How do you buy and sell friends?
You will have actually fund you to buy your buddy after which his value will rise you can let him do some work every day to make money for you so that you have more money you can buy more value higher buddy the higher the value the more kinds of work he can do the more your earnings will be the more the buddy buying and selling strategy conditions 1 master number two trumpet (the time of the torture are after 8:00 p.m. the best time of the slave state) the new number of logging in the buddy buying and selling are for 1600 yuan large buy three cheapest slaves 500 yuan, while the slave price rises after the large number of tossing, small number A buy back the large number of two slaves, tossing after the small number B and then buy the large number of a slave, tossing after the completion of the large number of all buy back, at this time you can let the slave sold to planting trees, steady income without loss. RP is good if you sell ten hours a night 42 per hour, a toss is 420 dollars, plus appeasement 500 dollars a day minimum. The next day according to the number can buy another 1-2 two slaves, and then repeat the above steps, so that the number full of ten slaves, is definitely the fastest way to make money. The second step, brush the price, when the assets of the large number to a certain extent, the two trumpet assets are also considerable, then you can let the trumpet A to buy a large number, tossed and then let the trumpet B to buy a large number, according to such a virtuous cycle, the large amount of money up, the sale of slaves led to the rise in the price of slaves is equal to the rise in the total assets, the price of the trumpet up, the small amount of money is also up, quite a perfect ... ... friends buy and sell all kinds of rules, the rules and regulations of the slave trade. ... Friends buy and sell all kinds of rules description: every night 8:00 to 12:00 for the slave state the best time, after 12:00 to 6:00 in the morning for the slave rest time. Example: If you send a slave to drink with you, if you earn 150 in normal condition, you will lose 50, if you earn 225 in optimal condition, you will lose 75, if you send a slave to work during rest time, you will earn very little, so it is not recommended to send a slave to work during rest time. Each slave can be bought twice a day at most Concept: Total Assets = Cash + Slave Value Your slave quits the game when he is redeemed from you, you don't lose any money. How not to let others to buy their own: their own redemption is the most loss, if their value is not high, it is best to let the trumpet to buy their own back, if the other side still buy you, then their own efforts to make money, until they buy enough ten slaves, the system automatically lifted their own slavery to become a free body, at the same time, your original slave owner to buy your money is not refunded, then, he will be loss of death pull. Haha. (The following according to the normal time toss) A scolding ------------- ------ no effect Take a brick to knock out ------------- ------ steady income 30 To go to the dance hall accompaniment ------------- ------ earn 150 or lose 50 To go to the tree planting ------------- ------ steady income not lose 1-10 Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours Random 1-10 hours If you want to make money or lose money 1-10 hours randomly Go to the square and run naked ---------------- ------ If you want to make money or lose money 1-10 hours randomly Dig a hole and bury it alive ---------------- ------ If you want to make money or lose money 1-10 hours randomly Dig a hole and bury it alive ---------------- ------ If you want to make money or lose money 1-10 hours randomly Starve for three days and nights ---------------- ------ If you want to make money or lose money 1-10 hours randomly Make the slave do a Pole Dance ------- ------- earn 150 or lose 50 (the last one may have other effects, but only earn or lose for the time being as tested by 10 slaves) Give a bone to a slave ---------------- ------ no effect Buy a slave a snack ---------------- ------ no effect Watch TV with a slave ----- ----------- ------ steady earning Tell a slave a story ---------------- ------ steady earning Take a slave to the supermarket ---------------- ------ steady earning Give a happy hug ---------------- ------ steady earning Take a slave for a drive -------------- -- ------ steady earning *** into the candlelight dinner ---------------- ------ steady earning Going to Europe 10 countries tour ---------------- ------ steady earning Soak in the hot springs together ---------------- ------ steady earning Last Updated - 2009/02/20 3. Open 8 trumpets. First of all. The main number buy 1, 2 buy back 1, the main number buy 2, 3 buy back 2, the main buy 3, 4 buy back 3, the main again buy 4, 5 buy back 4... Proceed from there. Usually 6 trumpets are actually enough. Pacify picks the bottom one for each of the main's buys. Then torment all pick mining (the third item), and then the trumpet buys it again. This makes the most money. The beginning of 1,2 days funds will be more nervous, I brush more than 1 week, assets from 4000 to 40000. note, it is best to carry out in the evening before 10 ~ 12 o'clock, make money 1.5 times, torment a successful can earn 225. pre-said