And we share this interest in the home of this extraordinary traveler.
Venice is a beautiful city built in the most unlikely place to build a city. A city of less than 8 square kilometers, it was once the most powerful city in Europe in terms of human and material resources and power. The history of Venice is said to have begun in 453 A.D., when the peasants and fishermen of this part of the world fled from the sword-hungry nomads to this small island in the Adriatic. Fertile alluvial soil, locally sourced stones, and boats made of wood from the neighboring inland. In the mud, on the water, the ancestors built Venice. Venice began to develop in the 10th century, around the 14th century, it has developed into Italy's busiest port city, known as the Mediterranean Sea, the most famous set of commerce, trade, tourism in one of the water city. 14-15 century for the heyday of Venice, became Italy's most powerful and richest sea "**** and the country", one of the Mediterranean trade center. "Since the 16th century, with the discovery of America by Columbus, Venice gradually declined. 1797, Venice submitted to Napoleon's rule, and the Venetian **** and the country of more than 1,000 years of history died out since then, and the War of Independence against Austria was won in 1849. It was not until 1866 that the Venetian region and Italy were united and became a region of Italy.
Venice building in the most unlikely place to build the city - water, Venice's style is always inseparable from the "water", winding alleys, flowing waves, she seems to be a floating in the blue waves on the romantic dream, poetic and picturesque for a long time to linger. Venice is like a dolphin. Venice is shaped like a dolphin, the city area is less than 7.8 square kilometers, but consists of 118 small islands, 177 canals like a spider's web in the middle of the dense, these small islands and canals by about 401 various bridges connected. The entire city is connected to the Italian mainland by a single long causeway.
Buildings here were constructed by driving large wooden stakes into the soil under the water, which were then driven into the ground.