Alishan's Girl Square Dance Aerobics

The Girl from Alishan is a classic Taiwanese folk song, which is also widely used in square dance aerobics. The following is a simple square dance aerobics for the girl in Alishan:

1. Cross your arms and take small steps with undulating arm movements.

2. Take a step forward with your right foot while sweeping your hands downward, then take another step forward and sweep your arms upward.

3. Take a step forward with your left foot while sweeping your hands downward, then forward again, sweeping your arms upward.

4. Bend both knees and take turns pushing your hands forward with a popping stride.

5. Briskly walk forward at a fast pace, swinging your arms upward.

6. Take a step forward with your right foot and swing your arms upward, then return to your original position.

7. Take a step forward with your left foot, swing your arm upward, then return to your original position.

8. Keep your feet together, swing your arms upward, then lower them, and swing three times a ****.

9. Cross your arms and take small steps with undulating arm movements.