a lot. Of course, is not completely brushed out, buy the so-called potential slaves is also important. There are still do not understand can leave a message to me, know everything. First of all, in this game, you can earn money in the following ways: buy and sell slaves, your slaves are bought by someone, in addition to giving you the cost, you can also earn $105 sell yourself, you can earn $30 each time you are bought out, and at the same time, the value of the increase of 150 Torture the slaves, the most conservative way to earn $80, the most conservative method can earn $300, or may be a loss of $80 Pacify the slaves, can earn $20 So how can you earn money? So how do you make the most money? According to the list above, a slave can change hands for $105, so the best way to make the most money is to sell slaves. If you buy a slave, torture and pacify it, and then have it bought by someone else, you can earn $205 conservatively, or $425 at the most. First, let's look at how the slave trade works: Join B in buying slave C from A. C's price was $500, but after A's first purchase it went up to $650. So how will this $650 be distributed? So how does this $650 get distributed? Well, $500 is the slave's principal, which is returned to A. So A receives $500 first, and then $105 is profit for A. $30 is money for C. Then there is $105 for A's profit, and $30 for C's own money. Then there is $105 profit for A, $30 for C, and $15 for tax. 105+30+15=150. This is the reason why the value of the slave increases by $150 every time we trade it. To summarize, we should buy the kind of slaves that change hands quickly, earning $105 for each transfer, regardless of whether they are expensive or cheap. So don't skimp and buy the cheap ones that no one wants. Because if no one buys the slave from you, you'll end up having to release it or discount it, which doesn't make sense when you do the math. Also, buying and selling the same slave multiple times will increase the amount of ways to torture and pacify it, and potentially make more money! Torture Suggestion: So what can you do to earn more money after you buy it? My advice is to torture and pacify immediately, and get the cash first, because you don't know if you'll be bought by someone else right away. If it's the first time you buy it, there are 3 options inside the torture***: A stinking scolding: this option has no effect, you're neither earning nor losing money, so why waste the opportunity? Brick: This option has no effect, you won't earn or lose any money, so why waste the opportunity? Pick shit or sing in a karaoke hall: this option has the possibility of losing $80, or earning $30 per hour for up to 10 hours. So should you choose the second or the third option? Let's use statistics to figure it out. Assuming there are 2 possibilities for the third option, the probability of losing $80 is 0.5, and the probability of earning $300 is also 0.5. So let's figure out the expected value: 80*0.5+300*0.5=110, which is greater than the 80 using the conservative method. That is, if you use the third option every time you do it for a certain number of times, the total probability of earning money tends to be 110, which is more than the second option. This means that if you use the third one every time for a certain number of times, the total probability of earning money will tend to be 110, which is more than the second one. Of course, there is a better way: since you can't go into debt in the game, if you have less than $80, you will be prompted that you don't have enough money to torture slaves. So before we torture the slaves, we spend less than $80. Then we go to the third option, and if you are going to be fined, you will be prompted to say that you don't have enough money, so you can choose the second option instead. However, when you are prompted that you don't have enough money, don't rush to pick the second one, test the other slaves you have first, then pick the second one, this is the best way to get the best value for your money. You can also use the same method when drawing Destiny cards, which will ensure that you don't get deducted. How do I pacify a slave? This is easy, just pick the last one to watch TV with your slave, because the others have no effect. Watching TV with a slave will earn you $20. After you have bought or sold a slave 2 times, you will be given the option to tell the slave a story, which will earn you $30. How much does this add up to when you buy or sell a slave? Conservative: 105+80+20=205 Unconservative: Good Luck: 105+300+20=425 Bad Luck: 105-80+20=45 Normal: 105+110+20=235 (This is the average of what you would get if you used the third one all the way through the game) How do you increase your value the fastest? Some people say to find friends to help brush together, but this is not very realistic count yourself need at least 4 people to brush together everyone can not every day to QQ number to you it. The actual fact is that the actual actual actuality is actually a lot more than the actual actuality that the actual actuality is actually a lot more than the actuality. If you have money and no slaves, you can buy slaves with no money until you have bought and sold them twice. Remember to torture and please the slaves. Also, it is very important to have one QQ number added to the other 3 QQ number friends so that they can be bought and sold. In this way, each friend has been bought and sold 2 times to achieve the daily on-line, if you adhere to the words every day, you can become the highest price of the people! 