Inhaling a lot of secondhand smoke at age 62? Lung nodules quit smoking is the first, this 3 not more critical

It is well known that smoking is very harmful to the lungs, the smoke contains tar, nicotine and other harmful substances, long time deposition in the airways, not only will trigger inflammation of the airways in addition to the lung nodules, emphysema and other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the longer the smoking time, the risk of lung cancer will also be increased accordingly, especially the second-hand smoke.

Secondhand smoke is also known as passive smoking, studies have shown that the smoke released carbon monoxide, tar, nicotine, these substances mixed with the air and inhaled into the human body again than the direct inhalation of the harm produced by a few times to dozens of times, especially in the confined space for a long time to inhale secondhand smoke from the probability of suffering from lung nodules is greater. Data show that in the detection of pulmonary nodules in the population, long-term exposure to second-hand smoke proportion of 60%, not exposed to or less exposed to only 40%, which is also dominated by women.

1, if there is a strong feeling of wanting to smoke, you can relieve it by taking a deep breath or drinking water, and repeat it many times until the feeling gradually disappears;

2, the process of quitting smoking may be weight gain, this time you should maintain a regular diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less fast food, fried food and convenient instant food, etc., try to minimize the calorie intake, but also

3, want to smoke when you can chew gum, eat low-calorie snacks to divert attention;

4, appeared irritable, irritable, anxious mood, it is recommended to go outside to breathe a little fresh air, to find some of their favorite things to do, but also to get the understanding and help of the family.

In short, although the process of quitting smoking is relatively painful, but there is no harm to the body, the cilia of the lungs will grow back after quitting smoking. Inflammation and lumps in the lungs will gradually improve over time, but it depends on the age of the smoker, the length of time you quit, and the degree of damage to your body.

1, do not eat and drink

For lung nodule patients, to avoid spicy taboo salt taboo oil taboo seafood and so on, so the diet is more than eat and drink, in addition to daily fruits and vegetables, soy products, dairy products, meat, nuts, but also moderate intake, to ensure that the nutritional balance.

2, not lazy

There is a saying that life is about exercise, aerobic exercise is necessary for pulmonary nodules. Like the elderly can be nothing to play Tai Chi, square dancing, practicing five birds and so on, young people can choose to swim, play ball, jogging, hiking, etc., exercise lung capacity.

3, do not sulk

Sulking is not good for the body, in addition to emotional stability, not excessive sadness, excessive anxiety, excessive negativity, to learn to relieve their emotions, find their own "vent" is very critical.