Exercise advantages: improve the quality of sleep, through running, the brain's blood supply, oxygen supply can be improved by 20%, so that the quality of sleep at night will follow; "ventilation" effect, in the process of running, the lung capacity on average from 5.8 liters to 6.2 liters, at the same time, the blood of oxygen carrying will also greatly increase; protection of the heart, heartbeat, blood pressure and the elasticity of blood vessel walls will also rise; decompression, jogging can inhibit adrenaline, blood pressure and blood vessel walls will also rise; decompression. Carrying capacity will also be greatly increased; protection of the heart, heartbeat, blood pressure and the elasticity of the blood vessel wall will also rise with; decompression, jogging can inhibit the secretion of adrenaline and cortisol, the two hormones that cause tension, the release of substances that make people relaxed.
Suitable for people who want to slim down, need to relieve stress, relieve sub-health, and prevent cardiovascular disease.
Exercise cycle: 3~4 times a week, 40~60 minutes each time.
Calorie consumption: about 650 kcal/hour