4, realize quickly brush the value of at least 5 QQ (you say 2 also line that I do not compete with you that is not called brush!) Why 5 it because to cycle buy so you still have to apply for 4 QQ number (with the unnecessary but now also good to apply) Conveniently, we will call these 4 QQ for 1 2 3 4 to brush the main number called 5 bar Also pay attention to the 2 rules a number a day can only be bought 2 that is to say, there are 2 chances to improve their value of the second night will be more than the daytime earn more money because of the work of the relationship between the specific points I'm not sure, this is also the Tencent in the recent update of the previous not I usually buy and sell from 7 pm to 10 pm Well, I do not say the general rules, you must be very clear, then look at my friends buy and sell 2 ring (12345 for 5 QQ number) I introduced 2 cycles 1 buy 5 2 buy 1 3 buy 2 4 buy 3 5 buy 4 the second time to buy the words 1 buy 3 2 buy 4 3 buy 5 4 buy 1 5 buy 2 according to this buy, you 5 5 buy 5 buy 2 according to this buy then your 5 number body value are raised 2 times absolutely will not appear can not buy their own master or repeat the situation so today can end the next day in the buy and sell words in the return to the first cycle of the buy (there is a QQ number 1 2 3 4 5 buy friends 5 1 2 3 4 the second buy 4 5 1 2 3 5, to get a tutorial Specifically, if there are 2 numbers, and If you have two numbers, and you want to raise each other's total assets, regardless of other things, it's very simple. If both number A and number B have a slave, and if you reverse each other, you can each increase your total assets by 210 (105 per income), and decrease your cash by 90 (2 population transaction taxes and 2 30 dividends to slaves). Of course, don't worry about the cash reduction, you can get it back with torture and pacification. And if you follow this method, how many more slaves, do you understand? If you want to increase both cash and total assets, it's a bit tiring. That is, if you have 20 slaves. Of course, if it's a small game, a few is OK. However, if you have enough numbers, there is an advantage: who dares to buy you? That is to say, if you have 10 slaves, then you will naturally become a free agent. It is said that the money spent by the person who bought you is not refundable! So who would dare to buy you? Here's how it works: A buys X1 A buys X2, normal torture, X1 buys X2, normal torture A buys X3, X2 buys X3 A buys XN XN-1 buys XN .... Finally XN buy X1 The question is like this, someone has a QQ number, he wants to raise the value of this number, at the same time, has a small number, also need to raise the value. And at the same time to enhance the value of the two numbers, but also to maximize the total assets of the large number. Q: How many numbers do I need at least, and how do I trade to achieve this? Well, there are two separate conditions. If you say that you only need to increase the value of 2 numbers, it should be easy, right? I'll leave it at that. If you want to increase the value of both numbers and the total value of A, then you just need to swap the order of the transactions and the initial belongings on top of the above. A, torment B, B pleases, torment C, C pleases A buys C from B, C buys B from A, A torments C, B pleases, C pleases, torments B A buys B from C, B buys C back from A. A lets B work, B lets C work, pleases; C pleases. Torture method Reward Punishment A scolding No No Take a brick to knock out ¥ 30 No Go to the ballroom to accompany the drinks or go to the black coal kiln to dig coal ¥ 150 ¥ 50 Go to sell lover's roses ¥ 28/H No Go to pick up the manure or go to the concert hall to sell songs ¥ 30/H ¥ 80 Go to work as a nanny ¥ 30/H ¥ 100 Go to work as a peddler ¥ 40/H ¥ 100 Go to the square to run around naked ¥ 40/H ¥ 100 Dug the pit and buried alive The price of the body rose ¥ 150 (slavery) Price down ¥150 (slave) Hungry for 3 days and 3 nights Price up ¥100 (slave) Price down ¥100 (slave) Give me a pole dance / whip the slave ¥100 ¥50 As you can see, planting trees or digging coal / drink with the best choice. If you don't want to transfer the slave, just click on Plant a Tree. If you need to transfer the slaves, click on Coal Digging / Drinking. 6. Detailed description of the rules of the QQ friend trading game New Updates First time you log in to "friend trading" every day, you can get $100 (only issued once a day) Torture and pacify slaves to get more cash randomly. Use Destiny Card to get cash if you are lucky. The more times you buy and sell a person, the more means you have to torture and pacify them. (Also the more ways a slave has to please his master) Pleasing his master Praising his master to the point of fainting The slave pours out a torrent of praise to his master: you are so creative looking and courageous to live, master! The slave will greet his master with his left leg, left hand on the knee, right hand hanging down, right leg half-kneeling, shouting "good luck to your old man", rubbing his legs for his master, the slave