An older woman in Shenyang is immersed in a hot dance in a subway car, and isn't she embarrassed?

Big moms aren't embarrassed.

Shenyang a big mom in the subway car immersed in hot dance, what is this all about?

Recently, a netizen broke the news that a big sister in Shenyang was dancing hot on the subway. After the video was sent out, it was trolled by many netizens. Everyone has hobbies, whether they like to sing or dance, but sometimes it is still necessary to pay attention to the occasion, dancing on the crowded subway is very inappropriate. However, I still admire this big sister. I am afraid to immerse myself in public. Personally, I still feel embarrassed. In the video, the big sister has become one with her dance. She put her cell phone on the subway seat and turned on the live stream. She also took her jacket half off and twisted around in front of the camera. While watching the big sister act like this, other passengers were dumbfounded, some of them even dared not look at her directly because they felt embarrassed.

Doesn't the older woman feel embarrassed?

I don't think the older woman felt embarrassed at all. I guess she is optimistic in her daily life. After the video was posted online, many netizens said she could entertain herself without any problem. Some netizens also said that they can dance if they want to, regardless of what others think. There are also netizens who said it is simply intolerable, are already a big mom, but also in such a crowded carriages dancing, the key is also undressed, simply indecent.

How brave is this big mom?

Learning square dance aunts, once you miss the new dance, you can not keep up with their own small group of dance. So it doesn't stop for a day, even if it's windy or rainy, and it's really good exercise for the elderly. I think the aunts might be learning a new dance and don't want to fall behind the others. Anyway, there was nothing to do on the subway, so she simply danced there. Such a spontaneous personality is enviable. However, proper dancing can be good for your body. But the big mom should also pay attention to the impact, because there are too many people on the subway, accidentally bumping into others is not good, or find an open place to practice.

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