"Buy a drink":
1. There is no treasure in the area that has already been given information but has not yet been explored;
2. The protagonist's total experience value must meet the requirements of the corresponding treasure, and the formula is: total experience value=treasure effect value*250
Here's the explanation "Total experience value". The experience value of the character of the big four can not be observed in the game, but it can be known through the modifier of Wei. A character's experience value is divided into two parts, one is sailing experience and the other is serving as a room experience, and the sum of the two is the total experience value. For example, if Sun Tzu's Art of War has an effect value of 30, then the total experience value has to be 30*250=7500 or more to get the information through drinking. However, we don't need to deliberately practice, because even the highest Muramasa Demon Blade only needs 15,000 experience, and in the actual game it's about 20 levels out to meet the requirement.
"Have a drink":
1, the sea does not exist in the information has been obtained but not explored treasures;
2, the protagonist of the sea's power value must reach the corresponding treasures of the requirements of the formula: the power value = the value of treasures / 16 + 1, but if the right side of the formula is less than the result of the
The value of the treasure can be seen in the "Sell Treasure" option in the trade guild. For example, if the North Sea's Governor Statue is worth 52,000, then the North Sea's power value must be 52,000/16+1=3251 in order to get the information through the "Have a drink" option. For example, if the Indian Ocean's golden cat is worth 12,000, and the result of the calculation is 751, which is less than 3,000, then the Indian Ocean's power value still has to be 3,000 or more in order to get the information.
The following guide will first introduce the way to get the Overlord's Certificate for each ocean, and then introduce some of the side quests for the peer guilds. The peer guild side quests will give you 1% possession of that port and a certain amount of money upon completion, and the relics of that port will also be opened if not otherwise noted. Of course, you can also open it by bribing the barmaid, but some relics related to the Overlord's Certificate cannot be opened this way.
East Asia
The first time you fight the Laijima First Fleet at sea there will be a conversation, after which if the fleet is near Nagasaki there will be an Ironclad drama and the Laijima Second Fleet will spawn. Entering Hangzhou Square any time after the first month of the game will trigger the episode where the little boy seeks out Huamei to play with him, but the adults are afraid, and this episode also spawns the Second Laishima Fleet. However, the latter of the above scenarios occurs if Laijima has been wiped out, then the Laijima Second Fleet appears as pirates.
When you are in first place in East Asia and are not at war with Kurushima, the Hangzhou Guild sends you a "Bamboo Art Combination Diagram".
Entering any Southeast Asian Indochina range harbor square, you can receive Mikhail.
Take Mikhail to the Osaka Tavern and trigger the Macau incident if you know the Osaka bar girl. Go to the Macau Tavern and learn what happened, then go to the docks to discuss a plan, followed by a ruse against the False Mission at the Governor's Mansion. Afterward, go back to the Osaka Tavern and the bar girl will open the relics, the map of which you can buy in Calihete. Once inside, the monk will tell you to go to Colf (60 North, 165 East) and get the "Bamboo Artifacts of the Tang Dynasty".
Combine the two at the docks and you'll get the "Bamboo Map of Koiren", which you can use to find the "Qin Shi Huang's Long Letter Lantern".
When you have 800 power in East Asia, the Hangzhou Guild will ask Huamei to go to Southeast Asia to capture Brett Perot. If Jaime is in the main fleet when the capture is made, there will be a storyline where Jaime violently beats the culprit (because the man has framed Jaime).
When the East Asia power value is 2000, if Jaime, Yi An, and Richard are all in the main fleet, the Hangzhou dock appears to show Hua Mei's decision to break the sea ban and go global.
