How much can American soldiers get as soldiers for a year?
The average annual salary of US Army soldiers is $50,000-$80,000. If it is a mid-level officer, it can reach more than 300 thousand dollars. If you take part in the war, your salary will double or even triple. A soldier in the US Army spends about $654.38 million on training every year. If a soldier is killed in battle, his family can get a pension of about $6,543,800+0,000, as well as monthly welfare and insurance provided by the state. According to the analysis of the British national think tank, the United States sacrificed an ordinary soldier, including cumulative training and rehabilitation, and the country lost more than $3 million. If it is an officer, a special warfare player, a pilot, etc. This number will double. Therefore, the United States prefers mercenaries in overseas wars because American soldiers are too expensive.