What exactly are aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercise in the end what

Aerobic exercise in the end what? We all know that there are aerobic and anaerobic sports such as classification, but for some sports are not very clear about what it actually belongs to the sport. I've collected and organized the information about aerobic exercise, so let's take a look.

Aerobic exercise in the end what 1

Aerobic exercise to lose weight refers to the body in the co2 sufficient supply of conditions to carry out physical exercise, generally in the outdoors. Aerobic exercise for weight loss is quite rhythmic, its fitness time is long, and the amount of exercise is at a moderate level or moderate to high level. Heartbeat maintained at 150 times / min of exercise intensity for aerobic exercise to lose weight, because then the blood can provide the heart with sufficient co2; if the heartbeat to do 150 to 160 times / min, then the blood to the heart of the oxygen production is not enough, it is semi-aerobic exercise to lose weight; if the heartbeat to do 160 times / min or more, it is strength training, that is, the blood co2 to the heart is already a very high demand.

Aerobic exercise is not sufficient for weight loss.

Aerobic exercise to lose weight is actually a lot of, girls have to say can pick after dinner to go to the heart, running or cycling is also a very good choice, there is also is swimming is also a very good choice. Then the boys in addition to this fitness exercise can also go to play blue ball or soccer team these. Older people can choose Tai Chi, square dance or rhythmic gymnastics and so on. These are some very good choices. There are also some more purposeful fitness exercises, such as some female white-collar workers, long-term sitting in the office to tighten the waist, you can choose to go to the children's taekwondo, but to be safe tips, do not have to hurt themselves; there is also tennis, although only with the hands, but in fact the whole body fitness exercise to.

The above is related to aerobic exercise to lose weight in detail, the net editor detailed all of this is our more common aerobic exercise to lose weight, now everyone on the aerobic exercise to lose weight and more new understanding of it. In fact, to distinguish a fitness exercise is aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise, this also has to be based on my health condition and training level. The most important thing is to do what you can, from shallow to deep.

Aerobic exercise in the end what 2

Training methods

1, jumping fly

Jumping fly required indoor space is not large, if you can persevere continuous jumping fly 10 minutes, the calorie consumption is equivalent to 30 minutes of running, is attributed to a kind of low use of time, The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new pair of shoes or boots, and then you'll be able to get your hands on a new pair of shoes or boots.

2, squatting

This is the apple-shaped figure of the welfare of the beauty, squatting can improve its human body, and can also be watched while watching TV series to carry out fitness exercise. You can use the basic stand up, heel slightly inward/outward stance to tighten the sides of the feet and the inner muscles for the actual effect of slimming the calf position.

3, waist fitness exercise

A4 waist is practiced out, you can choose to lie down before going to bed, legs bent, arms on the side of the body in the way, the head and the upper body gradually up to extend, and unremittingly lagging for a minute and then down, once a day, but need to be in the fitness exercise so that the muscles feel sore. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

In the case of our aerobic exercise, the body's inhalation of oxygen is eight times more than in the case of the quiet, if you can persistently carry out aerobic exercise in the long term, not only to enhance the total concentration of hemoglobin in the body, but also to enhance the body's resistance to the cerebral cortex of the work efficiency gradually improved. The work efficiency of the cerebral cortex is gradually improved to ensure the body's heart function; for those who are ready to lose weight, it can also enhance the body fat consumption.

Common Problems

1, aerobic exercise to lose weight and time control

Aerobic exercise to lose weight there are many kinds of various, for example, fast walking, running, aerobic exercise, swimming, cycling, playing tai chi these are all categorized aerobic exercise to lose weight, if you can make sure to adhere to the exercise three times a week, each time you want to lose weight, you can also make sure that you have a lot of time to do so. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you work out three times a week, and that each time you do so, you control the time for more than thirty minutes.

2, Different age of people's exercise control

For different ` age of fitness exercise, the heartbeat of the maintenance is not the same.

20-30 year olds should maintain a heart rate of 140 beats per minute during exercise; 40-50 year olds should maintain a heart rate of 120-135 beats per minute, and those older than 60 should maintain a heart rate of 100-120 beats per minute. The heart rate should be 120-135 beats per minute for those aged 40-50, and 100-120 beats per minute for those older than 60.

The above is the net editor for the guys detailed introduction of the most convenient aerobic exercise to lose weight, whether it is jumping fly squatting or waist fitness exercise, generally speaking does not require a large place, even in the room can also be carried out, there are a lot of people have been said that forging time, in fact, this is with the laziness has a very big correlation, if you can cultivate forging a good habit, at any time can be a stitch in time. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of time to do it.