What are similar words to dance?

Characters that are similar to the character for dance are: humming room, without, 躌

I. Humming room

Pinyin: wǔ, Zhuyin: ㄨˇ, Simplified Chinese radical: 亻部, Extra radical strokes: 14 strokes, Total strokes: 16 strokes, Traditional Chinese radical: 人部

五笔86:WRLH, 五笔98:WTGG, Cangjie:OOTQ, Zheng code:NMRM, 四角: 28251, Structure: left and right

Interpretation: dance.

Two: without

Pinyin: wú, Zhuyin: ㄨˊ, radical: 木部, radical: 木部, external strokes: 12 strokes, total strokes: 16 strokes, five strokes: 86: RLGS

Five strokes: 98: TGLS, Cangjie: OTDD, Zheng code: MAFF, four corners: 80994, structure: upper and lower, Unicode: 6A46

Interpretation: None.

Three: 躌

Pinyin: wǔ, Zhuyin: ㄨˇ, radical: 足部, radical: 14 strokes, total strokes: 21 strokes, five strokes: 86: KHRH

Five strokes: 98: KHTG, Cangjie: RMOTQ, Zheng code: JIRM, four corners: 68151, structure: left-right, Unicode: 8E8C


1, footprint.

2, to tread, to step on.

Expanded Information

Hand Strokes:

Related Groupings:

1. xiang hummingbird [xiáng wǔ]?

Shang humming.

2、回儛[huí wǔ]?

The humming chamber. The humming chamber.

3.抃儛[biàn wǔ]?

To dance with joy.

4.êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêDǎo wǔ]?

To dance.

5、歌儛[gē wǔ]?

Song and dance.