picks up his master's legs and rubs them while scrutinizing them, "second brother, your meat is more expensive than the master's", and ask for a New Year's red packet from his master. New Year's Red Envelope (The system has canceled this event) Chinese New Year is here, the slave bowed to his master, congratulations and fortune, bring the red envelope! The master was so happy that he gave the slave a big red packet of ¥88. Sing a little song to the master The slave cleared his throat and sang the familiar song to his master: Get up, starving slave... The master was happy and gave the slave ¥ 20 reward. Belly dance to the master Slave gas Dantian, began to perform for the master of the Indian famous dance "Belly Dance". The master was happy, gave the slave ¥ 30 reward Help the master wash underwear Slave breath to the master accumulated a week of underwear all washed clean. The master was happy and gave the slave ¥ 40 reward. To master confession Slave deep love to master confession: I miss you, I miss you want to sleep! Master a shy, gave the slave ¥ 50 reward. Hard kiss master Slave affectionately bit a heart-shaped red mark on the master's neck, shyly ran away. Master a shy, gave the slave ¥ 60 reward. Torture slave A scolding The master let the slave kneel in front of him, rushing a scolding: you look can be really confident, really patriotic, really scientific, really creative, really backbone! Take the brick to knock out Case 1: the master holding a brick, quietly walking behind the slave, a brick knocked out, from the body to search out ¥ 30. Case 2: the master holding a brick, quietly walking behind the slave, a brick knocked out, carried to the Yihongyuan for ¥ 30 reward money. To work in the black coal kiln (male) Scenario 1: The slave was taken by his master to work in the black coal kiln, but was seized by the local government and had to pay ¥ 50 to bring him back. Scenario 2: The slave was taken by his master to work in a black coal kiln and found a large diamond worth ¥150 for his master. Going to a dance hall to accompany alcohol (female) Scenario 1: The slave was sent by her master to a dance hall to accompany alcohol, and was poisoned by fake alcohol, which cost her master ¥50 in medical expenses. Scenario 2: Slave was sent by her master to the dance hall to accompany the wine, the whole night tips constantly, *** to the master earned ¥ 150. Go to collect the red envelopes (the system has canceled the event) New Year's Eve and New Year's greetings, the master to take the slave to the home of family and friends to do the guest, the slave is loved by all people. A whole day **** run N hours, every hour can earn ¥ 68. Go to sell Valentine's roses (the system has canceled the event) Situation 1: Valentine's Day is approaching, the master sends the slave to sell red roses in the square where the couples gather, the slave can speak well, the men have to shell out money. N hours a night, each hour can earn ¥ 18. Scenario 2: Valentine's Day is approaching, the master sends slaves to sell red roses in the square where couples gather, the slaves can talk well, men have to pay. N hours a night, you can earn ¥ 28 per hour. To plant trees Arbor Day is approaching, the master took the slave to plant trees, to promote the greening of the country, expanding forest resources, improve the ecological environment. The slave worked for N hours, earning ¥30 per hour. Going to pick up manure (male) Scenario 1: the slave was sent by his master to pick up manure, stumbled and fell into a cesspit, the master can only spend ¥ 80 to give the slave a clean clothes. Scenario 2: The slave is sent by his master to pick up manure, not afraid of hard work, not afraid of fatigue, humiliation, and work for N hours, and earn ¥ 30 per hour. Singing in a concert hall (female) Scenario 1: The slave is sent by his master to sing in a concert hall, because of the overstatement of the voice, scaring away the customers, the master can only spend ¥ 80 to apologize to the boss. Scenario 2: A slave is sent by his master to sing in a concert hall and wins the applause of the audience when he opens his mouth, and he sings for N hours in a row all night long, earning ¥30 per hour. Going to clean the toilets (male) Scenario 1: A slave is sent by his master to clean the toilets, but he throws a stone into the women's toilets, and he is detained by the public security department. The master spends ¥100 to release the slave on bail. Scenario 2: The slave was sent by his master to clean the toilet, scrubbing the tiles as if they were mirrors, **** worked for N hours, earning ¥30 per hour. To work as a babysitter (female) Scenario 1: The slave was sent by his master to work as a babysitter, the slave accidentally broke the vase of the master's home antique vase, the master had to compensate for the slave for ¥100. Scenario 2: The slave was sent by his master to work as a babysitter, handy, earning ¥30 per hour*** worked for N hours. **Working N hours. To be a hawker Situation 1: As soon as it gets dark, the master lets the slave to set up a stall in front of the neighborhood. Unlicensed operation was caught by the city police, the fine of ¥ 100. Case 2: Once dark, the master let the slave go to the door of the neighborhood stalls, while selling tea eggs, while selling the overnight