example, do some household chores, short distance jogging, ping pong, swimming. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that, but I'm sure you'll be able to.

The expansion of blood vessels, the acceleration of blood circulation during exercise will promote the expansion of blood vessels to increase the diameter of the blood vessels to reduce the resistance to blood flow, the expansion of blood vessels will buffer some of the pressure of the blood flow, the blood pressure will also show a downward trend. At the same time, because the heart pumps out and back to the speed of blood flow are accelerated exercise can increase the sense of pleasure and happiness, help eliminate anxiety, reduce sympathetic nervous tension, so exercise can help lower blood pressure; at the same time, exercise can improve blood glucose, blood lipids, body weight and other metabolic indexes, can improve the function of the vascular endothelium, through the reduction of cardiovascular risk factors, can prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

For the vast majority of hypertensive patients, is absolutely will benefit from exercise. In reality, many patients have benefited from the blood pressure-lowering effects of exercise, and there are even some mildly hypertensive patients who did not choose to take medication, but simply succeeded in bringing their blood pressure down through exercise interventions. Exercise is good for health, but for some people exercise should also be decided according to the condition. People who suffer from high blood pressure tend to be a little worried when it comes to exercising, just for fear that they will have an accident while exercising.