Hangzhou Fellowship: secret book of refined gunpowder, Hua Tuo's Chinese medicine, map to the King's Tomb
Capital City Fellowship: silkworms, black glazed bowls, map to Peking
Osaka Fellowship: war drums, Kii-Kuniya's abacus
Chinese medicine treasures: 1,000 or more gold in holdings, Micha?l in the main fleet, July Enter Hangzhou Plaza
Statue of Orca: enter Osaka Inn, Jaime in main fleet
Beijing Song painting of Emperor Huizong: get it by entering Hangzhou Ruins
Golden Crown of Silla: get it at the capital city ruins during Yurion incident
Ghosts and Goblins chopper: enter Nagasaki Inn, Gyokyu is in the main fleet
Plane that doesn't need to be sharpened: exchange with sextant for a knife in Hokkaido (42 North, 141 East)
Shredder that doesn't need sharpening: exchange for a knife in Hokkaido (42 East). 141) and exchange it with a sextant
Breaking Blade's Martial Arts Clothing (North 51 East 141): enter the inn in the Indian Ocean, Eboshi is in the main fleet
Ninja's Black Attire (North 34 East 136): enter the Mediterranean Fellowship, Gyokyu and Angelo are in the main fleet
The Queen's Robe (North 38 East 117): enter the tavern in Malacca, a gift from the barmaid has been given. Urian in the main fleet
Kublai's Greatsword (North 34 East 120): enter the Quanzhou Square, hold the African Overlord's Certificate
Teach Scripture's Armored Gaiters (North 34 East 131): enter the Nagasaki Docks, Gerhardt is in the main fleet
Chao ZiLong's Gun (North 21 East 108): enter the Hangzhou Fellowship on the 10th day of every month, choose the "Know" and "Zhao Yun"
The Demon Blade Muramasa (North 45 East 149): Gyokyu's local fleet enters the harbor in the Japanese range, and any trade guild receives a letter from him
Other treasures that can be used to get information at the tavern: Tea Tree (North 24 East 120), Goryeo Celadon Incense Burner (North 36 East 126), Masakurain's Kettle (North 34 East 135), Pink Apron (North 39 East 127), Sun Tzu's Art of War (North 30 East 120), and the Overlord's Helmet (North 37 East 122)
Ephoenix: enter the capital city of Hiroshima, with Gyokyu in the main fleet
Julian: When you have possession of the capital, enter the Hangzhou tavern, you will see the drama between Yuriyan and the bar girl, then go to the capital tavern to get the information, the bar girl will open the relics, and you can buy the map in Hangzhou. After entering the tavern, you will get the "Golden Crown of Silla", and Hua Mei will give it to Yuriyan. Go back to the tavern in Hangzhou and you'll receive Yuriyan.
Southeast Asia
The first time you enter the harbor in Southeast Asia, you'll be told that Preyra and Kurn are fighting for supremacy in Southeast Asia.
The first time you enter the plaza in Southeast Asia, someone will tell you that Kurn intends to turn on Lilu, and Yang Shion suggests investigating.
Listening to Yangheen's advice, enter the harbor in Malacca, where Hedram will meet with Wahome and Camille informs you of Lilu's whereabouts.
According to Camille's information, she will meet Lilu when she enters Jakarta, but she is not listening to Hua Mei's advice and is bent on her own.
Entering Jakarta again triggers a plot where Kurn attacks Lilu disguised as Hua Mei, and Hedram and Camille come to the rescue. Later in the harbor they decide to go back to Europe. Huamei and Kuhn go to war.
When Kurn is destroyed or overpowered and is number one in Southeast Asia power-ups, someone at the docks informs them that someone is looking for them in Malacca. Go to the dock in Malacca and a monk will ask you to send him back to Guam (15 North, 145 East), and he will give you a "Jug with Lotion" after completing the quest.
When you have 1,000 power in Southeast Asia and both Sev and Al are in the main fleet, the Malacca guild asks you to get shark fins. Out to sea to look for sharks to fight, Seve and Al have to be in the main fleet to get "shark seedlings" after the fight, then take to Quanzhou to get out of the shark fins to buy a cabin back to the duty can be (of course, you BT if you go to the Mediterranean Sea to get caviar can be), Malacca guild to open the relics, the map to buy in Jakarta, after entering the get "Ancient Kingdom Coins".
