(if we talk about mechanical dance, jang woo hyuk's song is very suitable because he dances mechanical dance really well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2.reckless - Nam Hyun Joon's mechanical dance song
3.popping (this song is a very unique mechanical dance song)
4.my music (the tune of this song is very nice and good)
5.run to you ( This song is a faster tempo, more upbeat mechanical dance music)
6. hippop street dance music (very suitable for dancing, as if there is a song is also called hippop, this is the nba commercials street dance song)
7. tommy--hippop horry (is a hip-hop rap street dance song)
8. dilemma (I do not know whether you are boys or girls, this song is strongly recommended to girls, this song is very comfortable, good to listen to Oh)