When it comes to weight loss, the first thing that comes to mind is going to the gym, so if we don't go to the gym can we still do weight loss exercises? Today we will tell you how to work out without going to the gym, so that you can master the fat-burning exercise anytime, anywhere, for lean body training.
We will introduce you to 7 movements, these 7 movements are for our whole body different muscle groups to exercise, because our purpose is mainly to lean body, and there is no such as in the gym as a large load of training, so we ask you to do a number of groups, and strive to do each group to do 15-25, the following began to introduce the action.
Action 1: Self-weighted arm flexion
Main training muscle groups: triceps, deltoids
The main points of the action: both hands propped up in a higher position, at the beginning of the action elbow bending, so that the body down, and then use the triceps muscle of the back side of the arm will be propped up the body, this action requires our body has been in a vertical state.
Sets: one set of 10-20 repetitions, three sets per workout.
Movement 2: step kick
Main training muscle groups: gluteus maximus, quadriceps, biceps femoris
Movement essentials: find a step, and then one leg to step up, and then kick the leg forward, and then finally return to the original way to alternately the other leg, our hands in the process of the process of a balanced body role.
The number of groups: 10-20 times a group, each training to do three groups
Action three: self-weighted squat
Main training muscle groups: gluteus maximus, quadriceps, biceps femoris
The action essentials: both hands on the waist, the upper body is straight, squatting downward, to the thighs parallel to the ground can squat, the whole action we need to pay attention to is the lower back, the lower back, the lower back, the lower back, the lower back, the lower back, the lower back, the lower back, the lower back, the lower back, the lower back. At all times to a straight state to do the action, both to ensure the accuracy of the action, but also to reduce the possibility of waist injury.
The number of groups: 10-20 times a group, each training to do three groups
Action four: push-ups
Main training muscle groups: pectoralis major, triceps brachii
The action essentials: feet together on the ground on the tips of the toes, both hands supported on the ground, shoulders down to lower the body, thinking of our chest towards the ground nearer to the closer, the better, if you feel that the action is too simple, you can reduce the hands interval to increase the difficulty If you feel that the action is too simple, you can reduce the interval between hands to increase the difficulty.
The number of groups: 10-20 times a group, each training to do three groups
Action five: roll abdominal
Main training muscle group: abdominal muscles
The action: the upper body off the ground with hands on the ground to keep the body balanced to the hips for the landing, the action begins with the legs forward stirrups out of the abdominal muscles, the goal is to make the abdominal muscles continued stimulation, to maintain a contraction of the state of the stretch.
The number of groups: 10-20 times a group, each training to do three groups
Movement six: lunge
The main training muscle groups: quadriceps, biceps femoris
Movement essentials: hands on your hips, one leg back, toes on the ground, the other leg in front of the body, the action began when the body down, play a role in stretching the quadriceps muscle of the anterior thigh, the action can not only be used as a workout action, but also as an exercise to improve the quality of life. The movement can not only be used as a workout, but can also be turned into a static stretch.
The number of groups: 10-20 times a group, each training to do three groups
Movement 7: jumping box
The main training muscle groups: quadriceps, biceps femoris
Movement essentials: to find a higher step, to keep the body's balance and together with the feet upward jump.
The number of groups: 10-20 times a group, each training to do three groups
The above are some simple self-weighted action, as long as we come up with half an hour a day to carry out such a series of actions, to obtain the fat-burning effect will be much more than you run for half an hour, so that weight loss does not necessarily have to go to the gym, it is not necessarily only through the running, to find a highly efficient way, it is more you should learn something.