Cowboy dance is a western dance, known for its unique dance characteristics. Then you know what the basic steps of cowboy dance are? Here I'll tell you. I hope it can help you!
The basic steps of cowboy dance1, what is the basic steps of cowboy dance
The first step:
The left knee and the right knee close to the left foot, left foot buckle, the knees of the feet should be slightly bent, the left heel should be lifted.
Step 2:
Bend the right foot, straighten the left knee and lock it, and you've completed a chasing step.
Note: this step has a chase step, it mainly relies on the knee and hip force, to drive the foot movement, so pay attention to the knee part to have a sense of tightness from time to time.
Step 3:
Kick your left foot out to the left, and bring your right foot and knee closer together.
Step 4:
Lock your right knee and bend your left knee to move one step to the left.
Step 5:
Men step to the side with the right foot, cross with the left foot, step on the right foot and bend the left knee.
Women step sideways with left foot and cross with right foot, bend right knee.
Step 6:
Men's right foot and left foot together, read the foot and quickly pop the left foot.
The woman does the opposite.
Step 7:
Turn your body sideways and the man kicks his right foot and crosses over his left foot.
The woman kicks her left foot and crosses her right foot.
2, cowboy dance is what dance
Also known as Jet Dance. One of the Latin dance programs, expressed in J. Cowboy dance is originally a kind of tap dance of cowboys in the western United States, prevalent in the twentieth century in the twentieth and thirtieth centuries. During the Second World War, American soldiers brought the cowboy dance to the United Kingdom, due to the impact of the war, people's mood of timely fun, resulting in the development of cowboy dance to the point of madness.
3, cowboy dance style characteristics
Cowboy originated in the United States black dance, is a fast-paced, exhausting dance. It was spread by American sailors in World War II. The melody is cheerful, strong jumping, the rhythm is 4/4 beat, 42 to 44 bars per minute, six beat jump eight steps. It is a combination of basic steps, parallel steps, jumps and rotations. It requires the feet to be on the ground and the waist and hips to swing in a pendulum style. It is characterized by agile steps, jumping, and relaxed, enthusiastic and cheerful dance posture. Originally from the United States, the original United States western cowboys tap dance, the popularity of jazz in the 50s, accelerated and perfected this dance, but the style of the United States western cowboys to maintain the robust, romantic, bold style.
How to dance cowboy danceLearning different dance styles should be from the overall grasp of the local, in a full understanding of the origin of dance types, styles, characteristics and dancers through the body language of the performance of the 'dance action, the brain retains a certain image, and then practicing the basic rhythms of the dance, learning the basic movements of the dance, in order to truly understand how to correctly complete the dance action and the dance of the unique style. Cowboy dance is one of the five types of Latin dance, and its style and characteristics are unique, and the form of completing the movement is very different. Usually, dancers in the study of cowboy dance before the contact or already skilled rumba and cha-cha-cha dance dance movements and styles, in the beginning of the cowboy dance will habitually bring the hips of the rotation, but on the contrary, in the study of the cowboy dance should be treated as a brand new dance, emphasizing the cowboy dance the most important characteristics of the relaxation of the knees and ankles and the elasticity generated by the force. How to correctly master the elasticity of cowboy dance? The elasticity of Cowboy Dance comes from the pressure of the body on the floor, which expresses the power through the relaxation and force of the knees and ankles.
Rather than bouncing upwards, the focus of rodeo elasticity is to put pressure on the floor and fall downwards, as in "free fall", which then naturally creates upward elasticity.
Points of the cowboy danceDance cowboy dance left and right and step, but also add the hip "hip" action, otherwise it will lose a lot of charm. Dance cowboy dance left and right and step when the crotch is to swing left and right, a lot of people jumping, no crotch action, even if the rhythm is right, the second step and leg of the essentials are also right, it does not look good.
For example, in the left parallel step, the crotch should swing to the left, and the crotch should come out to the left in the third step. For a rightward merging step, the hips swing to the right, and the hips come out to the right on the third step. Of course, other auxiliary steps are also crotch swing, can refer to the crotch swing in the rumba, but in the cowboy dance crotch does not need to turn like the rumba in the requirements, as long as a little left and right swing on the line.
The pace of cowboy dance must be small, almost in place, otherwise it is difficult to keep up with the rhythm in the fast rhythm. Teachers usually do demonstrations, the steps are very large, because small students can not see clearly, but really with the rhythm of the dance, the steps must be small.
Although the cowboy dance is cheerful and enthusiastic, giving people the feeling of elasticity, jumping feeling is very strong, in fact, can not really jump up, jump up the feeling is only an illusion, to press the body to jump, otherwise it is really like jumping God.
The characteristics of the dance are known to everyone. Do you know what the basic steps of the cowboy dance? I'll tell you.