What does 857 6 times a week mean?

6 times a week 857 means going to the disco 6 times a week.

857, an Internet buzzword referring to the empty ear inside the chorus of the bouncing divas "bow chi bow" and "feel my bass", has developed into a synonym for bouncing. The terrier has recently exploded in popularity and is now synonymous with bouncing, originating from the jitterbug video of a child asking his parents "Do you know what 857 is?" The words fell, the music played, shaking on the right, see how mom and dad fancy beat you on the end of the matter.

Bouncing (disco dancing), is a shortened version of bouncing disco, refers to go to the ballroom to dance disco dancing. Is a few decades ago by the "disco dance" evolved, because it is rhythmic, easy to learn, infectious and passionate, very much in line with the interests of modern people.

There are two kinds of venues for "bouncing", one is a vibrating steel plate and the other is a wooden floor. "Bungy" when people in the venue to play freely, can be a person bouncing, but also a few people at the same time bouncing, with a strong sense of rhythmic music, stretching the whole body.

As long as less than a moment, "bouncing" you will be completely forgotten into it, and then the cold days, but also bouncing a sweaty. "Bouncing" makes you enjoy the release of your body after a comfortable and cozy.


1, if you feel that the heart is not good, or do not jump, because it may induce heart disease.

2, remember to bring your ID card when you go bouncing.

3, dress code: short-sleeved T-shirt with jeans is a classic to change. Don't wear too many clothes and don't wear sweatpants.

4, try to avoid physical conflict with outsiders.

Reference to the above? Baidu Encyclopedia-857