What exercise is suitable for middle-aged 40 years old to lose weight, not lose weight can exercise the body is okay, running jump rope have tried, want to try something else?

Boxing is the highest calorie-consuming sport of all indoor sports. Fat loss effect is obvious, the average hour will consume about 700 calories, can be said to be the largest consumption of all fitness programs.

Practicing boxing to help lose weight also has a good effect on improving one's fitness and stamina. The boxing offense is based on punching, and the muscles and ligaments of the shoulders and back can be moderately exercised, and the whole person becomes more flexible.

It is worth mentioning that almost all the movements in boxing require the waist and abdomen to maintain balance and develop force, so the exercise of the waist and abdomen exceeds any other fitness. Therefore, it is very suitable for long time sedentary, resulting in fat accumulation in the waist and abdomen of the office workers.