The sky is against the ground, and the rain is against the wind. The mainland faces the sky. Mountain flowers are to the sea tree, and the sun is to the sky. The thunder is weak and foggy. The sun sets into the sky. The wind is high, the moon is white and the rain is red. Cattle and women go around the galaxy, and two businessmen fight west and east. In October, the border was sealed, and the frost shocked the trip; On the Sandong River, there are long snows and cold fish Weng.
River to Han, green to red. Uncle Yu is against Lei Gong. Smoke building to snow cave, moon palace to heavenly palace. The clouds are old and the sun is dim. Peng Yu, the sky is like an arrow and the soul is like a bow. When the inn guest meets the plum rain, the Chiting people enjoy the lotus wind. In front of Maodian village, the bright moon falls in the forest and chickens sing rhymes; On Banqiao Road, the green frost locks the horse's whereabouts.
Mountain to sea, China to Song. Four mountains vs three fairs. Palace flowers against forbidden willows, stuffed geese against dragon generals. Summer Palace, Guanghan Palace. Picking up green is the topic. Zhuang Zhoumeng becomes a butterfly, and Lv Wang flies a bear. The wind stops in the north, the fan stops in summer, and the curtains in the south bask in the sun, saving the winter sun. Crane dance floor, the jade emperor can be immortal; On Fengxiang stage, the purple flute blows away the beauty wind.
Morning to noon, summer to winter. It's opposite the high school in the afternoon. Youth is a day, Cooper is a pine tree. Angler, hoe. Crane vs dragon. The rockhopper beads sparkle and the fruit is as exquisite as jade. Three yuan is only a thousand hectares, and one product is worth ten thousand. Before Calyx Building, the roots of Li Xian were intertwined with the pulse of the country; Jiao Yang is good at spoiling the wind at the bank of the Aquilaria Pavilion.
From clear to light, from thin to thick. Twilight versus morning bell. Camellia to chrysanthemums, cigarettes to clouds. Jinlian, Yu Lian. Green leaves on green front. Drink wine for the soup in the morning, and then eat it at night. Tangku's money can be turned into butterflies, and Yanjin's sword can be turned into Jackie Chan. Langchuan, the martial arts, the grotesque goddess temple of sex and rain; Dai Zong looked at it from a distance, and his descendants listed Zhang Renfeng.
Complex to simple, overlapping to heavy. Laziness of the heart is carelessness of the heart. Xian Weng was right to let his companions go, and Tao Fanru was right. Flowers are burning and grass is repairing. Waves and butterflies fight against crazy bees. If you count the bamboo of a gentleman, five trees can untie a doctor. Emperor Gao destroyed the item with three outstanding figures, and Emperor Yu inherited four fierce ones. There are beautiful women in the inner garden, and the scenery is infinite; Passers-by at the border, even the sky is full of regrets.
Odd duality, only in pairs. The sea is opposite to the Yangtze River. Gold plate to jade lamp, precious candle to silver enamel. Red painted windowsill, blue screen window. Dance is in tune with melody. Han Xing pushed Ma Wu, Xia Jian remonstrated. Four kingdoms, three high cities and many enemies. Across the phoenix dance platform, the chic fairy Ji Qin Yu Yue; The snake is in power, and the hero Han Wudi Liu Bang.
Face to face, just like face to face. Step by step. Stop aiming at getting rid of Zhu, be lazy and be healthy. Bright lights, the narrowest month. Take the lead in flying Liu Junma, Hua Cungou. Alcohol slightly smoked Joan cheek, incense dust less than twice as much as Yu Lian. Poetry is written by Feng Dan, and Hanfu is quiet and saves water; Tears play bamboo, and you regret drowning in the river.