evening paper. N hours a night, each hour can earn ¥ 40. Go to the square to run naked Situation 1: the master took the slave to the square to run naked, the onlookers are happy and smiling. As a result, the slave was sentenced to a fine of ¥100 for overdressing. Scenario 2: The master brought the slave to the square to run naked, and the onlookers laughed and laughed. The slave ran for N hours and earned ¥ 40 per hour bounty Dig a pit and bury alive Scenario 1: the master dug a pit and buried the slave, the slave ate a bellyful of mud, the townspeople mistakenly thought that the clay Bodhisattva descended from the earth, and his value increased by ¥ 150 Scenario 2: the master dug a pit and buried him, and then put up a sign on the side of the "There is no pig here! "Starve for three days and three nights Case 1: the slave was starved by his master to the bone, starry-eyed, his value fell by ¥ 100 Case 2: the slave was starved by his master to the bone, the townspeople are talking about, Sun Da Sheng collected the power of God it! Price increased by ¥ 100 Tied to the column whip (male) Situation 1: the master tied the slave to the column, whip the slave to grimace, the master can only spend ¥ 50 to buy medicine for the slave. Scenario 2: the master tied the slave to the column, whip the slave to grimace, knocked down two gold teeth sent to the pawnshop earned ¥ 100. Give me a pole dance (female) Scenario 1: the master let the slave go to the room to dance a pole dance, but the slave is too heavy to break the pipe, you can only spend ¥ 50 for a new one. Scenario 2: Master let the slave to the room to dance a pole dance, next door neighbors have come to the door to watch, the master earned ¥ 100 admission money. Appeasement of the slave Appreciation of a bone The master threw a bone to the slave to eat, the slave smelled and complained why not cumin flavor. Treat a Slave to a Snack The master mercifully treats his slave to a snack, a pancake rolled in steamed bread and eaten with rice. Accompany the slave to watch TV The master allows the slave to watch TV for 1 minute, turn on the positive broadcast: now it is the long-awaited 60 seconds of commercials, the slave is touched, to help the master earn back ¥ 20 to the slave to tell a story Situation 1: the master tells the slave a story, that there is a big official, to save the ignorant girl, and later died in the clutches of the Wu Sung, the slave is touched, to help the master to earn back ¥ 30 Situation 2: the master tells the slave a story, that there is a small hero Lai Ning, to save the girl, and later died in the clutches of the Wu Sung. A small hero Lai Ning, in order to put out the fire, to save the mountains, sacrificed his precious life. Slave a touched, to help the master earn back ¥ 30. Take to the supermarket shopping Master to take the slave to the supermarket shopping, bought a pound of shopping bags, the slave a touched, to help the master earn back ¥ 40 Give a happy hug Master to the slave open arms, imploring: "Can you give me a happy embrace?" Slave a touched, to help the master earn back ¥ 50 Drive to the wind Master stepped on the bike, the slave sat behind, ringing in the ears of a familiar melody: sweet honey, you look greasy... Slave a touched, to help the master earn back ¥ 60 *** into the candlelight dinner Master invited the slave to a five-star restaurant dinner, ordered a two-foot long lobster. Slave a touched, to help the master earn back ¥ 70 Go to Europe 10 countries tour Master to take the slave to travel to Europe, wait until the scenery are seen through, the two together to see a long and thin stream. Slave a touched, to help the master earn back ¥ 80 together hot springs Master to take the slave to go to the hot springs, love many places, hot as fire, you and I, the death of love more. Slave a touched, to help the master earn back ¥ 90 ...... Use Destiny Card Make Money Series Dining scrape cash invoice increased ¥ 50 Stock market soared, cash increased ¥ 100 by the overseas group additional investment, cash increased ¥ 125 home turned out antique vases cash contend with ¥ 150 a large amount of pork hoarders, cash increased ¥ 200 Rising Series Appearance Tarzan of the Apes" leading man, the price rose ¥ 50 In 2009, the heart wants to be successful, bullish, the price rose ¥ 88 Doing good deeds without leaving a name, the price rose 100 Participating in the 1,000-member marathon to get 998, the identity of the rise of 125 Being tapped by scouts, the price rose ¥ 150 Rumors of an ambiguous relationship with a superstar, the value of ¥ 200 Loss of money series Being sold at the entrance to the neighborhood of the discs of the big sister to talk about it, cash decreased ¥50 Staring at a girl, encountered a thief, cash down ¥50 Met 3 fake beggars on a road, cash down ¥75 Staring at a girl, encountered a thief, cash down ¥100 Met 3 fake beggars on a road, cash down ¥125 Killed the stock market the day before the crash, cash down ¥150 Financial crisis, cash depreciation minus ¥200 Loss of value series Fell into a cesspool while walking, value down 50 Adjuvant reluctant to cross the street grandmother crossing the road, the value of ¥ 75 Abducted by aliens, the value of the fall of ¥ 100 and Sister Sister Hibiscus collision, the value of the fall of ¥ 200 is such a game p>