Regular work and rest time is conducive to human health, insomnia for health hazards we all know, not only will affect the next day's work state, the skin will also become dull, long-term insomnia will lead to endocrine disorders in the human body, the face of the pimples and pigmentation, and even trigger a series of physical disease. It is important to have a good night's sleep, but at night when you lie in bed, the brain is unusually excited and can not sleep how to do it? You can try the following methods to help the brain calm down and quickly enter the sleep state:
Install a red night light in the room, many people are used to watch the phone, tablet, computer or TV before going to bed, these devices screen issued by the blue light, can inhibit the brain melatonin secretion, disrupt the biological clock leading to abnormal brain excitement. The blue light emitted from the screen of these devices can inhibit the secretion of melatonin in the brain, disrupting the biological clock and causing abnormal brain excitation. If lying in bed for half an hour the brain is still very excited no sleep, you can install a red night light in the bedroom, half an hour before going to bed to put down the phone, close your eyes, I believe that will soon go to sleep. As long as adhere to a period of time after the biological clock will return to normal.
Half an hour before going to bed with cold water to wipe your hands and face, the bedroom environment is not well ventilated lying in bed will become very irritable, so it is difficult to sleep, you can use a cool towel to wipe your face and hands, so that the body temperature as soon as possible down, to help sleep.
Insist on outdoor sports, after dinner you can do some outdoor sports, such as playing badminton, square dancing, jogging, etc., every night insist on forty minutes of exercise, a moderate amount of exercise can help you sleep, but in the first hour before bedtime it is best not to exercise, so as not to exercise the transition but will affect the sleep.
Normal circumstances a person lying in bed is not sticking to the pillow on the immediate sleep over, generally people fall asleep before the brain is still in an active state, if this time the mind is calm, there will be no distractions in the heart can quickly go to sleep, but if the emotional anxiety of the brain will be more hyper. In the face of insomnia, we must be calm to deal with, so that we can gradually enter the sleep.