Combine the two at the dock, and you'll get the "Currency Map of Bias", and press it to find the "Permanent Amulet of Kudri".
The first time you enter the inn in Southeast Asia, Han Sang-hyung will send a dream to Hwamei asking her to take care of Ebong.
When the Southeast Asia power level is 800, the Jakarta Guild asks Hua Mei to crusade against the pirate Yuris Hugen.
Malacca Fellowship: mangosteen fruit seeds, pearl shells
Jakarta Fellowship: clove grains, banana tree, map to ancient monastery
Devil's Statue: enter the Jakarta Ruins, Fernand is in the main fleet
Preachy Girth Shoes: enter the Malacca Bourse, Kororo joins and gets it
Medusa's Shield (South 40 East 144): enter Basra Tavern, a gift has been given to the barmaid, Urian is in the main fleet
Other treasures you can get information on at the tavern: statue of a dolphin (South 6 East 115), statue of a dragon (North 7 East 117), collection of wonders of the world (North 1 East 104), Sword of Courage (North 1 East 120), star chart of the celestial river (0 East 132), saw of a lion's tooth (North 9 East 99), Cool Coat of Armor (South 8 East 126), Cinnamon Tree (North 13 East 101)
Coluro: Enter the Malacca Exchange
Indian Ocean
Enter the tavern of Calihete, you will meet Nargopoul preaching the theory of the omnipotence of money, which is refuted by Wahome, and the other party threw down the harsh words of resentment and went away, Nargopoul's goodwill minus
Entering Wooding's sphere of influence, Wooding will come out to negotiate with Hua Mei, there are two options: 1, yes! Choosing 1 will result in an alliance with Wooding, while choosing 2 will result in war with Wooding. The outcome of the choice has no effect on future episodes.
When you are first in the Indian Ocean and have given a gift to the barmaid in Caliente, enter the Caliente Tavern and she will give you the "Lotus Leaf that never wilts".
When you have 1000 power in the Indian Ocean, the Basra Shipyard will trigger a ship remodeling quest, which can be completed when at least one of Jenas, Tirilee, or Manuel is in the main fleet with Charlie, and then you will be able to install the second layer of armor, and at the same time, the Basra Guild will give Wahome the "Great Plate of the Kushan Dynasty".
After getting the information at the inn, combine the two into the "Thoreau's Leaf Map" and follow it to find the "Vedic Book".
When the Indian Ocean power level is 1,000, the Basra Guild asks Hua Mei to go to Brunei to capture Belakensu Akile.
When the Indian Ocean power value is 2,000, the Kaliheit Guild of Trades asks Huamei to crusade against the pirate Jakob Bertram.
If Nagopur is eliminated, he can be seen in Calihete for a segment of the plot.
Aziza will randomly appear at 1500 Indian Ocean power level.
