What type of dance do you like?

Generally according to the age group, there is a personal preference, I personally like square dance and cha-cha, tango, three step and sailor dance type, square dance is the residents of the spontaneous fitness for the purpose of square, dam and other open space on the rhythmic dance, usually accompanied by high decibel, rhythmic music accompaniment, most of them unarmed fitness, there is a small part of the hand-held light equipment, the dance is the most important part of the dance, the dance is the most important part of the dance. Most of the dances are unarmed, and a small number of them are held with light instruments. Participants in square dance are mostly middle-aged and elderly people, with most of them being women. Folkloric dance; also distinguished from the group dance performed by many people on stage. Collective dance as a kind of urban mass dance, with a strong self-indulgence, dance steps are generally relatively simple, formation changes are not complex, is a relatively easy to carry out the "everyone jumps", for the active workers, students, the public's spare time and cultural life is extremely useful, most of the collective dance movements, from the Chinese folk dance or Western dance. Nowadays, most group dance movements come from Chinese folk dances or Western ballroom dances. Often refers to urban squares, campuses, factories by the people of the collective performance of the dance.