Dongzhi village belongs to where

Dongzhi Village is located in the northwest of Jiaoqiao Town, 5 kilometers from the town government. The village *** there are 246 households, 875 people, 31 party members, 30 village representatives, 4 village groups, arable land area of 2667 acres, Dongzhi village's leading industries are grain farming and breeding and special farming. Features of cultural and sports activities: harmonious and civilized square dance team, senior citizen goalball team and colorful rice-planting teams, enriching the cultural life of farmers and greatly promoting the prosperity and development of rural culture.

Dongzhi Village is adjacent to Liuqiao Village, Xizhi Village, Xiaodu Village, Sima Village, Zhangguan Village, Dongping Village, Han Tou Village, Xiying Village, Xijiao Village, Liu Tou Village, Beijiao Village, Southwest Village, Northwest Village and Southeast Village.

On December 12, 2019, Dongzhi Village was awarded the honorary title of 2019 Healthy Village of Shandong Province.

Dongzhi Village is near Yuan Shou Dong Shinto Monument, Binzhou He Yan Mountain, Zouping Yellow River Water Conservancy Scenic Area, Daixi River Water Conservancy Scenic Area, Binzhou Liquan Temple and other tourist attractions, and there are specialties such as Changshan yam, Zouping parsnip, Zouping sour paste tofu, Qingyang millet, Xidong tofu and other specialties.