Basra Fellowship: embroidered blanket with large flowers, map of the Mugal Empire
Calihet Fellowship: pepper pellets, map to the Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Statue of the Great Vulture: get it by going into the ruins of Calihet
Oath Ring's Script: 10,000 or more gold in possession, go into the Plaza of Calcutta, Yian is in the main fleet
Earrings of Ceramics: gold held 10,000+, enter the Caliheit Guild, Christina is in the main fleet, buy them
Shield of the Elephant Turtle (8 North, 78 East): information on "Armadillo's Iron Skin" has been obtained, enter the Manila Bazaar, Sevi is in the main fleet
Bloodbath Lunar Blade (16 North, 41 East): enters the tavern at the Indian Range, with Al in the main fleet
Guvuta's Spirit Beast (21 North, 72 East): Jaime's local fleet is in port at the Indian Range, with Fernande in the main fleet, and either guild receives a letter from him
Elite's Rough Rope: 200,000+ gold held, 20%+ Amman possession, Corullo in the main fleet, enter the Amman docks. Note that the price is impossible to kill for less than 10,000
Saladin's Silver Armor (North 29 East 32): enter Beirut Square, Al is in the main fleet
Star Shadow's Celestial Gauge: enter the ruins of Basra, and at the end select "Turn to the right"
Aristarchus' Telescope (North 28 East 51): enter Homuz, and at the end select "Turn to the right. 51): enter Homuz, Janus is in the main fleet
The Crutch of Good Counsel (North 15 East 80): hold the certificate of the Overlord of Africa, Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, 80% or more of the possession of the Calihete, there will be a storyline when you leave any port, choose the first one
Other treasures that can be used to get information in the tavern: the golden cat (North 23 East 35), the pot of awe (North 28 East 33), the three suns of the brave, and the three moon knives of the brave. , Brave's Three Suns and Moon Blade (North 18 East 57), Fallen Angel Short Sword (North 22 East 59), Blessed Shield (North 23 East 38), Instant Kill Arabian Short Sword (South 1 East 117), Trance's Wavy Sword (North 25 East 63)
Sevei: Enter Caliente Plaza, Jaime's in the main fleet
Arr: Enter the tavern of Basra< /p>
The first time you enter a harbor in Africa, Warme will exclaim: This is the Africa that Zheng He came to. A clash with Espinosa's men ensues and war ensues.
When Espinosa is eliminated or suppressed (suppression is useless, he will die anyway) and the African power is first, the drama will take place in the port of Sofala, and the angry people will kill Espinosa, and then give Huamei the "mysterious second half of the lithograph".
Africa power value of 1000, St. George guild asked Huamei to transport weapons for them, successively: 5 compartments of armor, 5 compartments of guns, 2 compartments of cannons. After completing this, the Guild opens the relics, the map of which is in St. George's, and the bandits inside are persuaded by Huamei to deliver "the first half of the mysterious lithograph".
Combine the two at the docks to get the "Stone Map of Beliandro" and follow it to find the "Golden Seal of King Axem".
At 1000 African power, the Sofala Guild asks Wame to go to Ceylon to capture Jon Ramgeo.
Entering Madagascar, Hua Mei sprouted the idea of building a new port, this time you can go back to Hangzhou, pay a fee of 500,000 Richard will open the port, and then from Europe to ship five pods of wine back to fresh water is built, which is the Li family's exclusive port.
Espinosa demise, in any African port into the harbor, Clifford appeared, asked to take over the sphere of influence of Espinosa, by the anger of Hua Mei.
St. George's Fellowship: mask with gauze, map of the Great Sahara Desert
Sofala's Fellowship: bees' nest, Bible with illustrations, map to the Imperial Mosque
Statue of the Madonna: enter the ruins of Sofala, Iron Gift Column is in the main fleet
Armadillo's Iron Skin (15 S 46 E): enter the docks of Muscat Sevi is in the main fleet
Peacock's Robe (South 47 East 37): have received intel on the "Helmet of the Immortal Bird", enter Bruges Docks by the 15th, Sevi is in the main fleet
Amber Armor (South 16 West 24): enter Greenhorn Docks, amber is in the cargo, Charlie is in the main fleet
Medical Paradigm: enter the Ruins of Sofala, Tirillette is in the main fleet. p>Medical Paradigm: enter St. George's Dock, 60% or more possession of St. George, Corullo is in the main fleet
Other treasures you can get information on at the tavern: Silver Helmet (North 21 West 17), Shield of Karnem's Brave (North 3 East 9), Berserker's Knight's armor (North 5 West 3), Loyal Crescent Sword (South 25 East 46), Crimson Chained Divine Armor (South 4 East 39), Babangida's Peer Sword ( South 34 East 23)
Manuel: Enter St. George's Wharf
New World
Entering the harbor in the Caribbean, Maldnad will come to negotiate with Wahome, there are two options: 1. Let's see how it goes.2. Please stop at a moderate level! Choice 1 will result in an alliance with Maldenard and a reduction of 5 in Escante's favor; choice 2 will result in war with Maldenard. The result of the choice has no effect on future episodes.
