Goodbye (Karipay)
How are you (Rusodepo yanbay)
What's the name (Mingkaje)
I'm sorry (Kwangtat)
Buy (Nin)
Sell (Chong)
Expensive (Konza Chingpo)
Money (Beshakatsehrazhee)
I'll take it (Nigel)
The money (Beshakatsehrazhee)
I'll take it (Nigel).
Money (Xia)
Money (Nugu Bar)
No money (Migu Bar)
Phone (Kabar)
Agree (Miguy)
Disagree (Miguy)
Eat (Sakazuki)
Want to go back to the bar
Do not want to go back to the bar
No (Miguy)
The money (Nugu Bar)
The money (Nugu Bar)
I bought (Niguy).
Inquiries (Jazen Huu)
Not good (Yabu Mae Bar)
Good (Yabu)
Complaints (Rendu)
Trauma (Sobha)
Diarrhea (Tubar)
Stomach ache (Pawanawa)
Tooth ache (Sobha)
Coughing (Ruga Bar)
Headache (Guanawa)
Headache (Ruga Bar)
Headache (Guanawa)
Headache (Ruwa) )
Chill (Changshuerga)
Fever (Wawanga)
Feast (Jishenma)
Reception (Feast with Suzhenma)
Commonly Used Tibetan Words - Appellations
You (你 (切让))/
We (额任tsuo)//p>
He/She (阔 )
You (切讓措 )
Relative (班切 )
Father (爸啦 )
Mother (阿妈啦 )
Bar (仓糠)
Daughter (布姆)
Son (布 )
Doctor (闷八)
Sister (錦姆)/p>
I (Ea)
Brother (Khenpo)
Village, township and county chiefs (homophone)
*** (Jinzhumami)
Commonly Used Tibetan Languages - Accommodation and Dining
Snack Bar (Sekchong Chuanchuan)
*** Meal (Kakchise)
Self-catering Restaurant (Flesh (rang) stubborn Sharma)
Tibetan Food (Bose)
Restaurant (Sechon chaff)
Sprinkles Bar (Cang chaff)
Breakfast (Xiaosai)
Lunch (Gingon Sharma)
Dinner (Gingon Toupou Sharma )
Chinese Food (Podsai)
Western Food (Chikkiei Sai)
Vegetarian (Ou Shen Ri)
Yak and Beef (So Shrimp)
Beef Curry (So Shrimp Clicker)
Braised Beef ( Lu Shrimp Shrimp Sparrow)
Lamb (Lu Shrimp)
Hand-held Lamb (Lu Shrimp Guiding Drunken)
Roasted Lamb (Lu Shrimp Shrimp)
Pork (Paddy Shrimp) Braised Pork (Braised Paddy Shrimp)
Pork (shrimp)
Steamed pork (shrimp)
Fried pork (shrimp)
Fried pork (shrimp)
Fried pork (shrimp)
Sweet and sour spare ribs (deep fried angma)
Sausage (pak choo ma)
Commonly used Tibetan words.
Post Office (Yisang)
Tibetan → Time
What time is it? (What time is it?) What time is it? (Kadu?)
Auspiciousness and good luck Zahidol
Thank you, Tu and its
Goodbye, Kalipe
Sorry, Kwangda
No sensitivity
Yes, yes
How much is it? Beixia Kartsege
Expensive, Kongze Chingpo
I'm Er'a
You, Chieh-Jeou
One how many
Two Int. p> Tuesday Mima
Wednesday Raba
Thursday Prabhu
Friday Balsang
Saturday Bianba
Sunday Nyima
Greetings and courtesies
Chinese Tibetan transliteration
Thank you, Toghi
How are you? Gusodepo Yumbai
Come in, Yupei
Please sit down, Xiu Mat Jia
Goodbye (you take care of yourself), Kali-Pei
Good-bye (you stay), Kali-Xiu
Excuse me, Kwang-Da
Welcome, Gashu Xiu
What's your name? What's your name?
My name is Ujjina
Where do you come from? Karnapraba
Where do I go? Kabataeka
Pronouns and terms of address
Translation from Chinese to Tibetan
I, Er'ah
You, Chejean
He, Kokjang
We, Erjangtso
You, Chejeantso
They, Kokjangtso
The boy, Poo
The girl, Puem
Directions and transportation
The name is Kane Peiba
Where are you from? Transportation
Chinese Tibetan transliteration
Left Rong Qiao
Right also Qiao
Straight ahead (Ker) Degree
Nearby Nyi (Fruit)
Around ...... >>
Question 2: How do you say ''Good day'' in Tibetan? Zahidol
Question 3: How do you say it in Tibetan?
