A set of choreographed square dance dance can not make people feel the action is hard, poor articulation, to focus on coordination, otherwise it is difficult to stimulate the interest of the masses, and the stiff action is difficult to play the effect of exercise. But also can not put the square dance like stage dance like artistic treatment. From different sectors of the general public, can not understand too esoteric dance art. So the square dance both in the performance of the content or dance structure can not get too complicated, can only be full of emotion and changes in formation to win the audience's favorite.
A set of choreographed square dance dance can not make people feel the action of hard, poor articulation, otherwise it is difficult to stimulate the interest of the masses, and the stiff action is difficult to play the effect of exercise. But also can not put the square dance like stage dance like artistic treatment. From different sectors of the general public, can not understand too esoteric dance art. So the square dance both in the performance of the content or dance structure can not get too complicated, can only be full of emotion and changes in formation to win the audience's favorite. Action atmosphere clean and neat, if necessary, you can use a little skill action. Refined to avoid fancy movements. In the meantime need to pay attention to: to choose their own very sure to complete the difficulty of the action, remember not to ask for difficult; to be clear about their own choice of music to express what kind of plot; the music is divided into paragraphs to analyze, for example: the main theme, sub-melody, transition, etc.; choreographing manipulation of the first before they want to appear on the route or the team design out; with a clear route, then the pace of nature can be based on the route of the direction of the pace of the choice; After the pace of the set of frameworks, arm manipulation to reflect the mood of the music. A scientific and effective dance should involve the whole body's muscle groups. If a set of dance is always repeated a certain action, it is easy to cause the dancer local body overload, resulting in a part of the strain.