Destroy or crush Escante, get the information about the Witness of the Overlord in the Viceroy's Palace in Velacruz, and go around South America to Kharaa (0 West 70) to get the "Sheath of the Sun Pattern".
At 2,000 power points in the New World, the Havana Guild of Trades asks Huame to destroy the Ghost Ship. After completing the mission, the Guild will open the relics, buy the map from Velacruz, and get the "Ceremonial Knife".
Combine the two at the dock and you will get the "Bitakosi's Blade Map", follow it to find the "Crystal Skull".
At 1,200 New World power, the Havana Guild of Trades asks Huame to crush the pirate Gabriel Kalduzi, and when it's done, gives you information about Cape Cod (42 North, 70 West).
When the New World power value is 1500, the Guild of Velaklus asks Hua Mei to crush the pirate Velian Kleib.
If Hedram has already been seen at the North Sea Tavern before, Hedram will come to help the first time he fights the First Fleet of Escante at sea.
Communion of Viracellus: cocoa fruit, map to the ruins of the ancient city
Communion of Havana: sweet pepper fruit, tobacco seedlings, painted map of the Kingdom of Astiga
Tomato Seedlings: enter the Meridian or St. Dominic's Exchange with a shipment of 2 or more cargoes of tomatoes, Emilio is in the main fleet
Pumpkin Seeds: enter San Dominick Exchange, bananas in cargo, Emilio in main fleet
Alchemy book: get it in Cape Cod Harbor
Seven-colored parrot: enter Plaza de San Dominick, Angelo in main fleet
Emerald's bead: get it by entering the ruins of Veláclos
Gargoyle's cloak (19 North 104 West): got it. Peacock Robe" intel, enter Tunis Docks after the 15th, Sevi is in the main fleet
Redhead Pirate's Sword (North 24 West 75): enter Serbian Tavern, Christina is in the main fleet
Miraculous Bomb Necklace: the game has been going on for more than 5 years, enter the Green Horn, Fernand is in the main fleet, select "Believe in the Miraculous Bomb Necklace", select "Believe in the Miraculous Bomb Necklace". Other treasures that you can get information about in the tavern: Virgin Statue (North 10 West 61), Sand Gold (North 15 West 85), Elven Clothing (North 15 West 61), Tula Warrior's Helmet (North 28 West 95), Toralok's Knife (North 22 West 97), Warriors' Little Goose Flute (South 4 West 35), Red Crane Feathered Shoes (North 21 West 76), and God's Blessing's Bracelet (North 26 West 82)
Fernande: Enter the tavern of Velaklus, play a game of Take the Coin with him and win
Charlie: Enter the Mediterranean Sea in Havana
The first time you enter the Mediterranean Sea harbor, you will run into Raphael who is allied with him.
When you are first in the Mediterranean, enter the ruins of Alejandro and get the "Patterned Cloth".
When you have 1000 Mediterranean power, the Istanbul Guild of Traders asks Warme to do an experiment, traveling between Ceuta and Istanbul in 30 days. After completing the task, the guild opens the ruins, a map of which can be purchased in Athens, and gives you a "Brass Kerosene Lamp".
After getting a hint at the guild, combine the two and get the "Cloth Map of Kureobro", follow it to find the "Crown of Cambyses".
At 2500 Mediterranean power, the Athenian Guild of Industry asks Wame to crush the pirate Olunan Belio.
