Vocabulary words
Explanation of "to wine" . Facing the wine. Cao Cao (曹操), Three Kingdoms, Wei Dynasty (魏), "Short Songs" (短歌行), "Singing to the Wine, What is the Geometry of Life?" Three Kingdoms Wei Ruan Ji 《Wing Huai Poem》之*:"Can't say anything to the wine, the pathos is sour and bitter." Northern History - Li Xiaozhen's Biography: "On every free day, he attracted guests and sang songs and sang to the wine, and he was happy all day long." Explanation of Song Song ē Sing: singing. Singing . Singing. Singing. Song and dance. Song and dance. Able to sing and dance. Able to sing literary words: singing. Songbook. Lyrics. Songs. Folk songs. Poetry. Song line (妌) (a genre of the old poems, with free syllables and meter). Poetry, song and speech.