Elderly people have less flexible joints and a slower metabolism. So seniors should be active, but choose an appropriate exercise and workout program. Often, you will need to choose exercises that are less difficult and have specific requirements for coordination sensitivity and endurance.
? Walk for 20-40 minutes at 60 to 90 steps per minute. This trail is suitable for elderly patients with coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, post-stroke or respiratory disease, moderate to severe arthritis. Walk for 30-60 minutes at 90-120 steps per minute. For adolescent and middle-aged patients with chronic arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders and recovering hypertension. Return to walking with hands back, slowly take 50 steps backward and repeat 5 to 10 steps forward for 100 steps. Suitable for healthy middle-aged and elderly people. Swinging Arm WalkingWalking with the arms moving back and forth to improve movement of the shoulder, elbow and ribs. Walk 60 to 90 steps per minute. Suitable for patients with gastritis and arthritis of upper and lower limbs, chronic bronchitis, emphysema. Walking with a soft abdomenWalking with a gentle abdominal massage can prevent indigestion and chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Walking immediately after meals is not advisable.
When walking a weak body, you need to spread your arms properly and increase the number of steps. It is desirable to speed up the pace of slow walking. Promote the body's metabolism usually walk 1-2 times a day for about an hour each time. High blood pressureWhen walking, keep your feet on the ground and lift your chest. Do not press on the chest or bend or flex it as this may interfere with the normal function of the chest. The pace should not be too slow and moderately slow. Otherwise your blood pressure tends to rise. It is better to choose after dinner rather than walking in the morning. Usually, human blood pressure is highest in the morning and relatively stable in the evening.
? Life is about exercise, and when you move your body is much more energized. It will provide us with the energy that our body needs, and the energy will provide us with the nutrients that we need. So when you move with enough energy, you will be more and more healthy. So get moving.