Lisbon Guild: Book of Oriental Insights, Sextant
Serbian Guild: Hannibal's War Book, Compass
Genoese Guild: Human Anatomy Chart of Da Vinci, Stained Glass Floret
Alexandrian Guild: The Expedition of Alexander, Bread-Making Mortar
Athenia Fellowship: Horatius's Poetry, Sappho's Poetry, map to the Grotto Village
Istanbul Fellowship: Heaven's Square, Golden Saber
The Thesaurus of Glass Making: enter Venetian Plaza, Charlie in the Main Fleet
Ancient Cross: get it by entering Serbian Ruins
The Minotaur's Great Axe (35 North 26 East): enter the Cretan Tavern, Emilio in the main fleet
The Scimitar of the Broken Moon: enter the Alexandria Ruins and answer the Sphinx question correctly (don't tell me you can't do the math)
Locke's Guidebook to Sailing a Ship: enter the Inn of Lisbon after the 15th, Yi'an is in the main fleet
Poseidon's Roar (38 North 28 West): Charlie's local fleet enters port at West African ranges. Either guild receives a letter from him
Minerva's Shield (37 N 28 E): Cristina's local fleet enters port in SE Asia, enters Mediterranean ports, Frio in the main fleet
Back of the Demon Armor: Mediterranean forces first, Pasha destroyed, and no Cloth of Pattern, and the Ruins of Alexandria. Enter the ruins of Alexandria
The Magic Sword of Judea (32 North, 34 East): Janus' local fleet enters port at the Italian range, either guild receives a letter from him
Gregorius' Crown (40 North, 15 East): enter the Venice Bourse, Corullo is in the main fleet
The Warlord's Lance (37 North, 26 East): hold the Mediterranean Hegemony, enter the Istanbul Tavern, Ian Ross is in the Main Fleet. Istanbul Tavern, Ian is in the main fleet
Phidias' Chisel (38 North, 20 East): you must first have taken Manuel into the Alexandria Exchange, and Manuel's chamber level must be 15 or higher at the time of entry, and then take him to the Athens Shipyard to get the information
Golden Gauge: get it by going into the Genoa Ruins
Vesus's Scales: Alexandria's possession rate 20% or more, gold held at 210,000 or more, enter the Piazza Alexandra. Note that the price is impossible to kill for less than 30k
Hestia's Cauldron (32 North 22 East): enter Cyprus or Laguzza, Emilio is in the main fleet
Beak of Magnificence: get it by entering the Athenian Ruins
Herophilus's Book of Medicine (43 North 38 East): enter the Arabian Scope tavern in the Indian Ocean, Korulo is in the main fleet, Korulo observes 150+
Karl Mathi Armor (North 43 East 3): hold the African, Indian Ocean, and East Asian Hegemony certificates, enter the Nantes Plaza, Gerhardt is in the main fleet
Other treasures that can be used to get information at the tavern: Hermes Prayer (North 42 East 29), Fairy's Colored Silk (North 35 East 35), Miro's Venus (North 43 East 12), the Blackened Twin-Bladed Longsword (North 39 East 1), Indian Glazed Sword (North 30 East 18), Scipio's Armor (North 33 East 10)
Jenas: enter Lisbon, give him 1000, you can't collect him if you don't, and you can't collect Gerhardt later on
Emilio: enter Serbia, Jaime is in the Main Fleet
Frio : into Genoa Tavern, Charlie in the main fleet
Tierrelli: into Alexandra Docks
Angelo: into Istanbul Docks, Gyokyu in the main fleet
North Sea
The first time he enters a port in the North Sea, if the fresh water is already constructed and Clifford is still present, then Richie will rebel in East Asia, and Macao and Quanzhou will become Clifford's exclusive ports, while Clifford will gain 50% possession of Hangzhou, which will be subtracted from the Li's possession.
Entering the North Sea Tavern for the first time, Hedram meets with Hua Mei again.
Richard commits suicide when Clifford's Hangzhou possession is 1% or completely lost and enters Hangzhou.
