There are some old people do not party, do not play cards, do not dance, but while they are very comfortable, how do you think? In the view of many people, as a retired elderly seems to be this little thing, on the one hand, and their friends and relatives old friends often get together every now and then. To describe their own life situation, and their relatives and friends often communicate with their emotions, which is also some of the life and motivation of the driving force. It is also human nature, many of the friends who are often in contact with some of the friends, which is hardly any problem.
But in general, and some of the nearby neighbors to play a game of cards, in other words, dancing a square dance can be. As the vast majority of the retired elderly living situation, all belong to such a situation. This is also a more normalized retirement life, so in our eyes to see this life is also normal. But there are some retired elderly, he is not willing to go to the party activities, not willing to play cards, and even less willing to go to the square dance, this is how it is? On the contrary, this kind of old man he still feel comfortable living, in fact, in the view of many people look at perhaps do not understand, feel that the student's life is meaningless.
I think this way of life is not to blame, this is their choice, as long as they feel comfortable living, that is good. I think that in the future, as the level of social aging continues to increase, there will be more and more elderly people, but there is a difference in temperament between the elderly and the elderly. There are some elderly people who are export-oriented and naturally love the so-called party activities, playing cards and square dancing. But there are also some old people, he belongs to the type of do not like to talk, do not want to participate in this kind of leisure activities, often like to be alone, alone in the home side of the life, which can also be.
What should I do as a child? I think we should strictly follow our parents' ideas to make him live his own life. Don't impose your own personal intentions on your parents, because if you do, I'm sure your parents won't be very willing and happy. Therefore, in any case, the first thing is to ask the parents for their own advice, they prefer to come to what kind of life, we will go to meet them what kind of life. Whether they want to go square dancing, play cards or go to a party, this is the parents' choice in life, and all of us as children should encourage them. Never take their own thinking to guide other people's lives, that is not correct, and may also lose more than they gain.