Please come in - Yapai
Please sit down - Xudaijia
Goodbye - Karipai
Goodbye - (You stay) Karipai
I'm sorry - Kwangda
Welcome - Kasuksu
What's your name - Nankaje
My name is - Ea Jima
Where do you come from?
Where do I come from - Kanepeiba
Where do I go - Kabataeka
Nouns and Terms of Address
Chinese-Tibetan Translation
I - Ea
You - Cheejeong
I - Ea
I - Ea
You -Chejeong
He - Kokjeong
We - Ejeongtso
You - Chejeongtso
They - Kokjeongtso
The boy.
Straight ahead - (Ker) Duo
Nearby - Ni (Guo)
Around - Ta Guo
Inside - Nangluo
Outside - Qilo
In front - Tunla
Inside - Nangluo
Outside - Qilo
In front of -Tundra
Back - Qula
Above - Gangla
Below - Wola
Car - Mozha
Bus Station -Mozha Pazuo
Bicycle - Ganggeri
Motorcycle - Put Bar
Fast - Jokhang
Slow - Kali
-Long Rusa
Bank - Wikang
Post Office - Isongkang
Telegraph Office - Darasong
Monastery - Gung Bar
Streets -Wolga
Markets - Chunna
Hospitals - Menkang
(Chinese-Tibetan transliteration)
Buying - Nichong
Expensive-Kongze Chingpo
Cheap-Kongze Kaipo
What's this-Diqazhe
How much is it? > How much is it - Bekazehre
I bought it - (额啊)尼格因
I don't buy it - (额啊)尼格没
Yesterday. -Today - Tezhi
Tomorrow - Seling
Morning - Xiaocai
Noon - Ninggu
One year. -Laoji
January - Dawaki One day - Nimaki
One hour - Queminji
One minute - Gamaki
Monday -Sadhava
Tuesday - Sadama
Wednesday - Sapba
Thursday - Sapb
Friday - Sapasang
Saturday -Saphenpa
Sunday - Sanima
Common Conversations
(Chinese-Tibetan transliteration)
Hello, how are you? - Bowkhamsang
It's good to see you. -Chejeang Dewi Gap Poor
What's your name? - Mingkarri
My name is - Loha Mingna
How are you? - Chejeang Dewi Gap Poor
Good, and what about you? -I'm fine, too. Thank you. - I'm sorry, Quanta.
What's up? - I'm sorry.
Where are you from? - Kanepepa
How long will it take you to get there? - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. -Koranjanmaje
Hello and welcome. - Cherjan with Borgosukhon
Have a good trip. - Num Num, Tepuyong Li
Do you have a seat?
Yes, please come in and have a seat. - Dok, Nha Dok with Xu Dijia
Where do we sit? - Ea Jang Tso Kabba
No problem. - Yumido
What do you want to eat? -Cherjangka Ri Tsaga
How is it good? - Tablecloth wash Zadok
I see, thank you very much. - Ea Line Song, Tou and its
You are welcome. - Kerlang Kamarj
Please have tea. -Sulchatsu
Do you have a guide? - You go ahead, yoob
How do you contact him? - Just wakan zhejiguzhi
Where is the discomfort? - Chiejangkarzhi embraced to do
Is it all right? -I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Bowkhamsang, Tezhisadamma, Rusodepo yanbay ==== Hi, how are you, it's Tuesday, how are you?... >>
Question 4: (Hello, ***) How do you say it in Tibetan? 100 points Go and ask the Tibetan Kol Sa, their own language, sure to give you a very standard explanation. Thank you, pure cell phone hand-typed ah, hope to adopt
Question 5: Tibetan, how do you say hello? Zaxiyue
Question 6: How do you say in Tibetan, Dear Teachers Students Hello Dear Teachers Students Hello ~
In Hindi it can be translated as " , "
For reference only
Question 7: How do you say hello, in Tibetan? Hello, as in Sodepo yanbay
Thank you, Tou and its
Sorry, Guangda
Goodbye, Karipay
Question 8: How do you say hello in Tibetan? Zaxi Dele Gukangsang (gu-kang-sang)
Question 9: How do you say hello in Tibetan, harmonized with the words thank you, bye-bye, and other commonly used phrases. 17 11:10:05
Auspicious and happy (Zhaxi Dele)
Good morning (Hu Ba Dele)
Good afternoon (Qiu Zhu Dele)
Good evening (Gong Zhu Dele)
Thank you (Qiu and its)
Bye (Karipay)
How are you (Rusodepo yuanyuanbay)
Name (Mingkaje)
The name of the person who is in the middle of the night.