The first time you encounter Lilu's fleet in the North Sea, if Richard has gone rogue, it triggers the plot for Clifford to attack Lilu, at which point there are two choices: 1. Let me help. 2. Let's end the connection. If you choose 1, you will help Lilu and go to war with Clifford; if you choose 2, nothing will happen. The outcome of the choice has no effect on future episodes.
North Sea power value of 700, and gave the London barmaid gift, the London Guild of Trades asked Huamei to go to Africa to find "Lime's Drops" (0 East 6), after finding it, lent it to the Guild of Trades for a month, and after that, they will open the relics, and the map is bought in Amsterdam. Once inside, defeat the cultists and get the "Old Parchment".
When you destroy or crush Clifford and are first in the North Sea, you will receive a letter from Clifford at the London docks, then go to the tavern in Amsterdam and get the "Red Dye".
Combine the two at the docks to get the "Paper Map of Thales" and follow it to find the "Bow and Arrow of Ur, the God of the Hunt".
London Guild: Loom, Gallic War Book
Amsterdam Guild: Rainbow-colored glass beads, map to the ruins of the Ring of Stonehenge
Hamburg Guild: Pocket watch, map to the Ancient Coliseum
Stockholm Guild: Robe painted with fine snow, advanced magnifying glass
Statue of Kings. Statue of the King: enter Stockholm Ruins, Freo is in the main fleet, you have to have the North Sea Overlord's Certificate to take the statue
Statue of the Piglet: you must have the Indian Ocean Overlord's Certificate after the incident where Kristina dances in the Mediterranean Tavern, enter London, Kristina is in the main fleet
The Frozen Rose: with 1000 or more North Sea power and know the Stockholm barmaid. Enter the bar and get the quest, go to Havana Tavern and capture Gabriel Kalduzi to get it
Laocoon Sword: Enter Hamburg Ruins to get it
An Immortal's Helmet (54 North, 0 West): you have got the information about "Elephant Turtle's Shield", go to Cape Town Docks, Seve is in the Main Fleet
Magic Leather Gloves (57 North, 57 East): enter London, Kristina is in the Main Fleet. Leather Gloves (North 57 East 7): enter Copenhagen Docks, Janus is in the main fleet
Rohengrin's Sword (North 52 East 4): enter German-wide square, Kristina is in the main fleet
Axe Lance (North 64 West 15): Espinosa has been eliminated, Sofala is over 5% occupied, enter Sofala Ruins
Swashers' Twin-Bladed Sword (North 62 East 18): enter Bruges Docks, Seve is in the main fleet. East 18): enter Bruges docks, Gerhardt is in the main fleet
Etira Set (North 55 East 20): enter Raguzza Plaza, Manuel is in the main fleet
Sacred Sword of Urxcariba (North 50 West 4): hold the Hegemony of the Mediterranean Sea, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, and East Asia, Wahome swordsmanship of 200 or more, enter Blister Plaza
Shot through the Devil's Arrow (North 57 West 6): fleet-wide sailor count of 20 or more, enter London Shipyards, Iron Gift listed in the main fleet
Other treasures that you can get information on at the tavern: Statue of Titus (North 54 East 16), Pale Blue Oak Shield (North 43 West 4), Silverlight Two-handed Sword (North 68 East 16), Redeeming Sword of the Souls (North 60 East 27)
Cristina: Sail from the North Sea port, Freo will mention that his granddaughter is in London, go there and receive it
Gerhardt: Enter Hamburg, Jenas is in the main fleet
After getting all seven certificates, Hua Mei analyzes the certificates in relation to the Jade Seal, and goes back to Hangzhou to see the pass screen.
Finally, the "treasure map". If you have information about the treasure but did not go to find it, and then completed the quests of the Guild of Peers (not the kind of plot quests), he will ask you if you want a treasure map. Sometimes there are quests to find treasures in the same guild, this will also provide treasure maps, and the treasures you find may be key props in later episodes, for example, I once found Lime's Drops of Juice in Africa first without going to the North Sea in this test. Whew~~ that should do it~~