Anal fissure can still dance square dance

Modern middle-aged and elderly women, many like to dance, but not everyone can, which is accompanied by rectal mucosal prolapse, it is recommended not to do too long, the disease occurs in the middle-aged and elderly women, the common symptom is always feel that the stool can not be solved cleanly, and defecation always feel the anus after the swelling discomfort. And dancing too long will aggravate the rectal mucosal prolapse symptoms.

Treatment, generally can be used first conservative treatment, the main use of tonic Qi class of drugs, if the conservative treatment is ineffective, then the need for surgery. Usually, to avoid long time dancing, you can practice lifting the anus in your spare time. The method is: the anus force upward tighten to keep about 10 seconds, and then relax for about 10 seconds, do 30 to 50 times a day, can improve the discomfort of the anus. Life should pay attention to do not walk a long way, lifting heavy objects, try to avoid squatting action.