Lyrics to "China Fan Er" by Nine Moon Wonders at the 2013 Spring Festival Gala

Title: China Faner Singer: Jiu Yue Miracle Lyrics: Xu Zi Chun Composer: Xu Zi Wei Arranged by Liu Zhuo China Faner is so grand China Faner is so handsome Yellow River water washed yellow skin 5000 years of this color will never change Who demeanor elegantly walks on the stage of history in a China's red rises up the Oriental color Who stands tall and laughs to see the vicissitudes of life Who dances on the world stage in a China Faner singing the feelings of the Orient Who burst of drums and gongs to shake the era of a righteousness and dancing dragon's boldness On the stage of the world, a Chinese model sings the feelings of the Orient, who shakes this era with a burst of gongs and drums, who dances with the heroism of the dragon, who has a righteous spirit, who is so magnificent, who is so handsome, who is so handsome, who is so handsome, who has yellow skin washed by the waters of the Yellow River, who has never changed his color for 5,000 years, who is so arrogant, who is so loved by all kinds of Chinese, who is so loved by all kinds of Chinese, who is so loved by all kinds of people, who looks at the Yangtze River on the Great Wall and sees the greatness of the Great China that makes the world even more wonderful. China's style is so grand China's style is so handsome Yellow skin washed by the Yellow River 5,000 years of this color will never change China's style is so bold China's style is all kinds of love China's style is all kinds of love Looking at the Yangtze River on the Great Wall Great China makes the world a better place Great China makes the world a better place