How can I input music into the computer?

For example, download the song "Heaven":

1. Find the website Baidu MP3.

2. Enter the word "Heaven".

Click "MP3" at the bottom of the input box, and the circle will change.

4. Click "Search" behind the input box.

5. In a large row of Heaven, left-click the Heaven under "Song Ming".

6. An address dialog box appears, left-click the long address to pop up the player. After buffering, I heard the sweet song of Heaven, which means this can be used.

7. Close the player, right-click the long address, and a dialog box will appear. Left click "Download with Thunder". Note: Thunderbolt software must be installed on your computer.

8. Thunder will download automatically immediately. Close the Thunderbolt Daily Prompt dialog box, and the New Download Task dialog box will appear. Pay attention to "storage directory A" and remember its download path so that you can find it there later. You can also modify its storage path yourself, such as changing it to "E", so that you can find it on the E disk later. Then change "save the name" to "Tianlu".

9. Pay attention to the download progress and close the Thunderbolt dialog box after the download is completed.

10. Ok, the song has been downloaded to your computer. You can find the song "Heaven" in the place you just remembered.