C4/4, the quarter note is one beat, and the quarter note has four beats.
= 102,4 beats102 seconds.
As for how many seconds you want to ask this song, it should refer to the beat speed, that is, 102 seconds divided by 4 beat seconds.
Download the gtp soundtrack of this song, and then open it with the software guitar pro.
The download link is: /GTP _ guitar/196012.html.
In addition, I will give you a link about notes.
/link? URL = JF 3 ltfrtodmbai-qocwughwfckyxhm 7 vppoft 7 1 obmzdv 3 hfwxtellyuveubdkkmu 6y 07 achggtjwfmu 53 bisa
I hope it helps you.