The original text reads: In a certain sense, when the youth are prosperous, the country is prosperous; when the youth are strong, the country is strong; when the youth are hopeful, there is hope for the future development. The whole Party and society should, from the height of perpetuating the vitality and vigor of the Chinese nation and ensuring the long-term stability of our motherland, warmly care about the growth of the young generation and actively create all kinds of favorable conditions to promote the emergence of young talents. It is hoped that the Central Committee and the Secretariat of the new League, as well as all the cadres of the League, will continue to improve their ideological and political level and working ability, keep in close touch with the broad masses of young people, and unite and lead them to **** together in their struggle for the realization of all the tasks set forth in the Fifteenth National Congress of the Party.
From June 19 to 25, 1998, the 14th National Congress of the China ****productivist Youth League was held in Beijing.
On June 24, Comrade Jiang Zemin cordially received representatives of the League of 56 nationalities, and held a discussion with the new leadership of the Central Committee of the League and some of its representatives, and made an important speech.