What is the name (name Kaje)
I'm sorry (Kwangda)
Buy (Ni)
Sell (Oku)
Expensive (Konze Chingpo)
Money (Bayshak Kajege)
I bought (Nigel)
Money (Hsia)
Money (Nugu)
Don't want to pay (Migu)
I'm not sure if I can afford to pay (Nigu).
Phone (Kabar)
Agree (Mukhtun-ul)
Disagree (Mukhtun-mee)
Eat (Wine)
Ask for money
Don't ask for money
Ask for money
Ask for money
Not good (Yabu-mee)
Good (Yabu)
Trauma (Sobha)
Diarrhea (Tubar)
Stomach ache (Pavanava)
Tooth ache (Sobha)
Cough (Ruga)
Headache (Koknawa)
Cold (Changhuriga)
Fever (Wagwaga)
Feasts (Rugi Sharma)
The first day of the feast was a day in the city of Ruwawa, and it was the first time in the city of Ruwawa that the feasts were held.
The feast (湯湯玛)
Commonly used Tibetan words - titles
You (切讓)
We (额讓措)
He/she (阔 )
You (切讓措)///p>
Relative (班切)//p>
Father (Pa La)
Mother (Ama La)
Bar (Cang Chufu)
Daughter (Bum)
Son (Bu)
Doctor (Bum Bum)
Sister (Khem)
Me (Eh)
Brother (Khem)
Village, Township and County Chiefs (Homophone)
Sprinkle bar (仓糠)
Breakfast ( 晓塞)
Lunch (银贡洒玛)
Dinner (贡浊洒玛)
Chinese food (荚塞)
Western food (戚接塞)
Vegetarian (欧参日)
Yak and beef (搜虾)
Beef curry (
Braised Beef (Shrimp Shrimp)
Lamb (Shrimp Shrimp)
Lamb (Shrimp Shrimp)
Roasted Lamb (Shrimp Shrimp)
Pork (Shrimp Shrimp) Braised Pork (Shrimp Shrimp)
Pork (Shrimp Shrimp)
Pork (Pork Shrimp)
Pork (Pork Shrimp)
Pork (Pork Shrimp)
Pork (Shrimp)
Pork (Shrimp)
Pork (Shrimp)
Stir-Fried Sliced Pork (shrimp grinning wenma)
Fried Diced Pork (shrimp book wenma)
Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs (deep-fried angma)
Sausage (pakpa jumma)
Commonly Used Tibetan Names
Hospital (Menkang)
Bus Station (Mozapazo)
Temple (Gonpo)
Monastery (Gongba)
Township *** (Xiangshi Xiong)
Store (Chunkang) County *** {County (General) Sishong}
Hotel (Jhunkang)
Tourist Office (Yubang)
Post Office (Yisang)
Tibetan - Time
What time is it? (What time is it?) What time is it? (Kadu?)
Auspiciousness and good luck Zahidol
Thank you, Tu and its
Goodbye, Kalipe
Sorry, Kwangda
No sensitivity
Yes, yes
How much is it? Beixia Kartsege
Expensive, Kongze Chingpo
I'm Er'a
You, Chieh-Jeou
One how many
Two Int. p> Tuesday Mima
Wednesday Raba
Thursday Prabhu
Friday Balsang
Saturday Bianba
Sunday Nyima
Greetings and courtesies
Chinese Tibetan transliteration
Thank you, Toghi
How are you? Gusodepo Yumbai
Come in, Yupei
Please sit down, Xiu Mat Jia
Goodbye (you take care of yourself), Kali-Pei
Good-bye (you stay), Kali-Xiu
Excuse me, Kwang-Da
Welcome, Gashu Xiu
What's your name? What's your name?
My name is Ujjina
Where do you come from? Karnapraba
Where do I go? Kabataeka
Pronouns and terms of address
Translation from Chinese to Tibetan
I, Er'ah
You, Chejean
He, Kokjang
We, Erjangtso
You, Chejeantso
They, Kokjangtso
The boy, Poo
The girl, Puem
Directions and transportation
The name is Kane Peiba
Where are you from? Transportation
Chinese Tibetan transliteration
Left Rong Qiao
Right also Qiao
Straight ahead (Ker) Degree
Nearby Nyi (Fruit)
Around ...... >>
Question 10: How do you say hello in Tibetan? When you meet someone, you usually say "Zaxi Dele", which is equivalent to the meaning of "hello" in Chinese.
But "Zaxi Dele" is more widely used than "Hello", Oh, in Tibet, meet with people to say this word will be right, absolutely can get a warm smile and the same blessing, or maybe people will be happy to invite you together! The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the services you need.